1 Corinthians 2-3
I. Paul’s Proclamation of Christ Alone 2:1-16
A. Paul Proclaimed Christ and Him Crucified. (2:1-5)
Preaching the gospel is not delivering edifying discourses, beautifully put together. It is bearing witness to what God has done in Christ for our salvation.
Paul was no silver-tongued orator who persuaded the Corinthians to become Christians.
B. Paul Proclaimed Christ With Spiritual Wisdom. (2:6-16)
1. Spiritual Wisdom Explained.
2. The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Proclamation of Christ.
THE SPIRIT TESTIFIES TO OUR JUSTIFICATION. PHILIPP MELANCHTHON: The Holy Spirit brings it about that we know the gifts given by Christ. Note how effectually the Spirit teaches that grace and truth have been given through Christ; that is, the Spirit brings it about that you steadfastly believe that you are justified through Christ without any regard for works. That passage of John 14, “he will teach you all things,” pertains here. ANNOTATIONS ON 1 CORINTHIANS 2:12.
Anyone whose equipment is only of this world, who has not received the Holy Spirit, has no ability to make an estimate of things spiritual. ‘The unspiritual are out of court as religious critics; they are deaf men judging music’
When Paul says, “we have the mind of Christ,” it is the same as what he said above, “God has revealed to us through his Spirit.” That is, he made us believe the gospel, which otherwise offends the sanctimonious and is mocked by the wise.… Because we know Christ, we know the will of the Father in Christ. And knowing the will of the Father we can judge spiritually concerning God’s works both within us and outside us.