Stop, wait, go. He is not here, He is risen. Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

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Now off to the Sabbath as the first day of the week began to do Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the truth and behold there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and roll back the Stone from the door and sat on it. It's countenance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow. Under God shook for fear of him and became like Deadman. But the angel answered and said to the women do not be afraid for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified he is not here for he has risen.

As she should come see the place where the Lord light and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and indeed is going to be fool you into Kali that you will see him behold. I have told you. Should I rent out quickly from the two with fear and great joy and ran to bring his disciples word. Thank you. So I'm just going to just thought we'd have just a few that will thoughts about and the message that the angel brought to the the women those two men are in Matthews account and at the beginning of the Tomb and then go ahead and message for the two ladies and he said he sent an angel to tell them this this message and I'm in the message. There's three instructions and that he gives the angel gifts to Mary and Mary and under 3 instructions. Can you repeat like traffic lights and there's one instruction for them to stop? And what if they have weights and go and see something and then another instruction for them to go? Distal picture hair. Dye. It's just a a picture of the traffic light sequence just in case you're not familiar with driving. You can go when it's orange on its own but not red and orange.

The first instruction he gets to the Mist stop. He says do not be afraid for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here for He Is Risen risen as he said, I'm literally that's the angel sang to them. Stop being afraid the other words. They were afraid these ladies angel said stop. And it's always hard to stop being afraid especially when this bad things happening around us or in the past all we can see them in the future. What was the reason that they would stop being afraid? Well, the angel said it's because he is not here. He is risen with the angels message for that stop you say that they could stop being afraid because he isn't here he is risen. and then

and that was to be their encouragement to stop being afraid that Jesus is risen.

