Excellence in Character

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I.      Character affects every area of our livesour decisions, our words, our actions, our attitudes, our goals, and our relationships. In fact, any breakdown in life can almost always be traced back to a breakdown in character.

A.       To develop Godly character, it is important that you embrace principles, not people.

1. That means you prize principles above relationships.

B.        There are certain principles that define each of us as a person.

C.        There are unseen ideals that invisibly guide our life.

D.   There are certain non-negotiable issues for me as a person; certain principles that I will not break? But there are others that we break too easily.

E.  What about your own values and ethics, are they guided by the Word of Godor by momentary conveniences?

1.That word “ETHICS” refers to the code of conduct by which you live.

a.   It is the discipline of duty and obligation; or the behavior that governs our lives.

b.        As you focus on building a foundation of godly ethics and scriptural principles in your life, you will, as a result, build a foundation of excellent character.

(1)  That foundation will keep you on the road to your God-given destiny.

F.   We all want to walk in the best that God has for us, yet for us to receive God’s best; we have to GIVE HIM OUR BEST.

1.You can fool me, but you can’t fool God. So, be honest with yourself.

a.If you want to be all that God has called you to be, look for the weaknesses in your life so that you can build a strong foundation.

b.        Starting today we need to make the decision to pursue excellence of character.

II.       Person of Character esteems moral strength of greater value than beauty, riches, or fame.

A.       Character is the summation of the principles you have down on the inside by which you live your life.

1.It is the mental and moral attributes, whether good or evil, that defines you as an individual.


1.       Proverbs 20:6 NKJV

a.The word “Faithful” in this verse means, “Faithful, truth, faithfulness, and trusting.”

b.   FAITHFUL means, “Loyalty” or “Unswerving in allegiance: as faithful in allegiance to one’s lawful sovereign or government, Faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due, Faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product, showing loyalty.”[1]

(1)     The Message Translation says, “Lots of people claim to be loyal and loving, but where on earth can you find one?” [2] (Pro 20:6)

(2)     Loyalty and faithfulness are qualities that are hard to find, yet they are Godly qualities.

(3)     (1 Cor 1:9) says that “God is faithful.” Cr. (Eph 5:1) Imitators.

c.   Not only does the word “Faithful” (Pro 20:6) mean “Faithfulness and Loyalty,” but it also means, “Truth”

(1) In (John 14:6) Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”[3]

(2)    In (John 14:7) it calls the Holy Spirit “The Spirit of Truth.”

(3)    (Isa 65:16) Refers to God the Father as being a “God of Truth.”  (Heb. 6:18) Tells us that it is impossible for God to lie.

(a) (Rev 21:8) “All liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”[4]

(i)       Obviously God wants us to walk in truth and truthfulness.

2.The Bible tells us that God wants us to be Faithful, Loyal, Truthful, and Trustworthy.

3.   Now you might think that you do all these things, but the Bible says, “Who can find this person.”

a. Many will call themselves Faithful, Loyal, or Trustworthy, but it is easy to be Loyal and Trustworthy when things are good and you are the one that is on the receiving end. (Receiving the blessings)

b.        But what happens when things are not easy, but they get tough, what about when it gets very tough?

(1)     What if you don’t get the promotion? What if you don’t get the raise? What if someone in church is rude or you have an argument? What if no one takes your suggestions?

(2)    Are you still Loyal, Faithful, and Trustworthy?

(3) Do you hang in there, stand in faith, and wait out the storm? Or do you pack up your bags and go home?

C.       This might sound a little hard and a little tough, but you can NEVER CHANGE what you are UNWILLING TO CONFRONT.


a.A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

b.        Until you recognize, confront, and conquer your weaknesses, you will just keep wondering why you are not celebrated, honored, and rewarded.

(1)    You’ll wonder why you are still wandering in the wilderness.

c.Just about every breakdown in life can be traced to a failure in character.

2.The presence of God in your life depends on the degree of Godly character in your life.

3.       Look at Deut. 10:12-13.

a. Notice God says, “to walk in all His ways” (His Character)

b.       His tells us why in the previous verse, look at Deut. 10:11.

D.       God cannot do anything in your future if you do not take care of your present.

1.       Matthew 6:34

a. Listen to the MESSAGE TRANSLATION, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”[5]

2.If you don’t take care of what God has given you to do right now, He won’t give you any more.

E.  YOU MUST be more interested in developing your own character, before you are going to see God bring change in your life for the future.

1. Be more concerned about your own character than in the lack of character in others.

2.       Matthew 7:3-5

3. Listen to it from the New Living Translation, “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.”[6] NLT

III. . A Person of godly Character never relates to God through his relationship with people, but always relates to people through his relationship with God.

A.      Matthew 25:40 NKJV

1.The way you treat others is the way you treat God.

2.The way you love others is the way you love God.

3.Jesus said, “What you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.”

a.You have heard the statement, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

(1)     That statement is true, “Whatever you sow that shall you also reap.” (Gal 6:7)

b.        But I would word that phrase a little different. I would say, “Do unto others as you though you are doing unto God.”

B.       .If you will not learn when someone instructs you, you will only complain when consequences attempt to teach you.

1.       Romans 5:3-4

2. Let me read it to you from the New Living Translation, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to endure. 4 And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation.”[7] NLT

3.A Person of Character demonstrates uncompromising integrity throughout the situations of life.

a.The Hebrew word for “integrity” is tom or tome, from the root word tamam. It means completeness; prosperity; innocence; fullness; uprightness at a venture. It also carries the meaning of being whole, upright, made perfect and entire, lacking nothing.

b.        The dictionary tells us that integrity refers to moral soundness or purity, uprightness of character, and honesty. It is the uncompromising desire to do what is right according to the highest standards of behavior in every situation, regardless of circumstances.

c.Integrity also implies an inflexible adherence to a high standard of values and code of excellence.

d.        Integrity is a person’s inward attributes, motives, and character qualities of godliness that outwardly manifest as moral and ethical excellence.

e.A person of integrity maintains a trusting, unquestioning posture toward God that is very childlike in nature – the attitude and quality of character that Jesus referred to in Mark 10:15 NKJV (page 29).

