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–12 (AFRIKAANS ‘83)
11 Bedaar en erken dat Ek God is, hoog bo die nasies, hoog bo die aarde.
12 Die Here, die Almagtige, is by ons, die God van Jakob is vir ons ’n beskutting.
Hanging behind the check-out register in a Cincinnati candle shop is a large sign which reads:
“There is a very good reason for this sign being here and you standing in front of it reading it. It is here to keep you busy. We realize how annoying it can be just standing around doing nothing, trying to find someone to help you. So, we have this sign here for you to read, and hope that by the time you finish reading it one of our salespeople will have found you.
“P.S. If not, please read this sign again.”[1]
Vance Havner sê:
I thank God for the Unseen Hand, sometimes urging me onward, sometimes holding me back; sometimes with a caress of approval, sometimes with a stroke of reproof; sometimes correcting, sometimes comforting. My times are in His hand.—Vance Havner*[2]
The more we trust the sovereignty of heaven, the less we fear the calamities of earth.—Anonymous[3]
It is said of Luther that there were times during the dark and dangerous periods of the Reformation when he was terribly discouraged and depressed. But at such times he would turn to his friend and coworker Philipp Melanchthon and say, “Come, Philipp, let’s sing the forty-sixth Psalm.” Then they would sing it in Luther’s own strong version:
A sure stronghold our God is He,
A timely shield and weapon;
Our help he’ll be and set us free
From every ill can happen.
We know it as “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
H. C. Leupold, wrote, “Few psalms breathe the spirit of sturdy confidence in the Lord in the midst of very real dangers as strongly as does this one.”[4]
Die Hebreeuse werkwoord “Bedaar” beteken om op te hou, onaktief te wees. "Oorgee!"; "Stop"; "laat staan!"; "laat val jou wapens!"; "Maak vrede."[5]
“take your hands off, relax.” God knows what He is doing, and His timing is perfect (v. 5).[6]
(Die Lewende Bybel)
6 Daardie stad kan nooit iets oorkom nie, omdat God self daarbinne bly. Hy sal die stad teen dagbreek red.
Weet word gebruik in die sin van saamstem, herken, erken, bely. “Weet dat ek God is” kan soms vertaal word "leer dat ek God is" of "sien dat ek God is."[7]
“ Ek word verhef”I am exalted”, beteken "Ek reël" "Ek is bo", "Ek oorheers" .[8]
(Die Lewende Bybel)
13 Moses sê toe vir die volk: “Julle hoef nie bang te wees nie. Bly net waar julle is en julle sal sien hoe die Here julle vandag verlos. Daardie Egiptenare wat julle nou daar sien, sal julle nooit weer sien nie.
(Die Lewende Bybel)
14 Die Here sal self vir julle veg. Bly julle maar net kalm.”
(Die Lewende Bybel)
15 Want die Here, die heilige Heerser van Israel sê: “As julle julle bekeer en rustig wag, sal julle gered word. As julle stil op My vertrou, sal julle krag hê.” Maar dit wil julle nie doen nie!
When you are nervous and fidgety, wanting to interfere with God’s plans for your life, remember these three admonitions: “Be still!” (); “Stand still!” (); and “Sit still!” ().[9]
[1] Tan, P.L., 1996. Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times, Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc.
* Vance Havner, Fourscore (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1982), 23.
[2] Morgan, R.J., 2000. Nelson’s complete book of stories, illustrations, and quotes electronic ed., Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
[3] Morgan, R.J., 2000. Nelson’s complete book of stories, illustrations, and quotes electronic ed., Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
[4] Boice, J.M., 2005. : An Expositional Commentary, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
[5] Bratcher, R.G. & Reyburn, W.D., 1991. A translator’s handbook on the book of Psalms, New York: United Bible Societies.
[6] Wiersbe, W.W., 1991. With the Word Bible Commentary, Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
[7] Bratcher, R.G. & Reyburn, W.D., 1991. A translator’s handbook on the book of Psalms, New York: United Bible Societies.
[8] Bratcher, R.G. & Reyburn, W.D., 1991. A translator’s handbook on the book of Psalms, New York: United Bible Societies.
[9] Wiersbe, W.W., 1991. With the Word Bible Commentary, Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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