Hope on the Road
Easter Sunday • Sermon • Submitted
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Recognizing Hope While Walking Away
Recognizing Hope While Walking Away
Have you ever recognized something.... as you are walking away from it?
Have you ever discussed a difficult topic with someone, had a disagreement or fight… and as you walk away from it… you begin to gain clarity and actually recognize the issue as you are walking away?
Sometimes when we step away from a situation, possibly get some counsel and have some time to work through the details.... we gain clarity… we are better able to recognize the issues at hand.
There is an event recorded in where 2 discouraged and hope-less people are actually able to recognize hope… while walking away.
Let’s open our Bibles to and remind ourselves about what has been going on leading up to chapter 24.
7 Days ago Jesus rode into Jerusalem.... the crowds were welcoming Jesus as the Messianic King....
But then.... a few days ago.... Jesus was arrested in the garden.... found guilty in an illegal middle of the night courtroom by a mock jury of false witnesses...
Jesus is taken before Pilate, the ruling representative of Rome in Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders eventually convinced Pilate to crucify Jesus… even though Pilate could find no fault in him....
an innocent Christ was to be crucified on a cross....
3 Days ago they expertly beat Jesus within an inch of his life and then hung Him on a cross....cursed him… mocked him… spit on him…
Then in the midst of it all… in the middle of the day… under the cover of complete darkness… “while the suns light failed.. the curtain of the temple was torn in two.. and Jesus calling out with a loud voice… Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And with those words Christ gave up his life and breathed his last breath.”(Luke 23:44-46)
It was finished… The work Christ came to do… had come to and end..... or had it?
The body of Jesus was laid in a tomb… the Religious rulers placed a soldiers to guard the tomb… because they had remembered Jesus’ words.... “after 3 days I will rise” ()
Imagine the scene…
tells us what happened after Jesus was laid in the tomb.... exactly 3 days after Jesus was buried…
It is now the 3rd day… and the scene opens as 2 discouraged people with heads hanging low, are walking down a dirt road. They are walking away from Jerusalem… in some ways… they are walking away from hope.
2 discouraged people with heads hanging low, walking down a dirt road. They are walking away from Jerusalem… in some ways… they are walking away from hope.
A lot had happened over the last few days. 7 days ago people were singing Hosanna in the streets and hanging out their “Messiah we Love you” banners and bumper stickers.
But now…. 7 days later… the singing has stopped, the banners have all be trashed…
3 days ago the man who they had called the Messiah… had been horribly put to death.
The two people walking down the road had not only lost the One whom they had been following… but it seems like they had lost their hope as well.
3 days ago Jesus was hung on a cross and had given up HIs life…. 3 days ago a man named Joseph of Aramathea had taken Jesus’ body and laid him in a tomb.
Only 3 days have gone by.. and these two on the road have packed up their things and are headed back home to resume some version of what their lives were like before Christ.
We are told the story of these two hopeless disciples of Christ in .
—> The text we are going to study today is a narrative.... it’s a story.... an account of a real life event. There are 4 stages of this narrative that can help give it some structure for us. As we go through the narrative we’ll be focusing on 4 stages of the story.... 1. An Unexpected Encounter (13-18). 2. A Hurried Report (19-24). 3. The Greatest Sermon Never Recorded (25-27) and 4. Sprinting with Open Eyes (28-35).
As we begin to read this account of what happened to these two people that day on the road in verses 13-18, we will have an opportunity to listen in on their conversation…. and their conversation begins with an unexpected encounter .
That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, “What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?” And they stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”
I. An Unexpected Encounter (13-18)
In the ESV, verse 13 begins with the phrase… “That very day”… In other translations, verse 13 begins with the phrase “And behold”. If you were to get a Greek New Testament, the first words in verse 13 would be “And Behold”… for some reason it was left untranslated by those who put together the ESV.
The phrase “and behold” doesn’t necessarily add any new meaning to the text, but it does give us some insight into the authors intent…
As Luke wrote, the phrase “and behold”, it was meant to get the readers attention.
Luke is trying to get the readers attention. A new section is beginning… a new chapter in human history is beginning and Luke wants us to listen up!
— It is as if Luke is saying... Listen up!!! A new section is beginning… a new chapter in human history is beginning and Luke wants us to pay attention! —
With that in mind.... do we have your attention?