4.Integrity transcends age, race, religion, education, gender, and personality. There is a common call for every believer as found in Micah 6:8 NLT (page 29).

a. (Micah 6:8 NLT) “No, O people, the Lord has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”[8]

C.       The Person of Character chooses to live out his life by a higher standardIsaiah 59:19 NKJV (page 37).

1.The common biblical application of the word “standard” referred to a flag, banner, or sign used as a rallying point around which the troops gathered and from which they attacked an enemy.

2.The only true goal of life is to become all that God has created you to be2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV (page 38).

3.God is also calling us to protect and maintain our higher standardsPhilippians 3:16 NIV (page 39).

a. (Phil 3:16 NIV) “Only let us live up to what we have already attained.” [9]

b.        (Philippians 3:13, 14) NIV: “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

IV.     The Character of Godthe Ultimate Example of Excellence

A.       God is good Psalm 34:8 NKJV (page 46).

1.The Person of Character understands that as he acknowledges God’s goodness to him, God’s glory will be manifested through him2 Chronicles 5:13,14 NKJV (pages 46, 47).

2.Notice the divine sequence: First, you come to the understanding that God is good. Then the cloud of God’s glory comes and fills the house of God.

B.       God is holyIsaiah 6:3 NKJV (page 47).

1.The Person of Character recognizes that correction is a prerequisite for enjoying God’s presence.

2.Character does what is right in obedience to Heaven’s requests, even in the face of possible rejection from men.

a.The Bible says in (1Pet 1:15-16) “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, (16) because it is written, z“Be holy, for I am holy.”[10]

C.       Jesus is a loverJohn 15:13 NKJV (page 53).

1.Jesus showed us that love isn’t just a collection of words.

2.Love has to do with our actions and our attitudes, with our posture and our approach toward other people.

3.. It has to do with proving our love by demonstrating a true servant’s heart and laying down our lives for our brethren.

D.       The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of TruthJohn 16:13 NKJV (page 54).

1.. He reveals the truth we need to live victoriously.

2.He will never lie to us or let us downTitus 1:2 NLT (page 54).

a.(Tit 1:2 NLT) “This truth gives them the confidence of eternal life, which God promised them before the world began—and he cannot lie.” [11]

E.       The Holy Spirit is powerfulLuke 4:14 KJV (page 54).

1.The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit now resides within each one of us. John 14:17., 1John 4:4, Eph 6:10

2.As we eliminate all compromise from our lives and walk as Jesus walked on this earth, we will see the power of the Holy Spirit manifested mightily in our lives.

F.        The Holy Spirit is the source of every desirable emotion we are pursuing – Galatians 5:22,23 NKJV (page 56). Matt 7:16-20, Rom 7:4, 8:5

1.   He is the source of our joy John 15:11– Psalm 16:11 NKJV (page 56). (Peter’s message on Pentacost.) Acts 2:25-28

2.He gives us the love we need to give to othersRomans 5:5 NKJV (page 56).

a.(2Cor. 1:22 Says that we have the earnest of the Holy Spirit in our hearts).

b.        As God reveals His character to us by His Word, it serves as a blueprint to establish excellence of character in our own lives.

c.However, it is up to us to make that blueprint come alive, as we work on constructing a solid foundation of characterlittle by little, brick by brickin preparation for undergirding the God-given dreams we are called to fulfill in this life.

V.   Reaping the Harvest of Godly Character

A.       A Person of Character embraces heavenly principles even in the face of worldly behavior. Jesus said in (John 14:15), “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” And in putting that together with Luke 6:46 NKJV, Jesus asked, “How can you say that you love Me when you won’t listen to what I tell you?” The answer is simple: We cannot!

1.Walking with Jesus is a journey, not an event. You must embrace His Word to help you learn how to walk with Him. (2 Timothy 3:16) says that all Scripture is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” That divine instruction is not an overnight process.

2.The truth of God’s promises can come to pass only to the level that we are willing to walk in godly character.

B.       Good character is not the goal, but rather the key that unlocks the door to God’s divine purpose for your life.

1. How long are you willing to stand? Are you willing to live for the rest of your life under the pressure that comes from holding fast to everything God has said in His Word about you? As long as you’re willing to stand, the door for promotion will remain open.

2.Life is designed in such a way that you get out of it only what you are willing to put into it Proverbs 12:14 NKJV (page 65).

3.Sowing and reaping are the Governors of Destiny.

C.       Pursuing excellent character begins with a decision. It’s a CHOICE!

1.What did Ruth do to become qualified for the genealogy of the coming Messiah? (See Ruth 3.)

2.For one thing, she chose to follow her mentor’s wise counselRuth 3:9-11 NKJV (page 75). Evaluate the condition of your character. Think about who you are, what you think about, and what you do and say in your daily life. Then allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas that need adjustments.

VI.     The Consequences of Bad Character

A.       The Person of Character realizes that today’s decisions determine tomorrow’s circumstances.

1.Consider Adam and his choice (see Genesis 3). Adam’s wrong decision led to such terrible consequencesnot only for himself, but for all of mankindRomans 5:12 KJV (page 84).

2.Jacob lied to his father and cheated his brother out of his birthright; then he ran away to his uncle Laban’s house (see Genesis 27). But the seeds of deception that Jacob sowed to obtain the birthright would later reap a harvest of consequences that would adversely affect him the rest of his life.

3.Choices are the only factors that decide whether God schedules our blessings or we schedule our consequences.

a.Consequences are dictated by the universal law of sowing and reaping.

b.        God cannot change the consequences of our choices without repentance and the application of His grace.

B.       A lack of character creates the platform for the destruction of intimacy.

1.This is the test you face every day in the area of character. Are you going to be transparent with God and others, or are you going to look for ways to hide from intimacy by covering up your lack of character? (See Genesis 3:6-10.)

2.Every one of the problems that you are facing right nowwhether it be a generational curse, a disease, financial lack, feelings of insecurity, or low self-esteemall these negative things are the result of Adam’s poor character .

3.The Person of Character pursues doing what is right, not what is comfortable.

a.Saul lost a kingdom because of lack of character. He started well. In the beginning, he was too humble to approach the man of God without an offering (see 1 Samuel 9:6,7).

b.        But he ended badly (see 1 Samuel 15). The prophet declared, “You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel”1 Samuel 15:26 NKJV (page 87).

C.       A Person of Character refuses to obstruct the hand of God in the life of another.

1.You must make the quality decision not to stand between another person and the consequence of his action.

