IMPERATIVES: #1 Determine Your Goal;#2 Pick A Point (It’s important to have a one point message. That way you only have one thing to remember.);#3 Create A Map (Me-We-God-You-We);#4 Internalize The Message (Tell a story that takes them on a journey) (Whether it’s a journey to your childhood home or a journey to a life-changing truth, it’s a story that will take you there.) (People make it difficult when they try to communicate points instead of telling a story.) (When you stand up and speak without notes and without having to read your sermon, you’re saying, “This is so important that it’s a part of me — and I think you should make it a part of you, too!”);#5 Engage The Audience;#6 Find Your Voice;#7 Find Some TractionPrayer, Checklist Questions: What do they need to know?Why do they need to know it?What do they need to do?Why do they need to do it?MAP:ME - Explain who you are and what you’re all about. Pastor in his church uses as introduction of idea or topic.WE - It takes me from what I’m thinking or feeling to what WE are thinking and feeling. I have to find an emotional common ground with them around the topic or idea of the message. My goal is to raise a felt need with as many people in the audience as I canGOD - where I take this emotional common ground I’ve established and introduce biblical truth into the discussion. Now I’m providing a solution to the need I just raised. Remember, we are not teaching the Bible to people; we’re teaching people the Bible. First, we connect with the people; then we move to the Bible.YOU - Once I’ve introduced God’s view on the subject as the answer to the need, it makes it easy for me to then ask, ‘What are you going to do about it? This becomes the application segment, and if I’ve followed my map well, instead of having to stir up interest in making the application, the application comes as a relief or it’s always the answer to a question they’re already asking. Communicate the challenge at a personal level because life-change is going to come when people apply the truth to their lives. You just go back, and everywhere you raised a need, now you make an application and make sure you don’t raise a felt need that you aren’t going to cover from God’s Word and answer with an application. The worst thing a communicator can do is overpromise and under-deliver. You’re building trust with your listeners. Not just trust in the information, but trust in the relationship.WE - the place to cast a common vision. A vision of what our lives, our church, and even our world would look like if only we would apply the truth of God’s Word. It’s the inspirational part of the message. My goal at this point is to inspire people to make a change. Sometimes being faced with God’s Word can leave the listener feeling defeated, if all they think about is how far they have to go. But, if I can give them a picture of what life will be like once they apply the truth, then they have a little hope.
Greetings Everyone! It is so good to have you join us for worship. It has been a crazy week for us, and most probably it has been for you also! As I have been finalizing many things in my mind, and in my heart, for this next week I had to stop and chuckle! Why? Because, this next week biblically it was a crazy week also. There were many things that took place this next week starting today with “The TRIUMPHAL Entry.” Monday, the “Clearing of the Temple”, Tuesday, Jesus’ “Teaching at the Mount of Olives”, Thursday, “The Last Supper” and Jesus’ “Betrayal & Arrest”, Friday, His “Trial” and “Crucifixion”, and then finally Sunday, Jesus’ “Resurrection!” Now that is a crazy week!
In our text, , Jesus’ popularity reaches its pinnacle! In the midst of his public acclamation he “occupies” Jerusalem, THE CAPITAL OF THE JEWISH NATION; and He enters Jerusalem during Passover Week as the excitement builds and emotions are intense.
As I have thought over and over about this text . . . I’ve thought about how exciting, how electrifying the atmosphere in the city of Jerusalem must have been. The large crowds (definitely not keeping their social-distance), the shouting, the hustle and bustle of activity . . . things were being stirred. Think about it . . . What do you think the disciples were thinking about Jesus when he told them to go into the village and find a donkey and her colt and bring them to Him? The thoughts that ran through my head were, “Jesus, you want me to take a donkey? Without asking? Isn’t that stealing? Oh, just take it! Oh, that’s right, “if anyone says anything to me, I’m to tell them that the Lord needs them, and he will of course send them right away!” What? Isn’t that just crazy?
As we think about the idea of these things happening . . . it’s kind of mind boggling . . . isn’t it? When we think about the prophecies in verse 5 about the king coming, riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of donkey! This is the same king that is going to take over! But, all of these things were to happen to fulfill what was spoken of through the prophet. So much happening all at one time . . . the culmination of all that Jesus had been doing coming to this last and final week of his life in the flesh as the disciples knew Him.
The excitement that was going on was probably very much like being swept away in some public celebration of Jesus. You know the kind I’m talking about . . . men, it would be like going to a PromiseKeeper’s Event with 40, 50, 60,000 + men, or ladies, it would be like a Women of Faith Conference! Or maybe, like one of those powerful Youth Conventions that we have all been a part of; or a powerful Revival service! We’ve all been there! A time when we were spiritually focused and pressing into God! We’ve all been affected . . . emotionally, spiritually, & even physically. Times that affected us deeply! Spiritually! Times that affected us permanently! As we move into this message, and into this week, I’m praying that we will all experience a DEEPER & MORE INTIMATE WORSHIP! A DEEPER & MORE INTIMATE EXPERIENCE WITH GOD!