“That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.” ()
2 of them.... who are they? These are two of the disciples who had been following Christ. They were not part of the 12… but, part of those who had decided to follow Jesus.
“That very day”.... What day was it? It was that very same day referred to back in 24:1…
But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared.
“But on the first day of the week....”
That very day.... was Easter Sunday! The very day when the women (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James) went to the tomb and found it empty.... that very day when Peter ran to the tomb… and found it empty… That very resurrection Sunday.... these two people are walking away discouraged and lacking in hope.
It was that very day.... Resurrection Sunday when 2 disciples of Christ were making the 7 mile journey on foot away from Jerusalem towards the village of Emmaus.
The text tells us in verse14 that as they were walking… they were discussing all “these things” that had happened.
What are “these things” that these 2 people are talking about?
Pretty much everything that had happen over the last 7 days… the events that took place between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday.
They were probably trying to remember all of the prophecies about the coming Messiah and comparing them with what Jesus said and did.... and they were probably trying to understand out why Jesus had to die. … and that there were now rumors of the tomb being empty.... they just didn’t understand!
As these two are walking we are told in verse 15 that Jesus
Verse 15 tells us that these two were walking and “discussing” together. The word “discussing” gives us the understanding that these two were having a heated debate while they are walking...
They are having such a heated debate that Jesus Himself joins them and they don’t even notice. Verse 16 tells us that hey didn’t recognize Jesus because “their eyes were kept from recognizing him”.
I also think that they were so wrapped up in their heated debate… that they didn’t even notice that a stranger had joined them on the road.
All of a sudden this “stranger” asks… “what is this conversation that you are having with one another as you walk”? .... or in other words.... What are you two passionately discussing that has you so upset?
The text tells us that Jesus’ question shocks these two discouraged disciples so much that they actually stop their journey and stand still. They stopped and just looked at each other…
Verse 18 tells us that one of these two people’s name was Cleopas… Look at how Cleopas answers the stranger… Look at verse 18.
“Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” … Are you the only person in Jerusalem that doesn’t know what is going on?????
Look at how
In other words.... Cleopas is asking Jesus.... ‘Don’t you ever get out?!?!?’ Jesus could have responded… ‘Actually yes, just a few hours ago! (laugh)....
As these 2 discouraged disciples stop in their tracks… amazed that this “stranger” hasn’t heard about all that has happened..... Jesus, the master teacher takes over with the use of a simple 2 word question.... “What things?” Tell me what has happened?
They were discussing all of the prophecies they could remember about the coming Messiah and comparing them to what Jesus did and what He taught. They were probably trying to remember what Jesus had said and trying to understand why He had to die.
These two discouraged disciples… who are walking away from hope… respond to Jesus’ question in verse 19 with a Hurried Report.
II. A Hurried Report (19-24)
And he said to them, “What things?” And they said to him, “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened. Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning, and when they did not find his body, they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see.”
If you think about it… it is kind of a funny question… I mean, Jesus was there… He was the one put on the cross.... He was the one who had been laid in the tomb....
But, Jesus being the patient Master Teacher that He is… while already knowing what they are talking about… asks them this question because he wants them to learn something…
while these two disciples are walking away.... Jesus wants them to recognize who He is...
It is interesting to listen to this hurried report given by these 2 disciples on the road. They have a lot of information to share… but their understanding of these events seem a little bit less than accurate. The more the two talk.... the more their lack of understanding is expressed.
These were people who had followed Jesus… these were 2 people who did believe.... but they were still confused about the details.... or possibly… they were still confused about who Jesus really was.... they had yet to truly recognize Jesus…
They had a head knowledge of who Jesus was.... they had a head knowledge of what God had revealed about the Messiah… but by their actions they are demonstrating that they really hadn’t connected all the dots… their actions are demonstrating either their lack of true belief.... or possibly their lack of believe in the right things.
Isn’t that true about so many people today.... a head knowledge of Christ, but no heart understanding or embracing of the truth.
For so many of us, this is our problem. We have a head knowledge of that God has said and we say that we believe, but by the way so many of us live our lives it is proof that we don’t really believe enough or the right things.
Let’s look back at the hurried report and listen to the things Cleopas tells us they were discussing so passionately...