2.If that person never experiences the painful consequences of his poor character choices, he may never learn that he needs to stop disobeying God. The Bible says that if we are without chastisement, we are illegitimate sons (see Hebrews 12:8).

3.If God isn’t dealing with us about becoming more obedient in every area of our lives, we are not His children.

4.   When we refuse to learn by instruction, consequences are very willing for us to learn from them. As we strive to train our own flesh and live as people of excellent character, we’ll discover that the pain is well worth it as we begin to experience a whole new category of consequences – the harvest of godly character. That is the harvest God designed for us to reap all along, for it is the one that brings blessing and wholeness and increase to every area of our lives!

VII.  First Steps to Excellence in Character. People forget how fast you did a job but always remember how well you did it.

A.  Unless you learn to focus on the grapes of Canaan, you will be continually tormented by the nightmares of Egypt.

1.   Your life is a culmination of approximately four hundred years of family history(see Numbers 14:18).

2.   Genetic determinism: All your physical, inherited attributes

3.   Psychological determinism: Those issues or strongholds you mull over and over in your mind — Proverbs 23:7 NKJV (page 105)

4.   Environmental determinism: Where you live and the circumstances that have surrounded you throughout your life

B.  If you will choose godly character, you will destroy the giant named yesterday— Titus 3:5 NKJV (page 104).

1.   The Person of Character knows that in order to achieve success in the future, he must break the glass ceilings of the past. He or she realizes that there is no future in their past.

2.   . Don’t be one who uses his or her determinisms as an excuse for not achieving success in life.

3.   It doesn’t really matter where we came from. As we are diligent to walk as people of character, we’ll walk through the doors of opportunity that God opens for us in life.




4. The Person of Character proves through his actions that old things have truly

passed away – 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV (page 109).

5. The Person of Character never attempts to give life to something God has put

to death – Romans 6:6 NIV (page 110) also Romans 6:6 NLT (page 111).

Galatians 2:20 in the Laubach Translation says it this way: “Christ took me

to the cross with Him, and I died there with Him” (page 112).

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


VI. Self Control: The Key to Walking in Excellence

The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence,

regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. – Vince Lombardi

A. The Person of Character understands that the greatest giant he will ever

face is himself — Galatians 5:16,17 NAS (page 119).

1. A Person of Character scrutinizes every one of his words, thoughts, and

deeds, acting as if Heaven were his only audience.

2. Self-control is living in the fear of God under the control of the Holy Spirit

while loving the Body of Christ.

3. You must continually evaluate every one of your actions, thoughts, and

words by asking: How will this please my Father? How will this affect my

brother? Is God pleased with the way I am thinking about this situation?

B. A Person of Character knows that whatever you refuse to conquer will ultimately

conquer you.

1. He corrects himself so others never have to — 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 KJV

(page 125,126).

2. He knows that self-control becomes logical the moment you understand consequences

— Galatians 6:7,8 NKJV (page 130).

C. A Person of Character understands that self-control begins by exposing

every thought to the light of God’s Word – 1 John 1:7 NKJV (page 131).

1. He understands that self-control is fueled by brotherly kindness - Philippians

2:3,4 NKJV (page 132).

2. We must make other believers our priority – Galatians 6:10 NKJV (page 133).

VII. Obedience: The Cornerstone to Godly Character

A. What is obedience?

1. Obedience refers to giving in to the orders or instructions of the person who

has been placed in charge. It also means to perform what authority requires

and to abstain from what is prohibited.

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a. The Hebrew word for “obey” is the word is shama, which is a root word

meaning to hear intelligently.

b. It also means to consider and consent with contentment; to diligently discern;

and to perceive with one’s ear.

2. To “obey” also means to be submissive to authority; to be compliant; and to

be dutiful and loyal.

a. The Greek word for “obey” is hupakouo, which means to be in a subordinate

position. Hupo literally means to place under or to place beneath;

akouo means to hear and understand.

b. When compounded together, hupakouo means to listen attentively as a

subordinate and then conform to the authority’s command.

3. The word “submit” is the Greek word hupatasso. It actually means to put

oneself under the authority of another.

a. When you submit, you are turning your will over to the will of another

person based on God’s delegated authority structure.

b. This is a voluntary action, for you are the one who chooses to be obedient.

No one can make you do it. You obey because you want to enjoy the

reward that God prepares for the obedient (see 1 Peter 5:5,6).

4. Embracing submission is the proof that one has earned the right to be called

a Person of Character.

B. A Person of Character continually expresses gratitude, which flows from a

thankful heart. Thankfulness is a rare commodity today – 2 Timothy 3:1, 2

NKJV (pages 143, 144).

1. A Person of Character pursues the opportunity to give honor to whom honor

is due.

2. Honor is such an important part of obedience — honor for the elderly, honor

for godly wisdom, honor for authority — for it adds value both to the recipient

and the individual who chooses to give “…honor to whom honor is due”

— Romans 13:7 AMP.

3. The Person of Character proves the Lordship of Christ through compliance to

His divine commands — John 10:27 NKJV (page 152) also Deuteronomy 11:1

NKJV (page 153).

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C. The Person of Character understands that obedience is not just desired; it is


1. Obedience is the choice you must make in order to live as God designed for

you to live on this earth.

2. It isn’t an option with Him - Deuteronomy 11: 26-28 NKJV (page 155); Job

36:11,12 NKJV (page 156); and Proverbs 19:3 NLT (page 157).

3. Obedience is the only proof that you have faith in God. The disobedient person

is recalcitrant, which means stubbornly obstinate. A Person of Character

knows that the prize is always greater than the price.

When you submit, you stop considering yourself to be “mission number one” in your

life. Instead of being the major mission you are pursuing, you allow your own mission

to become a sub-mission as you turn your will over to the will of another based on

God’s delegated authority structure.

God’s eyes are fixed upon our compliance.

VIII. God’s Way of Relating to Authority

Character is nurtured when we bow our knee to godly authority. — Dr. Robb Thompson

A. The Person of Character receives God’s delegated authority as His instrument

for receiving good in this life.

1. God has established the authorities that exist. Consequently, he who rebels

against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who

do so will bring judgment on themselves – Romans 13:1-5 NIV (page 178).

