Who Do You Say I Am?
God’s Truth Reigns—John 14:5-6
God’s Word is true, correct, real, and reliable. We believe in the one, absolute,
and unfailing truth; God. God is sovereign, all-knowing, all-present, and is the
only truth. Christ, God’s flesh on earth, is the way, the truth, and the life. Therefore, all scripture is the true and only authority. We will teach His Word, hide it
in our hearts and let His truth reign in our lives.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Life Transformation—Romans 12:1-2
When we hold God’s truth in our lives, we should (as an act of obedience)
present ourselves as a living sacrifice, being transformed by the renewing of
our mind. We need to daily understand that our identity is in Christ. Our primary focus should be to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. As our
heart is lined up to God’s standard, our reflection should be of His character.
May we allow God’s Word, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to transform
our heart to walk in His character.
Faith Community—Eph 1:3-14, 5:16-17
We are a church, composed of people from various backgrounds and life
experiences. We all have a common thread. We are all sinners in need of
God’s gracious gift of salvation. We have been covered by His unexplainable
grace. In contrast to the world, a faith community is a place for us and our
families to remember who we are in Christ, to find refuge in the truth of His
Word, to find renewed strength in His hope, and to remember and celebrate
God’s character and works. It is our goal to provide an environment that helps
build a relationship with God. Yet, our goal is to increase our community with
those in an authentic relationship with God.
(for a complete copy of THE BIG 5—Mission Statement
It can be found on the back table)
Generous Giving Opportunities at Menifee Hills Bible Church
Online Giving
By BillPay
By Check or Cash
Who Do You Say I Am?
Sunday April 12, 2020 | Philippians 2:5-11
Morning Service
(Nursery is available before the service for ages 0-Preschool)
Prayer & Welcome
Worship with Our Praise
(Dismiss for Children’s Church)
Michael Tennant
Michael Tennant
Troy Ulmer
Coming Up
NEXT SUNDAY—APRIL 19th will be online
at www.menifeehillsbiblechurch.com
PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have a prayer
request, please text Helen Ulmer. A
prayer sheet by text or an email will be
sent out. If you need items at home,
please let us know.
Announcements on sermons and other
details can be found on facebook. Just
like us at Menifee Hills Bible Church.
SPECIAL THANKS: Thank you so much to everyone who has faithfully
given to this ministry while our services have been online. Many have
sent in a check or given online. What a huge blessing!
PRAYER FOCUS THIS WEEK: Pray for our first responders/nurses: Shawna
Ross—nurse (Daughter of Marc and Debbie Ware). Randall Rasch—
nurse. Ann Lombardo’s grandson’s wife—nurse. Pray for our nation!
Pray for many people who have lost their jobs. Pray for God’s hand of
protection and to heal our land. Pray for our President.
GENEROUS GIVING: While our services are online, please note that you
can send your giving to 33220 Sweetwater Canyon Rd., Menifee CA
92584 or you may give online at www.menifeehillsbiblechurch.com
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: (May dates may change)
MAY 29th (FRI) 6pm Faith and Family Night at Storm Baseball
JUNE 7th (SUN) 12pm VBS Meeting
JULY 19-23 VBS 6-8pm If you have a desire to volunteer for VBS, please
mark June 7th. We will need many volunteers! Contact Amber or Erika
if you can help.
For Prayer Chain Request: please call the church office at 951-672-7287 or text
Helen Ulmer. If you have not received a prayer request text or wish to be taken
off the list, please let us know.
As we have traveled through Mark 1-6, we find people asking “Who is
Jesus?” Some thought He was the ghost of John the Baptist. Others thought
he was a prophet or Rabbi? Yet, the question remained, “Who is Jesus?”
“Why did He come to this earth?” In our times, you might be asking “Who is
Jesus?” Here’s what we know: Jesus came to save us from our sin. He
conquered death, sin, and rose again. Even His own Father exalted Him to
the highest rank for His work on the Cross. Our hope is that you will exalt Him
Why did God the Father exalt Jesus, His Son,
beyond all measures?
#1— God exalted His own Son, because Jesus ____________
Philippians 2:6-7
How did Jesus do this?
• Jesus was
• Jesus lived on this
• Jesus died
Isaiah 9:6-7
Mark 1:9-11
Mark 15:37
#2— God exalted His own Son because Jesus Christ _________
Philippians 2:8-9
Why was this significant?
John 10:15-18
Galatians 3:13
I Peter 2:24
Romans 11:33
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of
God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how
inscrutable His ways! Romans 11:33