Ephesians # 18 Eph 4-10 thru 4-12
We’re going to continue on the Book of Eph. It was 2 weeks ago that we last together teaching on the book of EPH. So we’re going to go back and cover the last 2 Vs that we were on last time so that we stay in focus on what is being said in context.
I. EPH 4:10
A. This is talking about Jesus Ascending into heaved after He descended into Hell.
1. This V also says something very interesting and if we were to just read this quickly you might miss it.
a. It says that He ascended into heaven that He might fill all things.
b. The Word “Fill” there means “Complete.”
i. When Jesus went to the cross for us died, went into hell for us and then rose and ascended into heaven, He completed all things.
ii. Meaning that all the promises are completed, the work is finished.
a. (2 Corinthians 1:20) Says, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” KJV
iii. The promises belong to us, the work has been done, all we have to do is to receive it.
iv. (Hebrews 6:12) Says, “Through faith and patience inherit the promises.” KJV
c. Something else that goes along with the work being complete, is that You are complete in Him.
i. (Colossians 2:10) Says, “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.” KJV
ii. You are excepted in the beloved, complete in Him, an heir of God, joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ. You are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
II. EPH 4:11
A. The gifts that God gave the body of Christ are the apostles; prophets; evangelists; pastors and teachers. The ministries gifts are God’s gifts to the church, the body of Christ.
1. Some have said that the Apostle, Prophet, and even the Evangelist have ended. We don’t have these gifts anymore.
a. In the very 1st part of this V he says, “And He (Jesus) gave some.”
i. The Bible never says He took them out of the Church. It never says that they have ended.
2. Let’s read EPH 4:11 again.
a. WHY? EPH 4:12a
i. Do the saints still need “Perfecting?”
ii. Actually the word “Perfecting” means “Equipping.”
b. The minister gifts were put in the body of Christ to Equip the Saints.
i. No matter where you are in the body of Christ, we still need God inspired teaching and preaching from the Word of God.
ii. Also there are always brand new babies in Christ which need the Word of God so they can be equipped.
c. In this same V (4:11) Paul lists 5 ministry gifts, but 1 ministry gift has to stand in 2 anointings.
i. And that is the Pastor. He also has to stand in the office of a teacher.
ii. In the Greek (Ephesians 4:11) Reads this way, And he gave some, The apostles; and some, The prophets; and some, The evangelists; and some, The pastors and teachers; KJV
iii. Also the word “AND” is the same between all the ministry gifts, except the 1 between “Pastors and Teachers.” Which indicates that they are to be joined.
3. . When the KJV says, “He gave some Pastors and Teachers.”
a. The Wuest translation words it this way, “Pastors who are also teachers.”
b. There are teachers in the body of Christ, but not all of them are Pastors, But there also Pastors in the Body of Christ, but all of them should be Teachers.
B. 1 COR 12:28 “God hath set some in the church.”
1. Notice that It is God that sets the ministry gifts in the church.
a. Man can not set them selves into the ministry, it has to be God.
2. Turn back to EPH 4:11
a. It says that He (Jesus) gave some.
i. We are told that we can not set ourselves in the ministry, but this V also tells us that we cannot put someone else in the ministry.
ii. I can’t lay hands on someone for the propose of calling them into the ministry.
b. This is God’s work.
III. EPH 4:12
A. This is the purpose of the ministry gifts.
1. I like how the AMP translation puts it, it’s the best translation I could find for this V.
2. The AMP says, “His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints, that they (the saints) should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the Church).”
a. The 5 fold ministry gifts are given to the church (the saints) to ministry the Word of God, in turn the saints are to get involved in ministering to others.
b. It’s not up the pastor or any of the other ministry gifts to go to your neighbor’s house and witness to them, you are suppose to do that.
i. Shepherds don’t produce sheep, sheep produce sheep.
ii. The body of Christ should be coming to church to get filled with the Word of God, so they can take that Word to others.
Ephesians #18 Eph 4:10-12.docx
WOLCC Thurs. 7/11/96