2. The fruit of walking in compliance to God-delegated authority is character. If

you can learn how to give up your “rights” to another according to God’s

ordained authority structure in your life, you’ll become a person who always

and inevitably comes out on top.

B. A Person of Character discovers who he is in every relationship and then

postures himself willingly.

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1. When entering a new relationship, you have to understand who you are in

that relationship and how to relate to the other person. Then you must posture

yourself in the relationship according to the responsibility God has given

you in it – 1 Corinthians 4:2 NKJV (page 181).

2. It is equally as important to know who you are not as it is to know who you

are in each and every relationship. As you come to understand and posture

yourself according to your position in each of your relationships, God can

then promote you to the next level in His plan for your life.

C. The fruit of submission is character; the fruit of character is moral

strength; and the effect of moral strength is productivity.

1. The Person of Character responds to authority as those appointed by God

Himself (see Isaiah 1:19,20).

2. The Person of Character views his superior as a minister of God sent to do

him good —Romans 13:1 NKJV (page 188).

3. As we have seen, three separate times in Romans 13:4-6, authorities are

called ministers of God. Authority is a minister of God in our lives to reward

us when we are compliant and to get us back on track when we go astray.

D. The Person of Character refuses to take authority over something that God

has not made him responsible for.

1. “Jurisdiction” can be defined as authority and power based on right. In other

words, jurisdiction refers to authorized power and responsibility. It also

refers to those areas and spheres over which such authority can be exercised

— boundaries defined in God’s Word that are not to be violated.

2. Four types of jurisdiction: parental (see Ephesians 6:1-4); governmental (see

Romans 13:3,4); church jurisdiction (see Hebrews 13:7,17); and vocational

jurisdiction (see Ephesians 6:5-8).

3. It is apparent that Jesus was a Man under authority who followed jurisdictional

principles – John 12:49,50 AMP (page 196, 197).

4. The Person of Character refuses to circumvent the structure of authority that

God has assigned him to obey — 1 Peter 2:13,14 NKJV (page 211). God only

gives you the right to speak about what He has made you responsible for. He

never gives you the right to speak about someone else’s area of responsibility.

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There is only one way to extricate yourself from the mire of disobedience and rebellion:

You must rise above it by listening to God’s truth rather than your own perspective.

You have to realize that there is a difference between reality and truth. Truth never

changes. No matter what argument you might have against the Word of God or against

an authority who comes to you with the Word of God, the Word is still the truth.

Romans 14:13 NIV — Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead,

make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.

IX. The Pillar of Truthfulness

God does not give you integrity; rather, you develop it, cultivate it, seek it out, and

chisel it out from the granite of your being. — Unknown

A. The Person of Character understands that restitution is the most vital ingredient

of repentance.

1. Repentance doesn’t mean you finally become willing to say, “I’m sorry” or

even “Please forgive me.” Repentance without restitution is nothing at all but

a Christian game. There has to be some type of restorative process to show

the person you have wronged that godly sorrow for your sin has struck you

so deeply within that you are willing to make changes forever

— 2 Corinthians 7:10 NKJV (page 231).

2. After Nathan confronted David over his sin with Bathsheba

(2 Samuel 12:13), David said, “I have sinned before the Lord.” Nathan

replied, “Because you have acknowledged your sin, you shall not die.” This

was the moment when restoration could begin in David’s life.

3. Repentance before God is a one-time issue, but repentance before men is an

everyday walk.

4. Restoration can never be granted until sin is truly confronted.

a. Confrontation is the final effort to preserve any relationship.

b. When God confronts us, it is to restore our fellowship with Him.

B. Truth is paramount in the character of God.

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1. The word “truth” comes from the Hebrew word emeth, which means stability;

certainty; right and sure. It is derived from another word called aman,

which means to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; to be firm

and faithful; or to be permanent, steadfast, and verifiable.

2. The dictionary says that truth includes the qualities of loyalty, trustworthiness,

sincerity, genuineness, and honesty. Honesty is the quality of being in

accordance with the facts or with reality or the possession of an agreement

with a standard.

3. The Person of Character understands that truth in its purest form can only be

defined by God, for He Himself is the Ultimate Truth — John 14:6 NKJV (page

235). Jesus is the very embodiment of truth. This means that truth isn’t according

to the way you or I see it. Truth is according to the way God sees it.

4. Truth is Heaven’s road to true promotion. When you live in truth, you never

have to remember what you might have lied about. You will never have to

use grace as your cover-up for doing wrong, as so many must do.

5. The Person of Character looks to Truth to be the most celebrated influencer

in his life.

a. Truth introduces us to God — James 1:18 (page 243).

b. Truth forces us into the light — John 3:21 (page 243).

c. Truth leads us to purify our soul — 1 Peter 1:22 (page 243).

d. Truth demands our freedom in eternity’s courtroom (see John 8:31,32).

e. Truth is the light that guides our actions — Psalm 119:105 (page 244).

f. Truth is the agent that cleanses us of iniquity — Proverbs 16:6 (page 244).

g. Truth causes us to be pursued by God — John 4:23,24 (page 245).

h. Truth preserves leaders — Proverbs 20:28 (page 245).

C. The Person of Character realizes that a consistent intake of the Word is the

most vital part of pursuing truth in his life – James 1:21 NKJV (page 247).

1. As your soul becomes filled with faith and the life of God, it will force

everything that is opposite to God’s truth out of that area of your life.

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2. The Person of Character is in continual pursuit of becoming God’s image as

written in His Word - 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV (page 248).

3. You pursue truth in order to draw near to God. If you truly love Him, make

truth your lifelong pursuit.

It’s time to come face-to-face with our old man and declare, “That person is not going

to live here anymore. I will walk in truth in every area of my life!”

X. Being Honest with Yourself

A. A Person of Character aligns his life with the words of his mouth.

1. Avoid self-deception: A person who doesn’t tell himself the truth is not a person

who acts according to truth.

2. Avoid duplicity: A person who plays both sides of the fence at the same time

is a dishonest person — self-preserving on one side while pretending to buy

into everything you’re saying on the other side.

3. You allow yourself to be used as an agent of evil when you lie. God commands

you to walk in truth — John 8:44 (page 259), Jeremiah 17:9 (page 262).

4. If you really want to know what is in your heart, listen to your mouth. You

don’t really know your own heart until you start speaking (see Luke 6:45).

