I 1TIM 6:12
A. If we have to fight, that means there are Enemies. There are enemies to our faith.
1. 1 of those enemies is a sense of unworthiness.
a. A sense of unworthiness & a lack of faith go hand & hand.
b. The devil will keep bringing up failures.
i. Said something
ii. Slap kids
iii. Told lie
iv. Did something wrong
v. Sin
c. He makes you feel unworthy, if you let him.
d. But you're worthiness is not based on you.
i. If it was based on us as individuals, none of us would be worthy. (ROM 3:23) Says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
ii. But our worthiness is based on the Lord Jesus Christ.
II. (JOHN 10:10) Says, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have {it} more abundantly."
A. Abundant life is God's phrase for the "Good Life."
1. "Abundant" means, "excess, more than enough, bountiful, rich, profuse, extravagate, fully enough & lavish."
2. This is the life God has planed for you.
a. Your life is to be, blessed, abundant, prosperous, & successful.
b. The devil is the thief, the killer, & the destroyer.
c. It's God who does the blessing, He's the giver & the abundant one.
i. Don't get God & the devil mixed up, they're opposite.
ii. God is for you & the devil is against us.
iii. ROM 8:31
a. If God is for you, the devil can't stand against you.
B. Jesus came to bring us God's life.
1. God's life is abundant, full, & ample.
2. Do you ever see God in lack?
a. He's abundantly provided for. & He wants you to enjoy that abundant life.
C. 1 thing that is necessary for us to have God's abundant life, is to have fellowship w/ Him.
1. 1JOHN 1:3
a. 1 thing this V implies is that we should only fellowship w/ those who fellowship w/ t Father & w/ His Son. (Christians)
i. We can minister to sinners. (no fellowship)
ii. Jesus minister to them.
iii. How can you fellowship w/ them? Nothing in common.
b. 1 of the greatest privileges of being saved is fellowship w/ the Father & the Son.
i. There's no greater joy. (presence)
ii. We can enter into fellowship because of what Jesus did for us in removing our sins.
iii. There is no sin that the blood of Jesus can't take care of.
III. Another enemy to our faith is complacency & laziness.
A. Look at PRO 6:6-11
1. If poverty comes upon the sluggard, there laziness is going to hinder there faith to receive.
2. Look at PRO 13:4
3. In (PRO 20:4) It says that t sluggard shall have nothing.
a. Laziness & compliancy is going to seriously hinder your faith from working to t fullest.
B. Another area that is an enemy to our faith is "The words we speak."
1. That covers 2 areas.
2. 1ST it has to do with our confession & hearing.
a. The Bibles says "Faith cometh by hearing & hearing by t Word of God."
b. What better way to hear the Word other than you speaking it.
c. But if we speak the wrong things, negative things, then we will begin to believe that, or you could say we'll have faith in the words of the Devil.
i. Instead of faith you'll have doubt & unbelief.
ii. (MARK 11:23) Tells us that if we have faith & not doubt then we'll receive.
3. Another area that has to do w/ the words we speak being an enemy of our faith is by murmuring & complaining.
a. NUM 14:2; 27-28
IV. We mentioned a little early that fellowship is very important to our faith.
a. A lack of fellowship is going to be a hindrance to our faith, or you could say that it's an enemy to our faith.
b. (HEB 11:6) Says, "But without faith {it is} impossible to please {him}: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and {that} he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
c. You can't believe that someone is a rewarder, unless you get to know them, & the only way to get to know them is to fellowship w/ them, often.
2. Strong faith is a product of close fellowship w/ the Father.
3. Revelation knowledge flows out of an intimate communion w/ Him.
4. As you come to know Him more personally, you come to a better understanding of your victory in Him.
a. I just want to encourage you to seek after Him.
b. Don't just seek victory & Success.
c. Seek Jesus & you'll experience blessings & prosperity. You'll have victory.
d. (MATT 6:33) Says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
WOLCC SUN AM 12/8/91