The Christians Greatest Gift
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The Christian’s Greatest Gift.
The Christian’s Greatest Gift.
Welcome to our virtual gathering on this Lord’s Day. Why do we call Sunday the Lord’s Day? Because of what happened over 2,000 years ago when Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, buried in a tomb and on the 3rd day rose from the dead. The day Jesus was murdered on the cross occurred on what we Christians celebrate as Good Friday. Good, because on that day, Jesus died in our place as a sacrifice to atone for our sin. Wiping out the debt that we owed to God as just punishment for our sin. On the 3rd day, Sunday, Jesus opened his eyes, his body saw no corruption, the stone was rolled away that covered the entrance of his tomb and the Lord walked out risen from the dead. Thus, from that day forth Sunday is called the Lord’s Day, where the church gathers to worship the Triune God. Father, Son and Spirit. Let us read from as our call to worship.
Church, the tomb is empty! Jesus has risen from the dead with a glorified body. He has won the war over sin, its power and death itself. Let us rejoice in the Lord as we now are empowered by God with resurrection power to overcome the sin that still lingers in us. While we still battle until the Lord returns for us, let us march forward as faithful soldiers. Our victory is sure, our King is coming again!
Before the sermon, pause the playlist, and read as this will be the passage I will be preaching from.
I hope you were filled with joy in celebrating our King’s resurrection where death could not hold him.
Our sermon title this morning is “The Christian’s Greatest Gift.” What is this gift? This gift is a promise of what we will receive from God our Father. Let’s say that as a child you so longed for a new shiny bike to replace the one that you were outgrowing. You go to your dad and mom and ask them for this particular bike with all the bells and whistles from the bike shop. They promise you that for Christmas, this will be your gift. Little did you know that they had already purchased this bike for you as they saw all the clues on social media. It was yours already but you needed to wait for it.
In like fashion, our greatest gift as the children of God is to be forever with Jesus in our resurrected bodies. It is already ours because it is promised to us by our Father who never lies or fails on keeping his promises. We just have to wait for it. We anticipate it with joyful hope.
For many years however, I have wondered what this eternal life is like. Is it each of us on our cloud playing a harp non stop? Waving to others on their clouds singing praises to God together in perfect harmony with angelic voices that I clearly don’t have now?
I kind of doubt that I am alone in wondering what eternal life is like. Do you wonder what the resurrection will be like? Is there real insight into what Scripture has to say about the resurrection of the dead?
Let’s see what Paul has to say about this from . If you missed out on doing that before the sermon, please pause video and read as I will just be highlighting parts. Before we delve into this text, the single most important thing to remember is that because we are unified to Jesus by faith, what is Christ’s is ours. Everything!
This letter is written to Christians in the church at Corinth. Beginning in (7:1) he answers some probing questions they had.
So what do these charlatans and snake oil salesmen have to say when a crisis hits like we are seeing today? You doubled down and send in your tithe out of your faith. If you don’t, you will lose everything. Don’t worry about paying your bills and pi
From (12), we can see that Paul is addressing a particular problem that has arisen in the church. The Christians believed that Jesus rose from the dead, but some from the church didn’t believe in the resurrection of believers. Probably due to some gnostic belief that when we die we become some kind of disembodied spirit beings floating around in heaven. He then states that if we are not resurrected, Jesus wasn’t resurrected and we are still guilty of our sin. If we as believers have only hope in this life, we are the most to be pitied because we live sacrificially, abstaining from the things of this world that our flesh desires.
What is Christ’s is ours.
But…but (20) gives the answer to this problem. Christ has risen and is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (died). Meaning, that as he rose to life in a glorified new body so also will all who are in Christ. However, there is an order to how these events will take place (23,24). Jesus is first resurrected, then at his coming those who belong to Christ are resurrected. Then comes the end, when Jesus finally and completely destroys every evil power and authority, the last being death itself. Jesus puts all things under his feet and then turns everything over to God.
What is Christ’s is ours.
Because of our union to Jesus by faith, what is Christ’s is ours.
Paul then goes on to state that if the dead are not raised like Jesus, then why are we in danger all the time? Why do I have to fight with beasts (false teachers) in Ephesus?
If there is no resurrection of the dead, we may as well party it up on earth for as the popular phrase “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”
Paul then goes on to state that if the dead are not raised like Jesus, then why are we in danger all the time? Why do I have to fight with beasts (false teachers) in Ephesus?