5. Sometimes we don’t tell ourselves the truth because of ignorance. A lack of

knowledge is dangerous — Hosea 4:6 NKJV (page 263). Ignorance has two

sides: sometimes a person isn’t aware of an issue; other times a person

knows the truth but ignores it.

B. A Person of Character seeks to root out every hidden lie that keeps him living

in defeat.

1. You must surround yourself with people who are able to recognize those needed

areas of change that you cannot or will not see on your own. Remember: the

only person who cannot see a blind spot is the one who has it.

2. A true friend is willing to speak the truth in love, even when it hurts. See

Proverbs 27:6 NKJV (page 268) and Ephesians 4:15 NAS (page 268). The

Bible says, “If your brother offends you, go to him” (Matthew 18:15). Don’t

talk about him. Don’t storm out of his life. Speak the truth in love.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


3. Balancing that, the Bible does not say, “Don’t ever turn your back on anyone

for any reason.” (See Romans 16:17.) People have the idea that friendship

means we have to stick with a person even if he persists in his sin. This is

not the case.

4. Be willing to trust. You have to trust that what God has said is the truth.

Trust the people in your life who will speak the truth to you when you need

it the most.

XI. Demonstrating Divine Compassion

A. What is Compassion?

1. Compassion is an attitude of care and concern grounded in pity and sympathy

toward others. It refers to the ability to commiserate with another individual

who is going through difficult times in life.

2. Other ingredients of this mighty spiritual force include pity, sympathy,

mercy, kindness, tenderness, clemency, empathy, solicitousness, caring, and

consideration. Compassion actually combines both love and sorrow, for a

person of compassion is willing to share in the pain that someone else is

going through.

3. Compassion is the character quality that Paul is describing in Ephesians 4:32

NKJV — “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,

even as God in Christ forgave you.”

4. Compassion and tenderheartedness are integrally connected; in fact, we cannot

have one quality without the other. We should therefore ask God to give

us tender hearts.

5. Compassion is not weakness; it is actually a rare demonstration of strength.

It requires an unrelenting desire to right every wrong and remove the obstacles

from people’s lives so they can get into a position to start winning.

6. A person of compassion provides a fresh start to those:

a. Who sincerely admit they are wrong and

b. Who now embrace the Word of God as their standard for getting it right

the next time.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


B. Compassion is the cloak that a Person of Character wears while he is relating

to a dying world.

1. A compassionate person bears another’s burden — Galatians 6:1,2 (page 288).

a. The word “bear” means that a believer has positioned himself underneath

the pain or the weight that another person has been carrying alone and

has lifted that burden off the person’s shoulders.

b. This enables that person to stand upright and gain enough strength to

eventually be able to carry his own burden of responsibility, as Paul says

in verse 5: “For each one shall bear his own load.”

2. “Clothe yourself with compassion” - Colossians 3:12 NIV (page 289). You

can learn how to put off the negative attributes that have ruled your life until

now and begin to put on compassion, kindness, and mercy.

a. Compassion is the opposite of indifference, which says, “I don’t care what

you are going through. You deal with your pain and I’ll deal with mine.”

b. Compassion is the opposite of self-centeredness.

3. The Person of Character demonstrates compassion by actions, not just words.

a. 1 John 3:17 AMP (page 290)

b. Isaiah 58:6,7 NKJV (page 291, 292)

4. If you allow compassion to flow through you, God will put more compassion

in you. Compassion is a rare find on this earth. Many people occasionally

show sympathy toward others; some crusade for all kinds of humanitarian

causes. However, there are very few people of true compassion.

5. The Person of Character is the recipient of compassion’s reward.

a. Isaiah 58:8 NKJV (page 293)

b. Psalm 112:1-6 NKJV (page 301)

c. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

– Dr. Mike Murdock

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


Be gracious, always ready to help bear the burden of pain that others are facing. As

you do, you will find that God is a present help at every juncture in your own life.

Because you have borne the pain of others, the God of all comfort will demonstrate

His compassion toward you as He meets you in your time of need and fulfills the

deepest desires of your heart.

XII. Attentiveness: Your One-Way Ticket to Promotion

There are two kinds of people who never achieve much in their lifetime: the person

who won’t do what he is told and the one who does no more than he is told.

— Andrew Carnegie

A. The game of life is won or lost in the details. Pay attention!

1. The word “attentive” or “attention” actually comes from the French word

attendere, meaning to wait; to stay; to hold; and to expect. The Latin word

attentio carries a slightly different meaning. It gives us the picture of a horse

twitching its ears as it gives its attention to something. Thus, attentiveness

means showing the worth of a person, an object, or an idea by giving it one’s

undivided concentration.

2. The outcome of our lives is not usually determined by the big things we

think are important but by the small particulars of life that most people don’t

pay attention to — details.

a. Attentiveness to those in authority over you ensures that the assignment

is completed before saying, “Mission accomplished.”

b. Promotion is summoned to your life the moment you give attention to detail.

3. A Person of Character is very aware that the foundation of love is honor.

a. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command”— John

14:15 NIV.

b. True knowledge is gained only by offering someone your full attention.

4. Always stay attentive to details, for your rewards in life are in direct proportion

to the problems that you solve for others.

a. Notice what others lack, and look to see what other people have not

done, then make up the difference.

b. The one who will receive the promotion in the workplace is the one who

listens intently then finishes the job down to the last detail.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


B. In order to bring transformation to this world, every relationship we have

requires our deepest commitment and consideration.

1. Pay attention to your relationships – consider if they can handle what you

have on your heart to tell them.

2. Consider who they are, what they are facing, and where they are in their spiritual


C. Developing attentiveness

1. When someone addresses you, stop what you are doing, look into the speaker’s

eyes and give them your full attention. Ask questions if you don’t


2. Don’t be indifferent: care enough to find out what the other person is facing,

then help him solve his problem.

3. Stay attentive to hear what someone is not saying as well as what they are


4. Always give those in authority over you the idea that you’re poised to get up

and do exactly what they’ve asked.

5. God has called you to be attentive to detail and a continual learner. Be a person

who is always interested in what other people are saying — James 1:19

NKJV (page 322).

6. Manage your time in a way that those who are in relationship with you know

how important they are to you.