Vs. 19 “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God, and all the people...”
Jesus wasn’t just a prophet.... He is the Son of the Living God.... Jesus claimed this over and over… many times in the presence of His disciples....
Vs. 20 “and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death and crucified him..”
The religious leaders were definitely used by God to take Jesus to the Cross.... it was all part of God’s plan laid out before the foundation of the world… Jesus wasn’t convicted of any crime.... He wasn’t arrested by force against his will… he went willingly. We voluntarily allowed corrupt leadership to falsely find him guilty of crimes he did not commit… and then He gave up His own life on the cross.
(while the priests were used to take Jesus to the cross it was part of God’s plan laid out before time began. Jesus was not convicted of anything, He willingly allowed corrupt people to falsely convict Him of crimes He did not do and then He gave His life on the cross.)
Vs. 21 “But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.”
What were they hoping in ? Jesus had told his disciples that after 3 days something amazing would happen. He had said that after 3 days he would rise from the dead.... (verse?)
Now… it has been 3 days… and these 2 disciples are not looking for his resurrection with hope... but are now walking back home as if they have lost it....
Jesus had told his followers that after three days something would happen. He said that after 3 day he would rise from the dead. Now here it is, the third day and these two followers of Jesus are not looking for Jesus but heading back home away from where Jesus told the disciples to wait for Him.
Vs. 22 “Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning, and when they did not find his body, they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, (they didn’t see a vision… they had really seen an angel)... who said that he was alive.”
Vs. 24 “Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women ha said, but him they did not see.”
But some of them did see.... these 2 discouraged disciples on the road just don’t have all the information. They apparently had not heard the news or just didn’t believe that Jesus had appeared to Mary Magdalene () and then to the other women (, )
After patiently listening to the hurried report of these 2 discouraged disciples Jesus responds with a rebuke and then preaches the Greatest Sermon Never Recorded in verses 25-27.
III. The Greatest Sermon Never Recorded (25-27)
Look with me at verse 25
And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
Jesus responds to their lack of understanding with some harsh words. You “foolish ones”… Why is it so hard for you to believe all that was written in the Scriptures?
Luke 24:
Jesus responds to their lack of understanding with some harsh words. You “foolish ones”… Why is it so hard for you to believe all that was written in the Scriptures?
Jesus responds to their lack of understanding with some harsh words. You “foolish ones”… Why is it so hard for you to believe all that was written in the Scriptures?
The real problem was not with their heads… but with their hearts. Christ knows the condition of our hearts. He knows what our deepest needs are. He know what these two on the road truly needed…
What these two disciples were in need of was an accurate understanding of the Word of God..... and Jesus is getting ready to give that to them as he opens their hearts with the Word of God in verses 26-27.
Jesus is getting ready to give that to them as he opens their hearts with the Word of God.
Their real problem was not in their heads but in their hearts. They could have discussed the subject for days and never come to a good answer. What they needed was a fresh understanding of the Word of God, and Jesus gave that understanding to them. He first opened their hearts with the Word of God.
Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
The phrase “was it not necessary” helps us understand that the entire Old Testament had shown how God had brought his chosen leaders through suffering and then to glory.
The Messiah, in fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption (expressed through the pattern of Scripture and many prophecies) would have to first suffer before entering into HIs glory. (Isaiah passages about the suffering servant)
Once Jesus makes this statement setting up the understanding that His entire ministry was the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the Scriptures…
Jesus preaches the greatest Chronological sermon explaining exactly how Christ was promised throughout the entire Old Testament..... and that perfectly preached sermon.... isn’t recorded for us.
All Luke records is that beginning with Moses and all the prophets, Jesus interpreted to them all the Scriptures concerning Himself.
This was probably the Greatest Sermon Never Recorded.
Just imaging how masterfully Jesus could have quoted the entire Bible with no mistakes… in order to help these 2 discouraged disciples understand that the entire Old Testament.... The entire book of the Law.... and the writings of the Prophets.... they were all pointing to and talking about Him!
Jesus Christ! The Promised Deliverer.... the Anointed One of God… The Messiah!
The Living Word was explaining the written Word..... and it was all about Him!
Have you ever wondered why this sermon wasn’t recorded by Luke? Luke gives us an overview of Jesus’ message but leaves out all the details.
