Diligence in the Word #2
Last time we began talking about diligence in the Word of God, besides other things. We said that the word “study” in the KJV here means, “Endeavor or give diligence”. You are to endeavor or give diligence to show thyself approved unto God.
I. The Wuest translation says, “endeavor or bend your every effort to present yourself to God, approved.”
A. How are we supposed to present ourselves to God, approved? One of the ways is to be diligent in God’s Word.
1. At the end of (2TIM 2:15) it says, “Rightly dividing the word of truth.”
a. When your diligently presenting yourself approved unto God, the Bible says that you will be rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
B. Many times people grow weary in their studies of God’s Word.
1. (Ecclesiastes 12:12) says, “Much study {is} a weariness of the flesh.”
2. Studying is weariness to the flesh. And that’s why people give up so easily.
a. Jesus said in (MAT 26:41) “The spirit indeed {is} willing, but the flesh {is} weak.” (KJV)
b. We should continue in the Word even if our flesh doesn’t like it.
3. (GAL 6:9) Says in the NIV translation, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
II. We can see the need of putting God’s Word 1st. We can see the need of studying to show ourselves approved unto God.
A. Before we go on there are some things that we should know about the Word of God. 3 main points:
1. 1st of all the Word of God is Pure. PRO 30:5
a. Every utterance or Word of God is pure.
b. The word “PURE” means “Tried and Purified.”
c. Each word that God speaks can be put to the test. It will not return void.
i. ISA 55:11.
2. One Word of God is enough to bring success.
a. We can even see that in the life of Peter.
b. Look with me to MAT 14:22-31.
3. Notice that 1 word was the key to Peter and his success of walking on the water.
a. That 1 word was “come” that Jesus spoke.
B. Again in (PRO 30:5) it says, “Every WORD of God {is} pure: HE {is} a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” (KJV)
1. Many times in the Word of God, the WORD and HE are interchangeable.
a. God and his Word are one.
b. As you read the Word of God you’ll see the character of God.
c. (NUM 23:19) says, “God {is} not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do {it}? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (KJV)
d. God’s Word is Pure.
III. 2nd the Word of God is UNCHANGING.
A. JOHN 17:17 Truth is one thing that never changes. It’s like a fact. 1+1=2 It’s a fact. God’s Word is a fact.
1. HEB 6:13-18.
a. The word “immutable” means “not capable of or susceptible to change.” In other words “unchanging.”
b. The 2 unchanging things in this V. are God’s Word and God himself.
2. God’s Word is already settled in heaven.
a. (PSA 119:89) Says, “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.”(KJV)
b. PSA 89:34.
3. God will not change His Word in mid-stream, we can have confidence in His Word knowing that it is TRUE, NEVER CHANGING, and SURE.
VI. 3rd God’s Word is to us, NOW. We need to consider God’s Word as present tense. It’s God speaking to us now.
A. 2TIM 2:1-2. (Keep on teaching others)
1. (ROM 15:4) Says, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (KJV)
2. DEUT. 29:29 (DEUT 29:29) Says, “The secret {things belong} unto the Lord our God: but those {things which are} revealed {belong} unto us and to our children for ever.”
3. MAT 28:18-20. Some people say that certain things passed away after the 1st century. But Jesus said to teach them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you.
a. What did Jesus command his disciples to do?
b. To love, to preach, to teach, to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to be filled up Holy Ghost.
c. The whole Word of God is for us now.
B. As you become diligent in the Word of God, keep these truths in your heart:
1. God’s Word is Pure.
2. God’s Word is Unchanging.
3. God’s Word is to us, NOW.
WOLCC 7/28/91 SUN AM DILIGEN2.DOC and Sunday, October 17, 1999