If there is no resurrection of the dead, we may as well party it up on earth for as the popular phrase “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”
Paul rebukes the christians in Corinth. "Do not be deceived; bad company ruins good morals” To give an ear to false teachers that would try to persuade you that there is no resurrection is causing you to live carelessly in drunkenness and sinful living. By living this way in the community brings reproach to the name of Jesus who died for you. The world laughs at Christian hypocrisy because our lives are no different than the world. Paul calls for repentance and to live righteously in light of who we are in the life to come as children of God.
Paul then deals with another question in (35) about what kind of body we will have in the kingdom. He then gives illustrations to help their mind grasp this truth of resurrection bodies. Seed has one type of body like a wheat kernel but comes up multiplied. Human flesh differs from fish, animals and birds. Heavenly bodies like the sun, moon and stars differ from earthly bodies.
So with these kinds of examples given, he now explains that the bodies we now have are natural, perishable and mortal. These bodies are the same that Adam had which is of the dust and it will return to the dust when we die. But at the resurrection, God gives us spiritual bodies that are imperishable, glorified, powerful and immortal. These bodies are of the life giving Spirit in Jesus who is the 2nd and better Adam. A spiritual body that is also physical. He summarizes this concept in (49) “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.”
Because of our union to Jesus by faith, what is Christ’s is ours.
Paul summarizes for us in (50-58) a great truth about our greatest gift of hope. These bodies that we have cannot enter into glory. They are weak and fragile and break down often. This body ain’t gonna cut it in glory thank God!
Paul reveals for us in (50-58) a great truth about our greatest gift. These bodies that we have cannot enter into glory. They are weak and fragile and break down often. “Behold!!...” Pay attention to this he is saying. He reveals a mystery once held in the eternal mind of God now given to the Apostle Paul. We shall not all sleep or die, but in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed. When the sky is peeled back and the last trumpet sounds, the King will return to finish the judgement of God on the earth. It is at this moment and not one millisecond sooner that all who are in Christ will have imperishable, immortal bodies that are meant to dwell forever in heaven.
“Behold!!...” Pay attention to this he is saying. He reveals a mystery once held in the eternal mind of God now given to the Apostle Paul. We shall not all sleep or die, but in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed. When the sky is peeled back and the last trumpet sounds, the King will return to finish the judgement of God on the earth. It is at this moment and not one millisecond sooner that all who are in Christ will have imperishable, immortal bodies that are meant to dwell forever in heaven.
At this moment the fulfillment of the prophecy from and takes place. “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” Jesus, the Son of God who humbled himself and took on the flesh of man purchased our freedom from sin in order be eternally with us. At the cross, he died in the place of all sinners who repent and trust in him. He paid our debt completely. In his resurrection he has revealed the kind of body each of the saints will have for all eternity. Jesus conquered sin, its power over us and death itself.
Because of our union to Jesus by faith, what is Christ’s is ours…sweet eternal VICTORY!!!
At the resurrection every human will be raised from the dead. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord…because he is! From we are told by the Apostle John that he saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Everyone from the depths of the sea to the grave were raised to stand before the throne in judgement. The books were opened and they were judged for every thing they had done. Satan, demons and all human beings whose names were not written in the Lamb’s book of life were thrown into the lake of fire which is the second death. Please, if you do not know Jesus as your Saviour, heed this warning my friends. There is no do over once we die. No reincarnation. No purgatory where someone of the living pays your way to glory. In this life, there is only two choices we make that determine our eternal destinations. Heaven or hell. If Jesus Christ is just a cuss word to you. Repent of sinful living that only leads to death and trust in the most merciful Christ as your Saviour. And Jesus promises you eternal life. Your name written in the Lamb’s book of life.
At the resurrection every human will be raised from the dead. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord…because he is! From we are told by the Apostle John that he saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Everyone from the depths of the sea to the grave were raised to stand before the throne in judgement. The books were opened and they were judged for every thing they had done. Satan, demons and all whose names were not written in the Lamb’s book of life were thrown into the lake of fire which is the second death. Heed this warning my friends. There is no do over once we die. No reincarnation. No purgatory to somehow have the living pay your way to glory. In this life, there is only two destinations where we will live in eternity. Heaven or hell. If Jesus Christ is just a cuss word to you. Repent of sinful living that leads to death and trust in Christ as your Saviour. And Jesus promises you eternal life. Your name written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Because of our union to Jesus by faith, what is Christ’s is ours.