God didn’t have to record Jesus’ message on the road… because we have all of His study notes.... we have the completed revelation of God.... the Bible… and its all about Him!
Survey of Jesus in the OT....
As I thought about this I took some time this week to walk through the OT, tracing Christ through its pages… (this may take a few minutes… so hang on…)
Genesis: He is the promised Seed of the woman who would some day come and be a King in the line of Judah
Exodus: He is the Passover lamb who would be used by God to deliver His people from their slavery.
Leviticus: He is both the high priest who intercedes for the people before a Holy God and at the same time He is the scapegoat who bears the sins of the people and carries them away.
Numbers: He is the cloud and the fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness… he is the illustrated through the bronze serpent which was lifted up on the pole so that all those who looked on by faith would be healed…
Deuteronomy: He is the prophet like Moses that would one day come to redeem His people… He is the city of refuge where all those who seek Him… may find sanctuary
Joshua: He is the Commander of the Army… the Capitan of our Salvation… leading His people towards a land that has been promised by God.
Judges: He is the lawgiver… the just judge of both the living and the dead
Ruth: He is the kinsman redeemer who would rescue and redeem a family line through whom God’s Messiah would come.
1&2 Samuel: He is the faithful friend, the humble servant, the King in exile, the descendant of David who would one day be exalted by God with power!
1&2 Kings: He is the reigning King, the multiplier of bread and healer of the sick
1&2 Chronicles: He is the glorious temple filled with wisdom and mercy, He is the line of Judah through which the Messiah would come
Ezra: He is the faithful scribe who rallies God’s people to Himself… the rebuilder of the temple of God
Nehemiah: He is the gracious hand of the king.... He is the rebuilder of the walls.... pointing to salvation.
Esther: He is a silent providence that guides the queen to a position of prominence… for such a time as this… in order to deliver the people of God
Job: He is the suffering that results in blessings… He is the whirlwind proclaiming divine truth from on high… He is the restorer of life and the sovereign of all those in existence.
Psalms: He is the hand that plants the trees by living waters… He is the Lord who is our shepherd… He is the one who would be despised and rejected… hated without cause… the stone that would be rejected by the Jews… but He is also the Lord who is seated at the right hand of God.
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes: He is the wisdom of God who would be from everlasting.... the One who gives all things merit… the wisdom who calls… and the eternal truth that gives all things value…
Song of Solomon: He is the lover and the bridegroom who has an everlasting love for His bride.
Isaiah: He is the suffering servant who would be born of a virgin… Immanuel… God and Man in one being… He is a light to the gentiles… an offering for guilt and sin who would be resurrected and live forever.
Jeremiah & Lamentations: He is the weeping prophet, the righteous branch… the righteousness that is God
Ezekiel: He is the Son of Man, descendant of David, who sits on the the Throne surrounded by the breathtaking wonders of heaven.
Daniel: He is the Son of Man who is given an everlasting kingdom… He is the stone who smashes the kingdoms of the world… the fourth man in the fiery furnace… whose image is that of God.
Hosea: He is the godly husband who demonstrates his faithfulness to his adulterous wife
Joel: He is the One who offers salvation to mankind and the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
Amos: He is the One who bears the burdens of the people as God brings darkness during the noon day
Obadiah: He is the Mighty Savior
Jonah: He is the forgiving God through whom salvation is secured after spending 3 days in the belly of death.
Micah: He is the messenger with beautiful feet who would be born in Bethlehem… but would be from everlasting.
Nahum: He is the avenger of God’s elect.
Habbakuk: He is the great evangelist who is crying out for revival, full of glory who is continuously interceding and praying for his people.
Zephaniah: He is the Restorer of the Remnant
Haggai: He is the cleansing foundation who would personally visit the rebuilt temple
Zechariah: He is the pierced Son who would be both priest and king.... who would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey… and while He is God… would be pierced for the iniquities of the world
Malachi: He is the One who would appear in the temple and who’s forerunner would come in the power and spirit of Elijah. The very Son of Righteousness who rises with healing in His wings!
Amen!!! Amen....
Jesus describes all these things and more to these 2 disciples on the road.... What an amazing exposition it must have been!
“Was it not necessary”
What effect did Jesus’ sermon have on these 2 discouraged and confused disciples?