Attentiveness is a daily habit that causes us to focus on that which truly matters to

others. Attentiveness implies a consistent choice to concentrate, a choice that is to be

applied to every area of our lives. It doesn’t work to demonstrate attentiveness on the

job but not in our marriages or in our role as parents. But as we consistently choose

to concentrate on what is most important not only to us but also to others — paying

close attention to the details that make all the difference — we will put ourselves on

the road to promotion in every single endeavor we undertake!

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


XIII. To Be Indispensable in the New Millennium, Become a Servant of All

The only thing that walks back from the tomb with the mourners and refuses to be

buried is the character of a man. – J. R. Miller

A. To become indispensable, eliminate the unprofitable things that have hindered

you in the past.

1. Step out of every unprofitable relationship that threatens your relationship

with God.

2. Eliminate every unprofitable attitude from your life.

B. Negative attitudes are quickly altered by the self-adjusting Person of


1. Quit murmuring, complaining, grumbling, or faultfinding — Philippians 2:14

AMP (page 328). Such people are often discouraged about themselves and feel

better when they tear someone else down.

2. Quit judging others — Romans 2:1 NKJV (page 330); also see Matthew 7:1-5.

3. God’s message is clear: You are to work on eliminating your own wrong attitudes

and leave it to Him to work in the lives of everyone else! — Proverbs

20:6 NAS (pages 330, 331).

C. To become indispensable, build profitable character qualities into your life,

such as integrity, honesty, and a sense of honor.

1. The Person of Character carries himself with honor wherever he goes in life.

2. Honor must cover all your dealings with other people and the way you carry

yourself in every situation. Be honorable in all you do — Colossians 3:22,23

NKJV (pages 332, 333) and 1 Peter 2:12,15,17 NKJV (page 334).

3. Never break the principle of honor – and people will begin to recognize you

as someone who isn’t looking out for his own benefit but for God’s benefit in

every situation. They will see that doing the honorable thing means more to

you than making sure you get blessed yourself.

4. When you walk in honor, God will honor you. As you live honorably, your

value to those around you will grow because honor is such a rare quality.

However, you shouldn’t expect everyone you meet to be happy with you.

Some people will actually dislike you for your integrity.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


5. Integrity will never be rewarded by this life, but integrity will always be

rewarded in this life.

D. Make profitable choices that will lead you toward God’s destination for

your life.

1. We have the ability to choose the direction we go in every arena of life —

Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV (page 335).

2. But we have the responsibility to choose God’s way in every decision we face.

3. Choose to be a servant – at your job and in every other arena of life.

a. Servanthood: the key to true greatness

b. The test of a true servant is if you act like a servant even when you are

treated like one. Jesus contrasted the attitudes of the Jewish religious

leaders in Matthew 23:4 with the way His disciples should act –

Matthew 23:11,12 (page 337).

c. If you will choose to make yourself a servant in any job or relationship

you have in life, there is only one way you can go, and that is up.

d. If you attempt to position yourself as someone other than a servant, the

only thing you will ever be is disappointed. God promotes servants!

e. The greatest way to live your life is in the service of others.

4. Choose to go the “extra mile” – Matthew 5:41 NKJV (page 338).

a. But be careful not to get distracted by the “extra mile” and never finish

what you were instructed to do in the first place.

b. Don’t go the “extra mile” until you are done with what you are responsible


5. Determine never to pick up a bad attitude about your wages.

The greatest way to live your life is in the service of others. The more God promotes

you, the more you will realize this and grow to love your position as “servant of all.”

Remember this: In life we must always under-promise and over-perform.

— Dr. Robb Thompson

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


XIV. Discretion: The Finishing School for Your Character

We are judged by what we finish, not by what we start. – Unknown

A. A Person of Discretion is a person of strategically chosen restraint.

1. The dictionary defines “discretion” as being careful about what one says or

does or the ability to keep silent. The dictionary also says that this quality is

regulated by one’s own choice.

2. A Person of Discretion possesses:

a. The wisdom to avoid damaging attitudes, words, and actions

b. The ability to give insightful counsel to others

c. A God-given perception of the nature and the meaning of things that

results in sound judgment and wise decision-making

d. The ability to discern spiritual truth and to apply it to human disposition

and to human conduct

B. In every situation, a Person of Discretion knows the WORDS that are right,

honorable, and just to speak.

1. Discretion has the ability within to know when to speak and when to be silent

— Proverbs 17:28 NIV (Page 345).

a. “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to

him” – Proverbs 18:13 NJKV.

b. Unless a matter is under your jurisdiction and responsibility, you will not

know enough to make a decision.

c. Therefore, don’t allow yourself to have an opinion about it.

2. Discretion is the guard that protects you from the calamity resulting from a

multitude of words.

a. A Person of Discretion can talk to everyone in the room without telling

all he knows, because only a fool speaks his whole mind — Proverbs

29:11 KJV (page 346).

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


b. However a Person of Discretion is not a secretive or withdrawn person.

He just has the wisdom to know what to say and what not to say in any

given situation.

c. A Person of Discretion knows how far to go when speaking truth into

someone’s life.

C. In every situation, a Person of Discretion knows the ACTIONS that are

right, honorable, and just to act upon.

1. The Person of Discretion is a person of foresight and forethought.

a. He seriously considers the things he should not do because of long-term


b. He does not think, If I can just get the pressure off me today by doing

this, who cares about what might happen to me in five years?

c. He first ponders, What is this decision going to cost me in the long run?

Then he decides if the price is worth the long-term pain.

2. The Person of Discretion avoids situations that could draw him away from

his walk with God — Proverbs 5:1-4 NKJV (page 350).

3. Discretion is distinguishing right from wrong and then choosing to do right.

a. The moment you attribute your choices to anyone else’s actions is the

moment you have allowed your life to get out of your control.

b. Remember: The outcome of your life is determined by the decisions you


D. A Person of Character guides his affairs with discretion

1. “A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion”

– Psalm 112:5 NKJV.

a. He both gives and lends.

b. There are people you can be gracious to and forgive what they owe.

c. There are people you should never release from debt, because it establishes

them in wrong doing.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character


2. The word “discretion” is the Hebrew word mishpat, which means giving a

judgment or making a verdict. The Person of Discretion makes a verdict, and

he doesn’t backtrack on it later. He cannot be persuaded to change his mind

once he knows what to do.