Now I love how Paul ends this chapter. In light of all the arguments he has made about what we have in Jesus with resurrected bodies eternally in glory he exhorts the beloved brothers and sisters of Christ."...Be Steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labour is not in vain.”
Being a Christian is not just believing and then “let go and let God" No my brothers and sisters, knowing that a great reward awaits us means that out of gratitude for his mercy towards us, we live and labour for the Lord with joy and gladness. There is no such thing as cheap grace. We labour to do good to one another in the power of the Holy Spirit that now lives in us.
So how does this passage help us to be more faithful servants of God?
We all have experienced the loss of loved ones to the grave. Just this week a brother of ours Jake went to be with the Lord. Unless the Lord puts a stop to COVID 19 soon, we will likely have death hit closer to home sooner than later. What we must remember is that death is going to come to each one of unless the Lord comes for us first. Let us encourage one another with this promised gift of the resurrection.
Maybe you are a new believer and have not really heard much more than when you die you go to heaven. Scripture tells us in the new creation, there is a bustling city of the new earth called Jerusalem. There will be no crime, Covid 19, cancer, or sin of any kind. We will fellowship with all believers from the beginning of time. Abraham, Noah, Ruth, Matthew, Mary, Paul and John. Believing grandparents, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren. We will eat and drink at the greatest banquet table with our Lord and Saviour as he continues to serve us the best of the best. It will be awesome!!!
Let us be careful to not put too much value on this earth. We have all seen how quickly our dream world can become a nightmare. Job tells us “Naked I came into the world, naked I leave. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Our identity is not is our title, job, finances or family. Our identity is Christ. We are children of God and will never be kicked out of the kingdom. This life is a blink of an eye in eternity.
Let us be diligent in studies of holy Scripture. Seek to understand doctrine and theology so that you can defend what you believe and why.
As redeemed sinners, we make every effort to put away sin at all cost. Better to limp into heaven than run into hell. Mortify sin in the power of the Spirit because you know where you are going for eternity. Don’t let false teachers persuade you and lead you off the path to righteousness. They will corrupt your life and lead you astray. Be wise, pray to God for help. Confess to others for accountability. Repent and believe in the promises of God that he is merciful to you.
Maybe you are on the fence about whether you believe this Jesus that your parents trust in. Maybe an unbeliever has challenged you about this supernatural event. Did he really rise from the dead? Seems outrageous and science can’t prove it. It defies logic and normal reasoning. From (1-11) of this same chapter, Paul goes into great detail how Jesus appeared to Peter, the apostles, even 500 other witnesses that he said many were still alive. Even to Paul himself Jesus appeared. When a case goes to courts of law, eyewitnesses are called upon because they saw what happened and their testimony is worth gold. Now you obviously can’t talk to those people now, but talk to true Christians today and see how they live. Are they different than they were before? Do you see a radical difference? Talk to them and see how the power of Christ changed them. This is what happens when you are born again! Will you believe their testimony about this Jesus?
If we as the church applied these things how could we look to the world and other believers?
Hope would spring eternal in the midst of tears. This would encourage fellow believers. And would cause unbelievers to question how you can remain steadfast, unwavering in your faith. I remember from Carl’s funeral how many from the community were so impressed at how from a sudden death, we cried but were also filled with joy because of the hope that God has given us from his promises.
Because of an increase in our understanding of biblical doctrine like the resurrection, we would engage unbelievers in their doubts. Patiently explaining truth in love. Resulting in potential more sinners embracing Christ as their Saviour.
Young believers would see that even though we may have many years or few left, we keep one eye on heaven and one eye on earth. We don’t hold onto material things tightly because it can all go up in smoke in a flash. My reward is in heaven. Open hand “Bernie”.
God has promised us Christians the greatest gift which is eternal life with Jesus. As our hope is not in this world but in the one to come, let us not fear death. Death is the gateway to glory. Our beloved brother Jake is now with Jesus and awaiting his resurrection body. This is what all the saints who have put their trust in Jesus are now waiting for. A day is coming when King Jesus will return and in the twinkling of an eye we will all be changed. New bodies that are custom designed for the new heaven and earth, free of all suffering, affliction and the presence of sin and death.
Bodies that bear the image of the man of heaven. Let us worship God who has given us Jesus and eternal life. To live a life of unimaginable joy and happiness as we sing praises to God for his grace and mercy.
[20] Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, [21] equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (ESV)
[20] Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, [21] equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (ESV)