The trends and fads
Normally I would read the text up front, but I want to break it down today and walk conversationally through this. We will be looking at today, speaking specifically of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Let’s Pray and get started!
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”
The place of Jerusalem (or Bethphage, meaning “house of figs.”) is our setting.
In this text I see, and as I mentioned before, the disciples might have been surprised by Jesus’ request for a donkey . . . a humble creature . . . and by Jesus’ detailed knowledge of where to find it.
The Person: The Disciples — In this text I see, and as I mentioned before, the disciples might have been surprised by Jesus’ request for a donkey . . . a humble creature . . . and by Jesus’ detailed knowledge of where to find it.
However, they also would have been aware of the Old Testament prophecy in verse 4 (predictive prophecy of ) . . . and they may have very well been excited to see it fulfilled. We know this, the donkey is “symbolic of humility, peace and Davidic royalty.”
So let’s move on to verse 4-7 . . .
This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “Say to the Daughter of Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ ” The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.
You see, some saw Jesus as the king who would free the Jewish nation from oppression and then rule over them forever. Others saw Jesus as a prophet (as we see this in verse 11). However, a Jewish person would not equate the Son of David with a prophet.
This passage is the fulfillment of which was written in 487 B.C.; and it also shows the faithfulness of the disciples as they obeyed the Lord.
Now, we see that cloaks were draped on both animals, and Jesus sat only on the colt, the unridden “colt” as in .
NEXT! - vv. 8-9
A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest!”
This entire scene recalls the welcoming of Israelite kings in earlier days, especially with the throwing of palm branches (). The praise given to Jesus here, are accolades, like a special honor, a recognition, or merit. It’s like a ceremonial touch on a person’s shoulders with a sword at the bestowing of a knight-hood. These come from where Hosanna means “God, save [us]” or “Praise to God.”
Just like today, public celebration then were a great tool to draw us into worship and praise. Here, the crowd was giving to Christ the glory due to Him, but in their case it was with little understanding and no real heart allegiance.
As we move into vv. 10-11 we see the commotion of the crowd . . .
THE COMMOTION - vv. 10-11
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
Just like today, public celebrations then were a great tool to draw us into worship and praise. Here, the crowd was giving to Christ the glory due to Him, but in their case it was with little understanding and no real heart allegiance.
There were those hoping for a liberator from the Romans, and they miss the significance of the humble beast (the donkey). Residents of Jerusalem unfamiliar with this Galilean “prophet” would naturally wonder about his identity.
The BIG question here is “Who is this?” This “Who is this” question does not mean that Jesus was unknown in Jerusalem. It isn’t that He needed to be identified, but it is really more like “Who really is this about that there is so much excitement?” Christ causes people to ask questions. When we look through scripture we see examples like the Philippian jailer who asked, “What must I do to be saved?” And, when Christ lives within our hearts, people will ask questions. I think there are a lot of people asking questions today, but are they asking the right questions?
The BIG answer here is JESUS! Not just “Jesus the prophet”, not like in where they said “John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” No! He was/is more than just “a prophet from Nazareth in Galilee” - which in itself brought surprise because how could someone of such greatness come from such an unlikely place?”
The BIG answer here is JESUS, THE SON OF GOD! When Christ comes there will be excitement. If you take the excitement out of the church . . . you have removed the relationship that one has with Christ . . . because when you take away the relationship, you take away the excitement . . . and then you have dead, lifeless religion.
So, from all of this, we see that Jesus needs you and I (his disciples) — just like He needed the disciples that went and obeyed and got his donkey . . . to fulfill His purpose. He wants us to fulfill the work of establishing the Kingdom of God. As we obey we will see the fulfillment of God’s Word just like the disicples; as they were faithful in obeying the Lord.
So, the BIG question for you today is . . . WHO IS THIS JESUS? Is He just a great teacher . . . a great prophet . . . a good man . . . an amazing philosopher? Or, is He truly JESUS! THE SON OF GOD!
And, the 2nd BIG question for you today is . . . WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THAT? When we come to that realization . . . it will change your life! It will change your religion . . . it will change your religion into a relationship . . . and you will never be the same!
Just like when Jesus came into Jerusalem, and things began to happen . . . that’s what it will be like when He comes into your life! You see, there may or may not be a big party and celebration down here on earth when you understand that Jesus is the Son of God, and you understand what He did for your life; but the scripture in says that when a person repents and receives Jesus that all of heaven rejoices! There is one gigantic party over just you! That beats any birthday party here on earth!
Sometimes I set and visualize a whole city excited and sold out to Jesus! What a great picture! Because it’s not just about the excitement of receiving Him into our lives that I get excited about . . . it’s about the ongoing process of changes that He makes in our lives that makes our lives better, our marriages better, our families better, our children and our grandchildren better, our jobs better, our society better; and our world better! And let me be clear! It’s not that everything is a bed of roses after we let Jesus lead us as Lord! But, it’s that our hearts are changed . . . so when things take a turn for the worse, however that may be, we have one who gives us strength to walk through it, and when we are so weak we can’t walk through it . . . He carries us through it! We all have known and seen people like that!
As we close, will you pray with me today?