God didn’t have to record Christ’s message to these two disciples because we have His study notes. We have the entire book of Scripture saved for us.
refers to the fact that the entire OT had shown how God brought his chosen leaders first through suffering and then to glory. Therefore the Messiah himself, in fulfillment of this extensive pattern and in fulfillment of many prophecies, would also first suffer before entering into his glory.
The Living Word is explaining the written Word that are all about Himself.
While there was not an immediate response.... we will see that the Word of God shared from the lips of Christ did eventually take root in their hearts and when the 2 disciples recognized Jesus… it resulted in open eyes and a 7 mile foot race....
Let’s look at verse 28-35 and we’ll see why these 2 disciples are now Sprinting with Open Eyes.
IV. Sprinting with Open Eyes (28-35)
Look with me at verse 28… After Jesus preaches this message about Himself from the Old Testament Scriptures… we are told that …
So they drew near to the village to which they were going. He acted as if he were going farther, but they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Luke 24:
In God’s perfect timing… the 3 people who are walking together finally reach Emmaus and Jesus makes it known that he is planning to continue on his journey.... but the 2 disciples beg him not to go… It was already getting dark… they had been walking all day and it was time for their evening meal.
These 2 disciples whom Jesus had met on the road were discouraged and confuse. Through their conversation, the 2 disciples had been able to see that even though had believed in Jesus… they hadn’t believed enough… They hadn’t truly understood the truth about who Jesus really is… and why He really came.... even though they had spent time with Jesus… they really had not truly recognized Jesus. They had believed some things about Jesus… but not all the correct things.
In our world and communities today… isn’t that a problem that people still struggle with?
Understanding the right things… the truth about Jesus?
People either say that they believe when they really don’t… or they are believing in their own thoughts about who Jesus is.... which are based on their own ideas and not the Word of God. That is a dangerous place to be.... There are a lot of people in the world today with a false assurance of salvation.... people who say they are Christians.... but really have never truly recognized Jesus… based on God’s revealed truth.
Based on their own testimony, these 2 disciples believed that Jesus was a might prophet… and they were hoping that he had come to save Israel! They had placed their hope in who they thought Jesus would be.... not on who God’s word says He would be.
These two disciples that Jesus met on the road were discouraged and confused. When Jesus met them He was able to allow them to see that even though they believed, they had not been believing enough. They had believed some things, just not all the right things.
Like many Jews, they were hoping that Jesus would redeem Israel by overthrowing the government and bring peace by ruling Israel as King.
Their mistake… and the mistake of so many people today is that they had placed their hope in the man that they wanted Jesus to be..... not the Messiah that God’s Word proclaimed He is.
That is the mistake of the world today.... putting our hope in what we want… rather than in God’s Word.
The truth is… what we want is not important. I know we think it is… but the truth of the matter is… you can trust and hope in your desires all day long and they will not make salvation a reality.
The true reality of eternal salvation… the foreignness of sins and a reconciled relationship with God is only found in the Jesus that God’s Word reveals to us.
Do you want to recognize Jesus.... Look for Him in God’s Word.
— Now that they are in one of their homes in Emmaus, a meal is prepared and the table is set.
Verse 30 says that when they sat down together to eat… Jesus took the bread and blessed it, broke it and gave it to them.
As Jesus offers the bread to these two disciples.... we are told that their eyes were opened and they recognized Jesus… and as soon as they recognized Jesus… He vanished from their sight.
So many of us place our hope on what we want Jesus to be or what we hope God will do for us. The fact is that we need to place our hope in what God’s Word says and not what we want.
I wonder when was the exact moment when they first recognized Jesus. My imagination tells me that it could have been at the moment when they took the bread from Jesus’ hands.
Imagine it.... Jesus stretching out his nail pierced hands..... the marks in his body no longer concealed by the sleeves of his robe. As the bread is offered and accepted the 2 disciples look down at the hand before them… and see the nail scars in his wrists.... a mark that could only come from one thing.... crucifixion.!
Then they look up and see the smile on his face..... the love and compassion in His eyes.... and then… he’s gone..... they are left alone with their thoughts and the memory of the words He spoke to them on the road.
