Faith ABC (part 7)
We’ve been teaching on the subject of Living by faith for the past few weeks, and I feel that I’ve gotten the direction of the Lord to continue on this subject for at least the next few weeks.
I. ROM 4:17-21
A. Abraham was fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able to perform.
1. We need to have faith like Abraham’s faith.
a. 1st Abraham had God’s Word, a promise for children.
i. In (Vs 17 and 18) God said to Abraham, “I have made thee the father of many nation, So shall thy seed be.”
b. 2nd Abraham believed God’s Word.
i. In (V 17) it says that he believed God. (V 19) says that he was not weak in faith. And in (V 20) it says that he was Strong in Faith.
c. 3rd Abraham didn’t consider his physical senses.
i. (V 19) Says, “He considered not his own body now dead, (unable to have children) when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb.”
ii. He didn’t look at his physical senses, he looked to the Word of God.
d. 4th Abraham gave praise and worshipped God.
i. In (V 20) it says that Abraham “gave glory to God.”
ii. The word “Glory” means “praise and worship.”
a. (Romans 4:20) From the Living Bible says, “But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened.” TLB
iii. Never forget about praise and worship, Abraham did it before he ever saw the manifestation.
2. The faith that we are to have says this, “If God said it, than it’s true.”
a. Too often our faith is based on what we see, feel, think, circumstances, or what we hear others say.
b. Let your faith be based on God’s Word ALONE.
c. The world says, “Seeing is believing,” but the Bible teaches that “Believing is seeing.”
II. Turn with me to ROM 5:2
A. What is Grace?
1. Very simply, It’s God’s riches at Christ expense.
a. It’s God’s blessings and promises given to us.
2. Again (ROM 5:2) says, “We have access by faith into this grace.”
a. God’s Grace, His promises and His blessings have been made available to us by faith.
B. HEB 4:2
1. This is in reference to why the children of Israel didn’t enter into the promise land. They had the Word of God on the subject, but they didn’t mix faith with what they heard.
ii. But as Paul is saying here, the same thing applies to us.
b. There must be a mixing of our faith with God’s Word to receive the promises.
III. PRO 13:12
A. When it says “Hope deferred” the word “DEFERRED” means “postponed” in other words “it’s lost.” But it doesn’t mean lost for good.
1. There is really 2 different kinds of hope.
a. You’ve heard people say, “There is nothing else to do, but hope.” Most of the time they mean everything looks so bad that they don’t think the right thing, (the thing they need), can happen, but all they can do is HOPE. Hope that by some small chance the right thing will happen.
b. But the 2nd type of hope is more of an expectancy, you expect it to happen but you don’t know when.
i. Some have lost there hope (their expectancy) in the sense that they don’t think that God will come through. Let’s read (PRO 13:12) again.
c. Then the word “SICK” means “to be/become weak, sick, diseased, grieved, sorry, ill, to make oneself sick, tired, sore, to show signs of sickness, or to be wounded.”
2. According to this V, if you lost your hope (your earnest expectation) you’re in trouble.
3. We can’t afford let our Expectations in the promises of God slip away.
a. But what if you already lost your Hope?
i. You need to get it back.
b. We need to be a little more like Abraham.
i. (Romans 4:20-21) Says, That Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. KJV
c. How do you get your hope back? Believe what God says in His Word.
i. But you might say, “That’s where I’m having problems with.”
ii. (Romans 10:17) Says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” KJV
iii. The more that you get into the Word of God, the more you will believe it.
B. We already talked about this, but FAITH SEES THE ANSWER.
1. Back in (PRO 13:12) when Solomon said, that “Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when we see the desire, it is as a tree of life.”
a. Faith sees the answer or the desire of your heart as already being yours.
b. As the Proverb says, “When you see it, It will be as a tree of life, it will bring gratification, an encouragement, and a Joy.”
i. It will bring a marry heart.
2. (Proverbs 17:22) Says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” KJV
a. The word “Medicine” means a “Cure.” It’s not just a cure for physical sickness, though it can be, but it can be a cure for any of the things that you’re going through.
i. Having a merry heart is faith. You’re saying to yourself, “I’m not going to let the Devil steal my Joy.”
ii. But I’m going to rejoice in the Lord always.
b. When that depression, worry or doubt tries to come in put on that garment of praise.
i. You’re rejoicing and praising God that He has given you the victory.
ii. But Pastor, I don’t see the victory yet.
iii. I know, and that’s why you need to rejoice and praise Him and thank Him before you see it, so that you will see it.
2. But were talking about getting our hope or Earnest Expectation back, so that we can move into the area of faith.
a. After we have gotten back into the Word and we’re seeing that God will bring His promises to pass in our lives, we have to do what it says in (Hebrews 12:2) “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” KJV
i. We have to get our eyes off of the circumstances and on Jesus.
IV. Sometimes we think that the faith walk is going to be easy, and that we’re going to go through life free from the attacks of the enemy.
A. Nothing could be further from the truth.
1. When you get a hold of the Word of Faith teachings, you’re a threat to Satan and his kingdom.
a. You start learning how to defeat the enemy, how to use the Word of God, how to walk in victory, how to led people to salvation and so on.
b. The enemy is not happy about that and he will try to stop you. There will be attacks of the enemy that you have to deal with.
2. In the book of (JOSHUA 3:14) it was time for the children of Israel to cross over the JORDAN river and enter into the Promise Land.
a. Some have likened this to entering into heaven, but this was far from heaven to the Israelites.
i. There were many battles that Israel has to face.
B. For the Christian this is not a picture of the believer dying and going to heaven.
1. It is a picture of spiritual warfare to claim what God has promised.
a. It is a picture of the life of faith.
2. Yes, there are going to be battles in the walk of faith, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1COR 15:57) KJV
WOLCC 11/17/91 SUN AM and WOLCC 9/22/96 Sun AM and Thursday 5/08