In the tub caulking in the worldis this many different religions. is a little child still come up in a minute with some of the main religions and some of the differences between the different religions and most of them think that the only way I think I'll be right cuz That's the one thing that the main thing that makes Christianity different is this message that the angel gave that he is not here. He is. Risen. Because if you go to The Thunder Rolls then Buddhism Huda Muhammad Muhammad's tomb Devin Medina and they all go in worship at that to where his body is. End of Coston and other religions have that found is Judaism Lux to Abraham to be that father. fat salmon All of those that funded the one who started that religion is in the Tomb but with Christianity Jesus is Alive and that's one of the main differences. And because Jesus is Alive this very special effects. We have I've got some verses head. I'll just go through that talk about some of the things that it means because Jesus is Alive. And this one says that Jesus was declared to be the son of God. by the resurrection from the dead in other words Jesus being raised from the dead just proves that he is gone, but he's got some and so we have assurance that if we've chosen to follow Jesus, that's the right way because Jesus is risen from the dead because God backs up our faith by saying that the next best scent is in 1 Thessalonians. States that if we believe Jesus died and rose again, then God will bring with him. Those who sleep in Jesus not that much because Jason has just died. But he rose again. We have confidence for the future that one day. He will raise back to life those who died in Jesus and we will be with them to to be with cross some certainty for the future. That is well. And then in Romans, it says Jesus was raised because of our justification. Not the words cheat codes race chassis Facts of Life the game because he had paid for our sins. It started like an evidence that got accepted what Jesus did that he justified us through and then God showed he accepts us in Christ because Jesus rose again, we have forgiveness through the cross. and then the last last one is good because Jesus rose again week off and Living Hope in other words, Jesus is Alive now and we're not just looking in the past or in the future will the what Jesus gives us that he is here with us know it's all friends and that's a whole lot and we so that's why Pizza said it was a Living Hope. Engine pulsates As Romans just as Christ was raised from the dead we can walk in newness of life. Because God raised Jesus from the dead we can have new life now in this world in which we live. And because Christ is risen. We know he's there in heaven praying for us. Making intercession for us. And then cuz we got this probably sleep because Jesus is risen and Alive. We can know that he is with us in all our circumstances of life. Always no matter what we're up to Goodall band. He's with us even to the end of the age. He comes continues after that the table. So the angel told that I'd he's not to be afraid because he is not here. He is risen then second wave the angel told them. Him to come and see where the Lord lay. This was like a little bit of waiting for them. And without the resurrection Christianity would be pointless Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 17. And so how could the how could I ask and how could these ladies be sure that Jesus really was alive from the dead. I'll Trust in Christ is not just wishful thinking that we hope is so it's not just a leaf in the dark that we just say while take a chance that Jesus rose and hope it works out. Okay, some people say faith is a fit like and why you count her face in something, you know is true. Some people might say because faith means believing something you'll not sure about But that isn't really what Biblical faith is Faith is trusting something, you know is true and pushing your confidence in that and it's a bit like if you are very tired and you want to sit down in the chair. And you're not quite sure if the chair is strong enough to hold your weight because you ate a few too many Easter eggs today. So what do you do if you don't just plopped down and hope for the best you give it a shake maybe the chat and you might rest a little bit of your weight on it and see if the legs fall out from under you test to make sure whether this is something reliable that you can sit down on and that's what the angel was trying to tell these ladies say Jesus is risen. I know that's a bit of an unbelievable thing. I want you to investigate and make sure that you're confident that it's true because he's the angel had a third instruction for them afterwards and they needed to be sure to carry out that instruction. And so it's the same with you and I as well. And of course God wants us to trust the Christ is risen into our confidence in Christ and to receive his forgiveness, but he doesn't want us to do is a leaf in the dog. He's giving us so many things to give us confidence that what what we hear about the Lord Jesus in the Bible is true. And then there's all kinds of historical evidence. Has the empty tomb for his dog. Even Jesus has animes they all admitted the tomb was empty. Although they try to explain it away saying his disciples has stolen the body. Face wirelessly as well as the empty tomb that there's also many appearances to Jesus's disciples unto others as well. This is just a list of some of them. All kinds of different people some very emotional some very skeptical some very afraid some legit or just going to walk in the countryside some sung by the seaside. So in all kinds of people in all different places because that Jesus appeared to them. Should we have thoughts of historical evidence is well, we got the growth of the church as well. And if you want to find out some good evidence is for the resurrection this this chap. John Piper. He's got a good page on his website and historical evidence is for the resurrection and I always found useful at this book by Josh McDowell. He started off with with his first book evidence is evidence for the wrestler evidence evidence that demands a verdict and then he started looking and he finally even more evidence we came out with volume to volume. Is it this no lack of evidence for our faith historical and that we can find and then just tell him if you think his book of 750 pages is a bit too big. I'm glad to say he and his son across have a children's version evidence for the resurrection 49p from the Kindle Store on Amazon, but it's true. Jesus Is Mine. But the point is that that Jesus is Alive and is the evidence of fulfilled prophecy from the Old Testament. Remember Jesus spoke to two disciples in the countryside saying that rabbit foolish that they didn't believe what the Old Testament wrote and how it had written. About how the Christ who suffer and then turn into his glory and he he showed them how he himself Jesus fulfilled prophecies many evidences that we can be sure when we sit down and Christ our faith in him, but he's not going to collapse is he's trustworthy. And then finally the green Traffic Light is the Angel space said wet Santa Festival stop being afraid. And wait going to come and see that it's true. Jesus is Alive and now go and tell go and quickly tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead. and sew in

I'm so basically goes through the angel was getting the ladies the responsibility now to tell the disciples like the good news that Jesus has risen from the dead and the fact that he is risen. Guns N Roses in all of these things the angel told the the ladies Steve Fox versus well God's face to us. Do not be afraid. Because Christ is risen and of all, these all these things all this confidence in the showings of forgiveness and knowing that Christ is with us can help us not to be afraid even in the worst of circumstances.

Aunt Becky tells people as well to waves and to come and see it's just look into the truth of Jesus best of all to come to faith in him and then to be able to give a good answer to those who ask his questions about drugs and then he wants us to cause he gives us the responsibility as well go and tell those that we know who don't know that Christ is risen. No, I'm not convinced. God wants us to have a Peloton telling them about that too. So

So then go and not be afraid. Come and say I'm going to go and tell.

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