Ephesians # 33 Eph 6-14b thru 6-15
All right, we’re still on the book of Ephesians and we’re going to pick up where we left off last time
I. EPH 6:12-14
A. Again the word “STAND” means “RESIST, OPPOSE and HOLD YOUR GROUND.”
a. Paul referred to this 3 times in the last 4 Vs. For Paul to keep on saying this it must be important.
B. Next he says, “Having your loins girt about with truth.”
1. When he says, “Having your loins girt,” it means “Having your belt fastened around you waist.”
a. In Paul’s day the Roman soldier would where a loose garment under his armor, without the belt the garment could get caught on something, which in turn could be very hazardous.
b. If a soldier was serious about battle, he would have his belt on and buckled.
2. The belt also had another use. It was where some of the other pieces of the armor would hang on. Without the belt some of the armor would fall off.
3. Look at 1PET 1:13a
a. Having your “LIONS GIRD” is in reference to our mind.
i. Our mind consist of our WILL, our EMOTIONS, and our INTELLECT.
b. Back in (EPH 6:14) it says, “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.”
i. The belt that FASTENED the armor securely together and demonstrates the believer’s readiness for war is the truth.
ii. And of course the “TRUTH” is the “WORD OF GOD.”
iii. Our minds must be renewed with the Word of God.
iv. We’ll see the Word of God used as another part of our armor. (Next week or after)
v. The 1 that we’ll see in (V 17) is an offensive weapon, but the 1 we see now is defensive.
C. Turn to John 8:32
1. The KJV uses the phrase “Make you free,” The NIV says “Set you free.”
a. There will be a whole new liberty and freedom in your life when you give the Word of God 1st place.
2. So often in talking about this V we forget to look at the V that is right before it.
a. JOHN 8:31
i. The word “Continue” in this V means, “Abide, remain, dwell, continue, and to be kept.”
ii. We have to keep God’s Word in our heart and hold on to it.
b. That’s when we will know the truth, Not that we will know everything, but the truths that we are holding on to will bring a liberty to our lives, a freedom.
II. The last part of (EPH 6:14) Says, “Having on the breastplate of righteousness.”
A. Righteousness is an attribute of your recreated spirit.
1. The “Breastplate” covered the entire upper body.
a. It was used to the Heart, lungs and other vital organs.
2. Satan is after your heart and other vital parts, not so much the natural organs, But your heart is likened to your spirit man.
a. Peter said in (1 Peter 3:4) “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” KJV
i. Peter talks about the HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART as being the SPIRIT OF MAN.
b. As I said a moment ago, Righteousness is an attribute of your recreated spirit.
i. Satan wants to do everything that he can to defeat us, and if he can get us into sin, he can steal the glory of God in our lives, he can steal the blessings of God from us, he can steal the promises of God from manifesting in our lives.
c. Instead of walking in sin and being defeated, what do we need to walk in? RIGHTEOUSNESS.
i. We need to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness so that we can walk with God and have fellowship with Him and so that we can have the blessings of God.
B. EPH 6:15 A soldier’s shoes are very important to him. (He may not even be able to go into battle.)
1. Some have taking this V to mean that we are to be ready to share the gospel when we can.
a. Paul told Timothy in (2 Timothy 4:2) “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.” KJV
2. Others have even said that it refers to being ready to share the message of salvation.
a. Those 2 points are things that we should be doing, it’s part of the Word of God.
i. (1 Peter 3:15) Says, “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” KJV
ii. We need to share the Gospel, but is that what Paul is talking about here?
C. In Ephesians chapter 6 Paul is talking about a spiritual battle that we are going through.
1. He tells us to “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles (and attacks) of the devil.”
2. What is going to help us stand against the attacks of the enemy?
3. Paul tells us that we are to put on our shoes and have them tied, meaning that we have to have on the GOSPEL OF PEACE.
a. The phrase “Preparation of the Gospel of Peace,” literally means “Readiness that comes from the Good News of PEACE.”
b. But the word “PEACE” means “The tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ.”
i. We stand in the confidence of God’s love for us, His union with us, and His commitment to fight for us.
ii. Knowing that God loves us and there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God.
iii. Our names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life, and no devil can steal that from us.
iv. That gives us a strength in God to stand against the wiles of the Devil.
WOLCC Thurs. 12/5/96