E. A Person of Discretion celebrates the unequaled value of wisdom.

1. Wisdom is a treasure that supplies riches, long life, honor, peace, safety, and

rest (see Proverbs 3:13-17; 21-24).

2. The Person of Discretion is governed by insight, wise counsel, and understanding;

therefore, he does not judge by what he sees.

3. The proof of discretion is the developing and exercising of a listening and understanding

heart – Proverbs 4:7 KJV (page 359) and Proverbs 2:6 NKJV (page 360).

F. A Person of Discretion willingly accepts responsibility for his behavior.

1. A person of understanding realizes that he must be corrected at times.

2. It is vital that he become whole in every area of his life to become what God

wants him to become.

G. A Person of Discretion has the ability to control his destructive emotions —

Proverbs 19:11 NKJV (page 383).

1. The word here for “discretion” is sekel, which means intelligence or prudence.

2. It is prudent and intelligent for us to hold back our anger and overlook a


Are you willing to go through the “finishing school” of discretion? It isn’t always

easy, but it is the key to firmly establishing all the other traits of godly character in

your life. If you decide to pursue this finishing school of character, you will take your

place among a small remnant of God’s people, for very few possess this particular

trait. God has plenty of room for your name on His “People of Discretion” plaque!

Within you lie the seeds of greatness. However, it is in the times of preparation that

you build your character and your potential for becoming all God created you to be.

Whatever the cost, you must build a character that will last forever. The outcome of

your life depends on it!

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character




Final Exam: Excellence in Character

Student’s Name: ______________________________

Date: _______________________________________

All questions are worth 2 points each.


1) ____ Character is the summation of the principles you have down on the inside by which

you live your life.

2) ____ People are not always rewarded for their character strengths, but they are often disqualified

for their character weaknesses.

3) ____ Few breakdowns in life can be traced to a failure in a person’s character.

4) ____ Genetic determinism, psychological determinism, and environmental determinism will

set the future of our lives.

5) ____ Making progress in one’s own character development gives a person freedom to be critical

of other’s character flaws.

6) ____ You can never change what you are unwilling to confront.

7) ____ Integrity refers to moral soundness or purity, uprightness of character, and honesty.

8) ____ Integrity only needs to be displayed by certain groups according to their age and religious


9) ____ The highest example of excellent character is God Himself.

10) ____ God reveals His true character by His Word, our blueprint for excellence.

11) ____ The outcome of our lives is not usually determined by the big things we think are

important, but by the details we attend to.

12) ____ Excellence in character has nothing to do with unlocking the door to God’s purpose

for your life.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character Exam



13) ____ The law of sowing and reaping determines that you will get out of life what you put

into it.

14) ____ There are seldom bad consequences for decisions that are the result of poor character.

15) ____ Lack of character creates the platform for the destruction of close relationships and


16) ____ Paying close attention to details is very likely to distract you from achieving the big

things in your life.

17) ____ A person of character pursues doing what is comfortable, not what is right.

18) ____ The first step to developing excellence in character is to look to the future with faith,

not to the past with bitterness.

19) ____ Self-control is not an ingredient of good character.

20) ____ Self-control is demonstrated by allowing the Holy Spirit to be in control.

21) ____ A life of obedience to God is the greatest display of excellent character.

22) ____ Obedience to God does not include submission to people in authority.

23) ____ Obedience to God is a great demonstration of one’s faith in God.

24) ____ If God isn’t dealing with us about becoming more obedient in every area of our lives,

we are not His children.

25) ____ Your life is a culmination of approximately 40 years of family history.

26) ____ The four types of jurisdiction are parental, familial, governmental, and vocational.

27) ____ God only gives you the right to speak about what He has made you responsible for.

28) ____ When you walk in honor, God will honor you, but some people will actually dislike

you for your integrity.

Multiple Choice (Choose one correct answer for each question.)

29) The biblical application of the word “standard” is:

a) A flag, banner, or sign

b) A high moral code

c) A common unit of measure

d) None of the above

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character Exam


30) A person of character understands that self-control:

a) Is logical when you understand consequences

b) Begins by exposing every thought to the light of God’s Word

c) Is fueled by love and brotherly kindness

d) All of the above

31) A person of character receives God’s delegated authority as his instrument for:

a) Destruction of the flesh

b) Demoralization

c) Receiving good in this life

d) All of the above

32) The fruit of submission is character; the fruit of character is:

a) A free ride in life

b) Moral strength

c) Moral independence

d) Spiritual confusion

33) Truth includes the qualities of loyalty, trustworthiness, sincerity, _____, and _____.

a) Monogamy and polygamy

b) Mercy and grace

c) Humility and arrogance

d) Genuineness and honesty

34) A person of character realizes that the most vital part of pursuing truth is:

a) Understanding current trends

b) The opinions of society

c) A consistent intake of the Word of God

d) All of the above

35) A person of character understands that truth can only be defined by:

a) Yourself

b) Your inner child

c) Your mommy

d) God

36) A person of character realizes that when a person lies they become:

a) An agent of evil

b) Demon possessed

c) Dazed and confused

d) All of the above

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character Exam


37) The person of character understands that _____________ is the most vital ingredient of


a) Repentance

b) Confrontation

c) Saying you are sorry

d) Restitution

38) Compassion includes pity, sympathy, _________ and _________.

a) Disdain and disgust

b) Truthfulness and restitution

c) Mercy and kindness

d) Patriotism and nationalism

39) Compassion is not weakness – it is a rare demonstration of

a) Strength

b) Honesty

c) Forgiveness

d) All of the above

Matching – Match the word on the left with its synonym or definition on the right.

40) ____ Truthfulness a. Restraint

41) ____ Compassion b. Concentration

42) ____ Attentiveness c. “Indispensable”

43) ____ Servant of all d. Integrity

44) ____ Obedience e. Honesty

45)____ Discretion f. Submission

46) ____ Character g. Mercy

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character Exam


Matching: Four of the sayings below are non-negotiable principles that a person of character

will not break. Write the letter corresponding to each of these four sayings in the blanks on the


47) ____ a. “Always tell the truth.”

48) ____ b. “Always work to eliminate your own wrong attitudes.”

49) ____ c. “Don’t act under pressure, but consider the long-term consequences.”

