Confession 6
I. Turn to GEN 1 In this chapter we see something that is called the law of Genesis. This is something that God put into existence in the book of Genesis & it is still so today.
A. This law that God put into motion is the law of seed time & harvest.
1. GEN 1:11-12
2. Now look at GEN 8:20-22
a. God says that this is the method He has chosen for this planet, & it will be that way as long as this planet is in existence.
(i. Seeds of discord PRO 6:14, 19)
b. God's law of Genesis, is that everything produces after its kind.
i. The seed is in itself.
3. The seed of strife is in strife itself.
a. If you want to create more strife than sow words of strife.
b. If you want to reap love sow words of love.
B. The Bible has already told us that words are seeds. Those words will produce whatever they are seeds of.
II. You have probably heard the statement, “just tell it like it is.”
A. That is not a Bible method.
1. The Bible method & the law of faith is that you say it the way the Word of God says it.
2. When you see lack & problems in your life, speak abundance & peace.
a. Go to the Word of God, find the promise, & plant that seed.
B. What the problem has been w/ confession is that people have planted a few good seeds & gone off left them.
1. 1st of all, when you find the promise of God, you don't just plant one seed. You continue planting seeds, you continue to confessing the promise.
2. 2nd you need to care for that seed.
a. You need to stay in faith over that promise of God that you have been confessing.
C. Look at LUKE 17:5
1. Wouldn't it be great if all we had to do is ask for more faith. But that's not how God does it.
2. Look at V 6
a. The KJV says, “If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say... ”
b. But in the Greek it's a little different.
i. The Greek interlinear says, “If you had faith as a seed you would say...”
c. The ASV bears this out. It says, “And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye would say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou rooted up, and be thou planted in the sea; and it would obey you.”
i. Faith speaks & when it does the circumstance will change, it must obey you.
TFC 8/15/90 WED PM & WOLCC 9/13/92 SUN AM from confess6.doc
3. This did not say it would obey God, & it did not say that it would obey t H.S. It says that it would obey you.
a. This is not just something that I made up. Jesus said it.
4. Now notice that t apostles said, “Lord, Increase our faith,” “Lord, why don't you just give us more faith? That's what we need, we need more faith.”
a. Jesus replied to that statement, “You don't need more faith.” You need to understand that faith works like a seed, unless you plant it, it will not do you any good.
b. Faith does not come by asking, it comes by hearing t spoken Word of God.
c. If you had a seed, lets call it a radish seed, it will do you absolutely no good unless you plant it.
D. In (LUK 17:6) Jesus said to t apostles, “If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye would say unto this sycamine tree.”
1. Jesus tells 2 great faith secrets here.
a. 1st, Faith is as a seed; it works like a seed.
b. 2nd, You plant it by speaking it.
2. GEN 1:27-28
a. How was Adam going to take dominion over all t animals of t Earth?
b. How was he going to subdue t elephant or t lion? Subdue means (bring into subjection).
i. He had to do it by faith. & How was he going to release his faith?
ii. W/ words.
iii. He operated in t 2 faith secrets that Jesus taught; 1) Faith is as a seed. & 2) You release it to grow by speaking it.
III. JAM 1:26
A. James said, if any man seems to be religious, what he believes will be in vain, if he is not careful about what he speaks.
1. Even when your praying & believing God for something, & you're sowing something else; Your saying will nullify your praying.
B. MAT 16:19
1. You bind w/ words. W/ words you neither BIND things or you loose things.
a. Sometimes we think we're just being honest when we say things like, “I can never hold down a job, or I'm always sick,” But what we're really doing is loosening t power of t Devil in our lives.
b. Your words loose t enemy against you. But they also loose t power of God.
2. T Word of God says in (PSA 1:3) “Whatever you do will prosper.”
a. (ISA 54:17) Says, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.”
b. (LUK 6:38) Says if you give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into you.
c. In (ACT 2:27) & in (ACTS 7:46) it says that you have found favor w/ God & man. It also tells us that in (PRO 3:4).
i. That's what God says about you.
C. MAT 4:3-4
1. Jesus is saying that man shall LIVE by t Word of God.
a. If you LIVE by every word of God, then you would die by t words of t Devil.
2. Look at JOHN 6:63
a. What did Jesus speak?
b. JOHN 14:23-24
c. Jesus spoke only t Words of t Father.
3. MAT 8:16 T NIV says "(w/ a word)."
4. MAT 8:5-10
a. LUK 7:1-7
5. (PSA 107:20) Says, “He sent his word, and healed them.”
a. Now you might be thinking, “Well that was Jesus, but what about us?”
b. PRO 16:24
i. T word “Pleasant” can also mean a “suitable.”
ii. & t word “health” can also mean “healing.”
iii. Suitable words (t right words) {are as} an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and healing to the bones. (KJV)
TFC 8/22/90 WED. PM & SUN AM 9/20/92 WOLCC From confess7.doc