Ephesians # 15 Eph 4-6 thru 4-8

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   Last week we had Marcel Joseph ministering, so we’re going to pick up from where we left off 2 week ago.

   I. We were on (EPH 4:4) So let’s pick up from there. Vs 4-6 here are going to tell us everything that we have in common: 7 factors that unify all believers.

       A. EPH 4:4

          1. (One body - the Church, One Spirit - the Holy Spirit, One Hope of your Calling - Eternity with the Lord)

          2. EPH 4:5

              a. (One Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ, One Faith is our faith in God, One Baptism is the Baptism into the Body of Christ) (1COR 12:13) Says, “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.” Into the Body of Christ.

          3. EPH 4:6

              a. One God and Father of course refers to God Almighty.

                 i. Knowing that we are 1, should help keep the believers in Unity.

              b. In this same V it says that “God is above all.”

                 i. The Father is above all Believers and Unbelievers, But He’s only in the Believers.

       B. EPH 4:7 Now we get into what each of us has as individuals.

          1. Grace refers to the Office that each of us stand in.

              a. Each of us stand in a different position in the body of Christ.

              b. This position is not something that we chose, but something that God calls us to.

                 i. It doesn’t matter what position we’re called play, we’re part of the team, and we need to play our part.

                 ii. In (EPH 4:11) we have the 5 Pulpit Ministry gifts, (which we’ll get into that later.)

          2. In the Book of Romans it give us another list of different offices.

              a. Let’s look at it. ROM 12:6-8

              b. Notice what Paul says in the 1st part of V 6, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us.”

                 i. God is the 1 that gives us the Grace to stand in these positions.

                 ii. That means that He gives us, not only the Calling, but the Ability and the Anointing to carry out these callings.

              c. We need to seek the Lord to find out what He wants us to do, and then begin to do it.

                 i. If it’s in the Church, you have to go through the right channels, Talk to the Department head 1st, if there is no head in that department, come and talk to me or Patti.

                 ii. It doesn’t matter where you are in the body, what I mean is where God has placed you.

                 iii. If you’re the toe, praise God that the toe is willing to function properly.

                 iv. I’m so glad that my toes are all there and work properly, without them I would be hindered.

                 v. It’s the same for the Church.

          3. If you’re the right arm, then do it with all diligence.

              a. There is nothing better than the whole church doing what they are supposed to do, It brings unity.

              b. (PSA 133:1-2) Says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (2) It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.”

   II. EPH 4:8

          A. In this V Paul is quoting from (PSA 68:18), but it’s not an exact quote, it’s more of a summary from all of PSA 68.

                 1. In our V here in (EPH 4:8) it says, “When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive.”

                        a. That leads us back to the time of Jesus Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension.

                 2. When Jesus ascended into heaven it says that He led captivity captive.

                        a. To understand this, you have to understand that those that had their faith in God in the OT could not go into Heaven when they died.

                               i. They received salvation the same way we do, by faith in the Lord.

                               ii. In (ROM 4:17-5:1) we can see that Abraham was made righteousness because of His faith.

                        b. But Abraham and all those in the OT that had faith in God could not be born-again or have that recreated spirit.

                               i. They were not made the righteousness of God in Christ. (2COR 5:21)

                               ii. Turn with me to ROM 4:1-5

                        c. Abraham was not made Righteousness, he was Counted as being Righteous.

                               i. His sins could not be taken away until Jesus came and paid the price for our sins.

                               ii. Because his sins could not be taken away and the fact that he was only counted righteous, he could not go into heaven at the time of his death.

                 3. The next question is “Then where did he go?”

                        a. If you remember in (LUKE 23) when Jesus was on the cross, placed between 2 thieves, The 1 said to Jesus, “Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.”

                               i. Jesus said to Him, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.”

                               ii. In (EPH 4:9) it says, “He (Jesus) also descended first into the lower parts of the earth.”

                               iii. Paradise is or at least was in the lower part of the Earth.

                        b. In (LUKE 16:19-23) Paradise is also called Abraham’s bosom.

                               i. In those Vs it clearly says that Hell was different from Abraham’s Bosom or Paradise.

                        c. In (EPH 4:8) When he says that Jesus ascended up on high, he led captivity captive.

                               i. The captive that He led out of Captivity were those in Paradise. He led them into Heaven.

                               ii. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, you and I along with those that were the OT saints, are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

          B. Let’s finish with the end of (EPH 4:8) Paul said after Jesus ascension, “He gave Gifts unto men.”

                 1. 1 of the Gifts was the outpouring of the HS., He also gives the Gifts of the HS.

                 2. But what He is really referring to here are the 5 ministry gifts seem in (V 11).

                        a. (EPH 4:11-12a) Says, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints.”

Ephesians #15 Eph 4:6-8.docx

WOLCC Thurs. 6/6/96

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