50) ____ d. “Don’t ever turn your back on anyone for any reason.”

e. “Crusade for every humanitarian cause.”

f. “Help everyone who comes to you who is in trouble and has a need.”

g. “Never rebel against godly authority.”

h. “Always go the extra mile.”

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character Exam






Final Exam: Excellence in Character

Student’s Name: ______________________________

Date: _______________________________________

All questions are worth 2 points each.


1) __T__ Character is the summation of the principles you have down on the inside by which

you live your life.

2) __T_ People are not always rewarded for their character strengths, but they are often disqualified

for their character weaknesses.

3) _F__ Few breakdowns in life can be traced to a failure in a person’s character.

4) _F__ Genetic determinism, psychological determinism, and environmental determinism will

set the future of our lives.

5) _F__ Making progress in one’s own character development gives a person freedom to be

critical of other’s character flaws.

6) _T__ You can never change what you are unwilling to confront.

7) _T__ Integrity refers to moral soundness or purity, uprightness of character, and honesty.

8) _F__ Integrity only needs to be displayed by certain groups according to their age and religious


9) _T__ The highest example of excellent character is God Himself.

10) _T _ God reveals His true character by His Word, our blueprint for excellence.

11) _T__ The outcome of our lives is not usually determined by the big things we think are

important, but by the details we attend to.

12) _F__ Excellence in character has nothing to do with unlocking the door to God’s purpose

for your life.

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character– Answer Key



13) _T__ The law of sowing and reaping determines that you will get out of life what you put

into it.

14) _F__ There are seldom bad consequences for decisions that are the result of poor character.

15) _T__ Lack of character creates the platform for the destruction of close relationships and


16) _F__ Paying close attention to details is very likely to distract you from achieving the big

things in your life.

17) _F__ A person of character pursues doing what is comfortable, not what is right.

18) __T_ The first step to developing excellence in character is to look to the future with faith,

not to the past with bitterness.

19) _F__ Self-control is not an ingredient of good character.

20) _T__ Self-control is demonstrated by allowing the Holy Spirit to be in control.

21) _T__ A life of obedience to God is the greatest display of excellent character.

22) _F__ Obedience to God does not include submission to people in authority.

23) _T__ Obedience to God is a great demonstration of one’s faith in God.

24) _T__ If God isn’t dealing with us about becoming more obedient in every area of our lives,

we are not His children.

25) _F__ Your life is a culmination of approximately 40 years of family history.

26) _F__ The four types of jurisdiction are parental, familial, governmental, and vocational.

27) _T__ God only gives you the right to speak about what He has made you responsible for.

28) _T__ When you walk in honor, God will honor you, but some people will actually dislike

you for your integrity.

Multiple Choice (Choose one correct answer for each question.)

29) The biblical application of the word “standard” is:

a) A flag, banner, or sign

b) A high moral code

c) A common unit of measure

d) None of the above

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character – Answer Key


30) A person of character understands that self-control:

a) Is logical when you understand consequences

b) Begins by exposing every thought to the light of God’s Word

c) Is fueled by love and brotherly kindness

d) All of the above

31) A person of character receives God’s delegated authority as his instrument for:

a) Destruction of the flesh

b) Demoralization

c) Receiving good in this life

d) All of the above

32) The fruit of submission is character; the fruit of character is:

a) A free ride in life

b) Moral strength

c) Moral independence

d) Spiritual confusion

33) Truth includes the qualities of loyalty, trustworthiness, sincerity, _____, and _____.

a) Monogamy and polygamy

b) Mercy and grace

c) Humility and arrogance

d) Genuineness and honesty

34) A person of character realizes that the most vital part of pursuing truth is:

a) Understanding current trends

b) The opinions of society

c) A consistent intake of the Word of God

d) All of the above

35) A person of character understands that truth can only be defined by:

a) Yourself

b) Your inner child

c) Your mommy

d) God

36) A person of character realizes that when a person lies they become:

a) An agent of evil

b) Demon possessed

c) Dazed and confused

d) All of the above

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character – Answer Key


37) The person of character understands that _____________ is the most vital ingredient of


a) Repentance

b) Confrontation

c) Saying you are sorry

d) Restitution

38) Compassion includes pity, sympathy, _________ and _________.

a) Disdain and disgust

b) Truthfulness and restitution

c) Mercy and kindness

d) Patriotism and nationalism

39) Compassion is not weakness – it is a rare demonstration of

a) Strength

b) Honesty

c) Forgiveness

d) All of the above

Matching – Match the word on the left with its synonym or definition on the right.

40) _e__ Truthfulness a. Restraint

41) _g__ Compassion b. Concentration

42) _b__ Attentiveness c. “Indispensable”

43) _c__ Servant of all d. Integrity

44) _f__ Obedience e. Honesty

45)__a_ Discretion f. Submission

46) _d__ Character g. Mercy

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character – Answer Key


Matching: Four of the sayings below are non-negotiable principles that a person of character

will not break. Write the letter corresponding to each of these four sayings in the blanks on the


47) __a_ a. “Always tell the truth.”

48) __b_ b. “Always work to eliminate your own wrong attitudes.”

49) __c_ c. “Don’t act under pressure, but consider the long-term consequences.”

50) __g_ d. “Don’t ever turn your back on anyone for any reason.”

e. “Crusade for every humanitarian cause.”

f. “Help everyone who comes to you who is in trouble and has a need.”

g. “Never rebel against godly authority.”

h. “Always go the extra mile.”

© 2004 Life Christian University/International College of Excellence Excellence in Character – Answer Key


[1]Merriam-Webster, I. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. Springfield, Mass., U.S.A.: Merriam-Webster, 1996, c1993.

[2]Peterson, E. H. The Message : The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 2003. Pr 20:6.

[3]The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1996, c1982. Jn 14:6.

[4]The Holy Bible : King James Version. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1995. Re 21:8.

[5]Peterson, E. H. The Message : The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 2003. Mt 6:34.

[6]Holy Bible : New Living Translation. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1997. Mt 7:3.

[7]Holy Bible : New Living Translation. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1997. Ro 5:3.

[8]Holy Bible : New Living Translation. (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1997). Mic 6:8.

[9]The Holy Bible : New International Version (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, c1984). Php 3:16.

z Lev. 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7

[10]The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1996, c1982). 1 Pe 1:15-16.

[11]Holy Bible : New Living Translation. (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1997). Tit 1:2.

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