Faith ABC (part 5)
We’re still teaching on the subject of faith, so let’s get right into the Word.
I. Let’s turn to our main text, Hebrews 10:38-11:1
A. Last week we looked at the word “SUBSTANCE” in (HEB 11:1) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” KJV
1. If faith is the substance of something, then it is a substance. What I’m trying to get at is that Faith is a Substance.
B. Very quickly, Before I go on to new ground, I want to give you the definition of the word SUBSTANCE according to the Greek.
1. 1st it means a “Substructure, or a Foundation.”
a. Faith is really the foundation of Christianity. Of course, Jesus being the chief corner stone.
i. But we have to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and all of the promises of God.
ii. Faith is a foundation.
2. 2nd “Substance” means “Firm,”
a. There is something FIRM about Faith, it doesn’t waver.
i. Faith is FIRM.
b. 3rd it’s that which has “Actual existence, a Substance.”
i. Faith is a real substance. It’s not a natural substance, it’s Spiritual substance, it’s a spiritual POWER.
3. The word “Substance” also means “The Steadfastness of Mind.”
a. Meaning, “Your mind is not going to be moved by anything.”
i. Not by circumstances, not by situations, not by people or their words.
ii. This steadfastness of mind means that the only thing that is going to change your believing is the WORD OF GOD.
iii. Faith is steadfast.
b. The word “Substance” also means, “Firmness, and Courage.”
i. You know there is a Strength and courage about Faith.
ii. When Faith is truly based on the Word of God, then it is bold. It’s not going to back down.
iii. Faith needs to be bold against the enemy, if it’s not bold in doing what the Word says to do then it’s wavering.
iv. It takes courage to step out on the Word of God. Faith is Strong and it is courageous
c. The definition to the word “Substance” also adds that it’s a “Confidence, Firm Trust, Assurance.”
i. Faith is a “Confidence, a Firm Trust and an Assurance that the promises of God belong to you.”
II. Just a moment ago I briefly made reference to “Being a doer of the Word.”
A. (James 2:17, 20, 26) says, “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” KJV
1. In the believers life, Faith without action is dead faith. Faith without action is not going to produce anything.
2. LUKE 8:21
3. You remember the woman with the issue of blood in (MARK 5) She put action with her faith. (Heard about Jesus {faith came} she ran to Him.)
a. Jesus replied to her, “Daughter thy faith hath made thee whole.”
4. ACTS 19:6
a. They had faith to receive the H.S. with tongues.
b. Now in this case they had a corresponding action to their faith. But what was the corresponding action?
c. “They spake”
i. The corresponding action can be as simple as confession the Word. It doesn’t always have to be a corresponding action but if you believe God then you’re going to have actions to your faith.
ii. Weather a person has faith or not is easy to see if you’re around them enough.
iii. But if you have faith in the Word, then you’re going to act like it’s so.
iv. If you refuse to act on it, your doubting the Word.
B. Turn with to MARK 11:22-23
1. Notice that He Says, “Shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe.”
a. 1st Jesus says in (V 22) “Have faith in God.”
i. The Worrell Translation says, “Have the faith of God.”
ii. We are to have the God kind of Faith. An unwavering faith.
2. All right, let’s go back and read V 23, but this time we’ll put it together with V 24.
a. Notice that in (V24) Jesus said. “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
i. When are we to believe that we receive them?
ii. When you pray, and before you receive them.
b. This is the faith that God wants us to have, you believe that 1 of God’s promises are yours, then you will receive it.
i. You believe that it’s yours when you pray, Then you will receive it.
ii. How long will it take for the promises to manifest? I don’t know. There are a lot of things involved.
iii. Were you really in faith when you prayed, maybe you didn’t step out in faith for some 6 month later. We also have the enemy to do battle against. (DAN 10) Maybe certain things needed to take place 1st before you could receive.
iv. That’s why the Word says, “Through faith and patience we’ll inherit the promises.”
c. You just have to keep standing in faith.
i. Faith only sees the answer, it sees what God has promised.
C. Too often we’re ruled by our physical senses (what we see or feel) and that causes doubt.
1. JOHN 20:25-29
a. Thomas’ faith was NOT based on the WORD of God. It was based on his PHYSICAL senses. (saw or didn’t see) (touch)
b. Thomas wouldn’t believe unless he could see Jesus and touch His wounds.
i. That’s natural human faith, that’s not the God kind of faith.
ii. Natural human faith (which even non-Christians have) Says, I’ll believe it when I see it.
iii. But the God kind of faith says, “I believe it before I see it, because God said it’s so.”
C. ROM 4:17-21
1. Can you see the differences between Abraham’s faith and Thomas’ faith.
2. Abraham was fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able to perform.
3. We need to have faith like Abraham’s faith.
a. 1st Abraham had God’s Word for it.
b. 2nd Abraham believed God’s Word. (V 20 Strong in Faith.)
c. 3rd Abraham didn’t consider his physical senses. (What he saw or felt, his own age or the Sarah was past the years of bearing children.)
d. 4th Abraham gave praise and worshipped God.
i. In (V 20) it says that Abraham “gave glory to God.”
ii. The word “Glory” means “praise and worship.”
a. (Romans 4:20) From the Living Bible says, “But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened.” TLB
iii. Never forget about praise and worship, Abraham did it before he ever saw the manifestation.
4. The God kind of faith says, “If God said it, than it’s true.”
a. Too often our faith is based on what we see, feel, think, circumstances, or what we hear others say.
b. Let your faith be based on God’s Word ALONE.
c. The world says, “Seeing is believing, but the Bible teaches that “Believing is seeing.”
WOLCC 11/17/91 SUN AM and WOLCC 9/8/96 Sun AM