Church Hopping

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I.        This last announcement has to do with God calling me to be a pastor.

A.  It was in early 1982 or possibly near the end of 1981 when the Lord spoke to me through a prophecy at Bob  Yandian's church.

1.   Feed my sheep.

B.  Second prophecy came what I was praying in the Spirit at my house.

1.   Guard and protect my body.

II.      The Lord told me to guard and protect his body and that is what I have to do right now.

A.  It's been at least a year and probably more than that, that the Lord has placed a check in my spirit about what is going on Wednesday nights.

1.   Even though I had a check in my spirit about the Wednesday nights meetings at another church, I didn't have a direction from the Lord about what to do so I continue to wait upon him.

2.   One week ago today the Lord dropped into my spirit a severe warning about people from this church inviting others to go to another church.

a)    Especially, there were several from this church were going after those that were brand new to this church and trying to get them to go to a different church on Wednesdays.

b)    Two visions a wolf and a snake.

3.   The Lord made it very clear to me that this has to stop immediately.

B.  There are several reasons

1.   1st, it is sheep stealing.

2.   2nd, it is highly on ethical. You don't promote another church while you are already in church.

a)    You don't go into a place of business and tell people not to shop here but go to a friend of mine down the street.

b)    But that's what's happening by telling them to go to Wednesday night at another church and not our midweek service on Thursday evenings. (That's what's implied).

3.   3rd, it's out of God's divine order.

4.   4th, is closely linked to number three, and that is that God has called this church to grow from 100 to 500 to 1000 to 5000.

a)    Thursday evenings at Word of Life is part of God's plan and goal for us to reach that God given vision.

b)    By you not be here on Thursdays but going elsewhere on Wednesdays is completely against God's plan and vision for this church and against the will of God.

(i)    Several of my leaders are doing the same thing and I believe that this is repulsive to the Lord.
(a)   A leader is someone who is actively serving in the church on a regular basis.
(ii) I need my department heads to be here on Thursdays.
(a)   You can't lead if you don't see the need and you can't see the need if you're not here.

5.   The 5th reason is that the man who leads in these services on Wednesday night is not a pastor but an evangelist. (It doesn't matter what people call him, you can call a dog, a cow, but it will never be a cow).

a)    If you try to let an evangelist pastor you, it will cause you to be flaky and flighty and possibly fall away from the Lord because he's not called to pastor but called to function differently in the body of Christ.

(i)    A person that is called by God to clean toilets can not pastor church without God's calling, likewise a person that is called to be an evangelist can not pastor without doing harm.

6.   Number 6, it is a distraction from what the Lord is doing in this church.

a)    The flesh wants to have it ears tickled and it is giving us off-track of God’s plan and purpose.

7.   # 7, It is causing strife and division. I have had more than 15 people tell that something needs to be done and that it is wrong.

a)    Strife and division is the opposite of UNITY and it stops that anointing of God, it stops the flow of the spirit, it grieves the Holy Spirit…

8.   And the 8th and most important reason is that the Lord told me that if this does not stop immediately that there will be many who will be severely hurt.

a)    I'm not talking about hurt feelings or their feathers being ruffled, but I'm talking about much more serious spiritual matters.

(i)    Such as REBELLION, STRIFE and all the other points I previously mentioned.
(ii) This will leave an open door for Satan to come in and to raise havoc in the lives of each of the individuals.
(a)   That could be anywhere from sickness, disease, death, failure, defeat, the stealing of your blessings and the enemy stealing your finances, or even stealing your loved ones and can even end up in you falling away from the Lord.

III.     The Lord has given me this warning to guard and protect the sheep.

A.  It is not something that is coming from the wrath of God, and it is not coming from his judgment, but rather from his love and concern for you.

B.  The warning God gave me for you was very strong and authoritative.

1.   I’m not telling you that you must stop going, although I would highly recommend it.

2.   What I am saying is that your first priority needs to be to the church that you belong to, and that is Word of Life.

a)    If you want to check out other things occasionally, you are free to do so, but God is calling you to put your priorities in order.

(i)    You have to do what God's calling us to do, if you're going to go to some place else during the week, you need to be here Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
(ii) You have to put your home church first. This is the will of God.

C.  But using this church to invite people to another church must be stopped and it will not be tolerated.

1.   I know that for the most part people have done this ignorantly and that they were innocent in heart.

a)    Quite often people don't know what is proper, what is acceptable, what is ethical, what is right, what is good and proper behavior or what is good and proper matters concerning church conduct, unless they're taught.

b)    That's why I'm teaching of this right now.

D.  I'm usually not against someone checking out another church. I'm competent that the uncompromised Word is being preached in this church and if that's what you're looking for you won't stray far.

1.   But this has become far too excessive and way out of order.

IV.    Why am I bringing this out today?

A.  First, it is something that has come from the Spirit of the Lord based on his love and compassion for you that you not error from the truth that he has called you to walk in and that there would be an increase in the anointing and the move of the Spirit of God in this place.

B.  Second it's because I love you. I have gone against my own flesh to lay down my life for you and that is exactly what I'm doing I bringing up the subject.

1.   Many of you are older then me in your natural age, but I still look at you like my children.

a)    And then he who stumbles and scrapes her knee, I tell her it hurts me right here.

b)    When I see you do something that causes you a wound it hurts me right here because I know it's going to affect your life.

2.   When I see you unknowingly get off God's path, it hurts, but the pain is only amplified when it effects God's plan for our lives and for this church.

C.  The love of God and my love for you is telling you that you need to stop jumping from church to church like the grasshopper and get planted in the things that God has for you right here at Word of Life.

1.   This is the will of God concerning you.

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