5 Min Encouragement
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Each part does its own special work
The church is one unified group directed and led by Christ to accomplish His purposes, but there are many parts.
Life groups
Different roles and gifts work together in harmony for the body.
Individual members
Honoring orders and concerns
Helps the other parts grow
Each part helps the others grow as it grows. There’s a focus on the “we” the “us” and not the “me” and “my”.
Spiritual growth
Personal growth
Mental growth
We are still growing in faith
God is still providing
We grow together not in isolation (growth sometimes brings discomfort and disagreement, but we yield our individual success for the success of the body)
Faith is being re-aimed/re-targeted
We’re shedding burdens
We are still growing in love
Greater love for God
Greater love for the Church
Greater love for the community
The whole body is healthy and growing and full of love
Each body part is healthy, growing, full of love for the other parts and contributing to the overall success of the body fulfilling Christ’s commands for us.
An unhealthy part of the body affects the entire body. If something isn’t working right, compensation occurs and it is noticed.
The importance of every person’s job once marginalized and now essential
Each part appreciates the importance of the other
“Front-line” employees should be held in high-esteem
The importance and value of teachers and school in general
Our role as parents, leaders, and servants
Each part is doing what it is designed to do
We’re Godly people, united in purpose with a common goal. We aren’t looking out for our own individual pursuits and accolades, but for the good of the Body of Christ— the Church. All parts of the body are working together, not just to the point where individual parts agree on a plan of action, but all parts are working for the common goal of bringing glory to God and showing the love of Jesus.
We’re godly people united in purpose, more than the sum of our individual parts. We know we can accomplish more together than we can individually and our individual pursuits should serve as a benefit to the body as a whole. We are connected in Jesus and as the body of Christ, we are in it together not so much for what we can collectively agree on, but we are in it together for the glory of God.
Each body part knows its job and is not trying to be something else
We’re godly people united in purpose, more than the sum of our individual parts. We know we can accomplish more together than we can individually and our individual pursuits should serve as a benefit to the body as a whole. We are more than just individuals on a team with our own interpretation of a common goal, because in that regard we are only as successful to what we all can agree on. In addition, the only real win there is the merged interest, but the loss comes in the form of destruction since if the group doesn’t serve an individual’s interest, that individual is no longer in agreement.
We’re all in it together, not so much as to what we can agree on together, but what brings God glory
We don’t function as well as we can if one body part decides it wants to be the body for itself
the big toe is the big toe
no part is deciding it wants to break away from the body and