Online Camp Day 2

Online Camp  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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End of Jesus time on earth

Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world. It was time for him to go to the Father. Jesus loved his disciples who were in the world. So he now showed them how much he really loved them.

so they shared an evening meal together, sometimes called the last supper, (maybe link the image??) which Christians today remember when they share communion at church
Once the meal had been served Jesus got down and started washing his disciples feet, which would have been gross from a day of walking around dusty streets in sandles. Why? I reckon a couple of reasons
to show in Gods kingdom the most important people serve others
to give them all a hint that in the next few hours he would make it possible for people to be really clean and remove their sin
After explaining why he was washing feet Jesus told all of his disciples that one of them would betray him. Jesus 100% knew it was Judas, but he didnt stop him. Jesus even told him
New International Reader’s Version., 1st ed. (Zondervan, 1998), .
“Do quickly what you are going to do,”
Judas left and Jesus started to teach and pray for his disciples, if you want to check out exactly what he said next you can check out (we will put links to an online Bible below.
Then they went out to a garden
This is where we are going to look at Luke's account from
Jesus and his disciples went to a garden about a mile away where Jesus told them that his soul felt troubled, to the point of dying. He asked them to stay with him while he prayed.
Jesus went just a little bit away from them and threw himself down on the ground and prayed

“My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me. But let what you want be done, not what I want.”

Jesus knew what He was going to happen over the next few hours would be horrible,
The Cup was an image from the old testament of Gods punishment for people who break His Rules. Jesus knew that he was about to suffer more than anyone else ever has but he was willing to do it so that people could come back into that relationship with God we were designed to have.
but he was willing to do it so that people could come back into that relationship with God we were designed to have.
Jesus went back to his disciples and found them all sleeping,

Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. 41“Watch and pray. Then you won’t fall into sin when you are tempted. The spirit is willing. But the body is weak.”

Then Jesus went back to pray again

“My Father, is it possible for this cup to be taken away? But if I must drink it, may what you want be done.”

Then he saw his disciples sleeping again, so he went back and prayed the same thing again.
Then he came back to his disciples and told them

Are you still sleeping and resting? Look! The hour is near. The Son of Man is about to be handed over to sinners. 46Get up! Let us go! Here comes the one who is handing me over to them!”

Judas had lead a mob of people to them, Jesus disciples all ran away while Jesus calmly let the crowd take him away.
Why would Jesus, who could have called on 70,000 angels to save him, let them arrest him ? Well he gives an answer Himself

all this has happened so that the words of the prophets would come true.”

So there's the start of of our Easter story that happened a couple of thousand years ago.
Theres a couple of things that stand out for me
How much Jesus loves his people.
How important it is for us to pray, we can follow Jesus example here and when we are faced with tough times we can pray as well. Jesus praying didnt get him out out tough times, but to me it looks like it helped him to go through the tough times.
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