The Destiny of the Saved (Part 3), Romans 8:29-30
Outline of Romans 8 using 5 simple words
1. Liberation--8:1-11
2. Obligation--8:12-17
3. Glorification--8:18-25
4. Provision--8:26-30. This is the section of study.
5. Protection--8:31-39
God’s Provision--8:26-30
The power of the Spirit toward us, v. 26-27
o Helps our weakness (pitches in with us--cooperation)
The sovereignty of the Father, vv. 28-30
o Context is a world of sin and suffering
o The control of God, v. 28a
• God is working all things together in the direction of good as He defines
o The purpose of God, v. 28b
• Thought and planned out ahead of time
o The people of God, vv. 29-30
• Destined to be conformed--v. 29
“Foreknew”--the idea of choice and selection (more than just to know ahead of time)
“Predestinate”--God decided beforehand the course that things would be
The course is “men would be conformed to the image of His Son”
• Destined to be glorified--v. 30
More than “hope”--it is the idea of bringing something to its end (it is an announced destiny)
This is not chronological sequence
The stress is on certainty (all the verbs are aorist tense--definite action)
After all this, God demands a response, v. 31a (He will also provide it, v. 31b)
Principle: There is no debate when it comes to the doctrine of eternal security of the believer. God takes up the program; He affects the whole thing
“These things,” v. 31a
Primary reference--it is not a matter of merit (it is the choice of God)
General reference--all that God has done for us (could take in all of Romans to this point)
Since God for us
No enemies, v. 31b
No lack, v. 32
No guilt, v. 33 (no one can file a charge)
No judge, v. 34
No catastrophe, vv. 35-36 (he lists several possibilities)
No separation, vv. 37-39