Ephesians # 22 Eph 4-26 thru 4-32

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   We’re going to continue on the book of Ephesians, so let’s just get right into it.

   I. EPH 4:26

       A. Can a person be angry and sin not? YES and NO.

          1. When you’re angry at God or at other people then it’s wrong and it’s sin.

              a. But it’s not wrong to be angry at the Devil and sin or the effects of sin.

          2. There were different times that Jesus got angry at what the Religious leaders were doing.

              a. Jesus loved the religious people, but hated religion.

                 i. He loved the demon possessed man, but hated the demon and the Devil.

          3. The last ½ of (V 26) says, “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.”

              a. The word “Wrathmeans more than “Anger.” You could say that it’s a little more intense, more likehostility.”

              b. The Bible saysDon’t let the sun go down upon your Wrath, Anger, or hostility.”

                 i. Anger will eat you up. They say that it will cause ulcers, heart problems, and probably many more problems. You need to be at peace.

                 ii. Even a righteous anger can develop into more, which will cause you to enter into sin.

                 iii. For instances, you may have a righteous against the sin of Abortion, but you hold on to that without turning it over to the Lord, it will turn into Wrath, and you might try to do something in your own strength.

          B. EPH 4:27

                 1. When you operate in the area of Wrath you’re giving the Devil an opportunity to do things in your life that you don’t want.

                        a. You’re giving him an open door, a foothold.

          C. EPH 4:28

                 1. In this V we see another commandment, steal no more.

                        a. Our nature should have changed now that we’re part of the body of Christ.

                 2. The 2nd ½ of (EPH 4:28) says, “But rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”

                        a. This is a simple principle, But it’s how prosperity starts.

                               i. Prosperity doesn’t come by steeling, and it doesn’t come by hoarding up what we have.

                               ii. Prosperity comes by working, and as you work you can start giving to God through tithes, offerings, and alms.

                               iii. Then God multiplies it back to you.

   II. EPH 4:29

          A. Usually, when you see the word “Communication” it has a different meaning in the Greek.

                 1. Usually, it will mean “Life Style,” But this time it is correct.

                        a. What Paul is saying that “Don’t let any corrupt words come out of your mouth.”

                 2. He goes on to say, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying.”

                        a. Corrupt communication is anything that come out of your mouth that is not edifying.

                        b. The word “Corruptalso meansBad.”

                               i. We are not to speak a bad word about anybody. Not even in Joking. You might know it’s joking, but someone else may not.

                               ii. The Bible even says that joking in a bad sense is also wrong. It’s going to hurt someone. Someone may walk away from the Lord, because of something that you said.

                        c. When the Apostle Paul says that we should not let any corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth he’s not just talking about swearing.

          `                   i. He’s talking about Gossip, He’s talking about Making fun of other people, He’s talking about saying things that can hurt someone else, Backbiting.

                               ii. In the eyes of God that’s Corrupt Communication.

          B. He says that we should be speakingThat which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

                 1. We should be speaking word thatEdify” or “Build up.”

                        a. Good words build up, but bad words tear down.

                        b. We shouldn’t be feeding out spirit by listing to words that tear down, negative words.

                 2. If we’re the 1 that is speaking out negative things about other people, it’s because that’s what you’re thinking on.

                        a. Look at 2 COR 10:5

                               i. We need to bring our thought life into the obedience of the Word of God.

                        b. Turn to PHIL 4:8

                               i. When referring to one another, Only speak out things that are of good report. Only let words of Praise come out of your mouth.

                               ii. Let me say it right out, Talking about someone behind their back is SIN.

                               iii. Saying things to that person that is bad, things that can hurt them is SIN, and we need to deal with it so that we can stay Right with God.

          C. EPH 4:30

                 1. What is it that Grieves the HS?

                        a. SIN, and Corrupt Communication is sin.

                        b. Don’t Grieve the HS, Minister words of Grace, things that will edify.

   III. EPH 4:31

          A. Bitternessis something that is inward. “WrathIs that outward expression of bitterness that is in the heart.

                 1. Anger” is also mentioned here, but the difference between the “anger” that is mentioned here and in (V 26), in (V 26) it refers to being angry at sin, but in (V 31) it’s referring to being angry at someone.

                        a. Paul couples anger together with Clamor. 1 Of the Commentaries that I have says that Clamor is brawling, arguments, and shouting.

                        b. Paul says to put this away with all malice or ill-will.

          B. (V 31) is what we should not do. EPH 4:32 is what we should do.

Ephesians #22 Eph 4:26-32.docx

WOLCC Thurs. 8/22/96

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