Needy People

Needs  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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How to handle overly needy people



Characteristics of Needy People
Suck the life and resources out of you
Emotionally drain you
Can guilt you into helping them
Set boundaries for your safety and theirs
Give what is needed, not always what is wanted
We assume that people will want more than what is needed, but often with tough folks, they ask for little to nothing, yet need so much more.
Educate them
No one really wants a lesson when they come with a need. However, if the same need is coming over and over again, something is wrong and we need to determine the cause. If we supply for the need, the problem is still there, underneath, and it won’t heal if we keep putting band-aides on it. As Christians, our job is not only to provide needs, but recognize the greater need. This is not true of every situation and it takes prayer, discernment, personal knowledge of the person and their situation. We are not to be judges of everyone, but we are to be discerning of our people. Are we really loving if we keep enabling sinful behavior? If I just give someone what they want and it’s harming them, am I really loving them? It’s better to risk angering someone and help them really heal than to feed their cancer. It’s like a drug addiction. You keep taking the drugs to feel good, even feel normal, yet they are hurting you and deepening the addiction.
If someone needs money frequently is it becuase they
Jesus didn’t give everyone what they asked for. He knew what was best. As much as he healed, did He not more teach people. He gave them truth, not just band-aides.
Who loved people more than anyone ever? Jesus. Who knows humans and their needs better than anyone ever? Jesus. If the person who loves us the most and knows us the best decided that what we want isn’t always best, who am I to argue.
Jesus’ responses were always different in each circumstance. Different people, different needs. Maybe that why He so often healed and provided in different ways and taught different stories. His teachings were in response to the needs of the people. He listened to the Spirit, knowing what to do in each circumstance.
People were upset He did not come to deliver them like they wanted. He did something far better for the world, but many were mad He didn’t deliver on their expectations.
How many of us get mad at God because He doesn’t give us or do for us what we want? I am at times, an overly needy child of God.
How many do we have here with skills that others need? Who can teach them? How many here are great at basic finances? How many are great at fixing things? How many here are technologically saavy? How many are trained in safety and first aid? How mnay here can help teach about chainsaw safety? Let’s meet needs with education and information as well as action.
Overly Needy
Everyone has needs and sometimes everyone can be overly needy. The trouble we see is there are people with needs who are unwilling to change particular behaviors to begin helping themselves.
Overly needy people are habitually needy.
Just about any need we have as human beings can be take to extreme and become overly needy, especially when we are not seeking God and trusting Him for our needs. Sure, He will provide many things through His people, but our relationship with Him gives us peace in the midst of our needs
Philippians 4:6–7 NASB95
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
If we turn aside from God and seek these things on our own trying to get them from people, we will be left hungry, disappointed, and in the same situation over and over again.
Traits of the Overly Needy
It is never enough
The “help” they receive actually feeds their addiction and unhealthy choices
Usually criticize others, even those who help them. They are not satisfied with the help because they are often looking for something more and I believe that the relationship and satisfaction only comes from God.
Basic Needs
The need to be heard
The need to be loved
The need to have more
The need to have someone take care of you
The need to feel important
The need for security
Have a heart
Philippians 4:6–7 NASB95
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
If we turn aside from God and seek these things on our own trying to get them from people, we will be left hungry, disappointed, and in the same situation over and over again.
Have a heart
Christians should have a heart for those in need. Jesus did and if His Spirit lives in us, you will too.
Christians share when they are in need.
Jesus looked at the crowds and saw their needs. They wanted sertain things from Him, but He knew what they really needed ()
We think we have it figured out. . The beggar thought he knew what he needed. Jesus had other ideas.
Sometimes the needs need to wake up and realize their need. , the son came to his senses and turned back to His father’s house.
God always does what is best and what is needed.
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