Predicament of Parenthood (Part 2)
Marching Through Matthew • Sermon • Submitted
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Verse 10-12 Promised Lord
Verse 10-12 Promised Lord
10 Overwhelmed their emotions “they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Joy equals exceeding happiness that appears to be influenced by an intoxicant of some sort.
11 Overpowered their praise “fell down and worshipped”.
12 Oversaw their journey “being warned of God”.In verse 4 and 5 we see the religious squander their time sitting in the shadows of legalism and arrogance when the Promised Lord is alive and growing towards manhood. Manhood that will be manifested in a 3 1/2 year ministry leading to His death, burial and resurrection.
Verse 13-15 Prophetic Leave
Verse 13-15 Prophetic Leave
13 Outweighed their present life “flee into Egypt” Changes must be made to preserve life at all cost.
14 Overnight departure “by night”
15 Outlasted the danger “until the death of Herod”.
Verse 16- 18 Pro Choice leadership
Verse 16- 18 Pro Choice leadership
16 Outweighs Life “slew all the children” The pro-choice attitude says I should be able to choose to destroy anything or anyone who doesn’t fit into my plan or threatens my way of life.
17 Old Testament lyrics
18 Overwhelming Grief