Notice… that once they recognize it was Jesus… the disciples don’t begin to talk about all of his miracles… they don’t talk about all the things Jesus did..... what do they immediately begin to meditate on?
The affect that the Word of God had in their hearts. Look at verse 32
They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
When Jesus explained the Word of God to them, He had helped these 2 disciples to see what the Scriptures truly said about Jesus…
As they understood the Word of God.. their eyes were opened to the truth and they understood and believed that the Messiah promised in the Old Testament … was not what they thought… but was exactly who God had said.
By accurately understanding the Word of God… these 2 disciples were able to receive a new hope… found only through faith in Christ.
The two disciples said: “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”
Now remember… it was getting close to dark… and people did not travel at night… the city gates were closed.... it wasn’t safe....
But, with this new found hope and excitement… these 2 hope-filled disciples have to tell people.
So, they take off running.... Remember they had traveled at least 7 miles throughout the day as they walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
Now, they were sprinting back to Jerusalem with eyes wide open.... with hearts filled with hope.... and a new found excitement that Jesus is alive! He has conquered death! He is the Messiah!
Probably within an hour or so, they made it back to Jerusalem… and found the other disciples and Apostles… and they told them all that had happened that day on the road… and how they had seen Jesus.
Or is your hope based on what we think Jesus can do for us?
Conclusion/ Application:
What is your hope based on? What is the foundation of your hope?
Is what you believe about Jesus based on the Bible or on your own opinions?
These 2 disciples had been basing their hope on their own opinions about Jesus… and it left them discouraged and confused.
Their hope was really based on their thoughts and hopes about all that Jesus could do for them.... defeat the Romans… rule Israel as a wonderful miracle working king.
That day on the road, Jesus corrected their lack of understanding and misguided belief.
He helped them to see that their hope has to be based on what God’s Word says about Jesus.. not on popular or personal opinion.
Or is your hope based on what we think Jesus can do for us?
Earlier in the day, these 2 disciples had been walking on a dusty road away from hope.... they had their heads hanging low.... all their assumptions and hollow belief had been shattered…
But, after truly recognizing Jesus… based on God’s Word… they were full of hope and an excitement that fueled their rapid race back to the city.
Verse 33 says that “they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem.”
Now remember… it was getting close to dark… and people did not travel at night… the city gates were closed.... it wasn’t safe....
But, with this new found hope and excitement… these 2 hope-filled disciples have to tell people.
So, they take off running.... Remember they had traveled at least 7 miles throughout the day as they walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
Now, they were sprinting back to Jerusalem with eyes wide open.... with hearts filled with hope.... and a new found excitement that Jesus is alive! He has conquered death! He is the Messiah!
Probably within an hour or so, they made it back to Jerusalem… and found the other disciples and Apostles… and they told them all that had happened that day on the road… and how they had seen Jesus.
Here is an interesting church congregation application point.... when these believers had recognized Jesus… they wanted to share the news.... who did they share it with? Other believers....
As a church, are we doing that? Are we sharing the truths God is teaching us with each other? Are we taking every opportunity to encourage one another with the principles and truths that God is teaching us through our personal study in the Word?
This can be a challenge to the church.... We are to encourage one another with the Word… we are to share with one another what God is teaching us.... so that we can corporately share in that blessing together… but also so that we can corporately hold one another accountable to practically live out the truths that God is teaching us.
It is a practice that we should all be committed to as members of the church.... encouraging one another with the Word of God for the building up of the body… for God’s glory!
These two disciples now understood that based on the truth of God’s Word…
Jesus has been the hope of salvation since the beginning.....
and now that they understood…they were prepared and pumped to share the truth that:
they were prepared and pumped to share the truth that:
:the Resurrected Christ offers hope to all who truly recognize Him. (Truth to Remember)
Jesus has been the hope (of salvation) of the world since the beginning
As Believers, celebrating our Lord’s resurrection today… Let’s celebrate the hope we have in Him.... He rose from the grave… defeating death… conquering sin.... providing a way for mankind to be reconciled with God.... and experience life forever with Him.
The Resurrected Christ offers hope to all who recognize Him.
As Believers celebrating our Lord’s resurrection today… Let’s celebrate the hope we have in Him.... He rose from the grave… defeating death… conquering sin.... providing a way for mankind to be reconciled with God.... and experience life forever with Him.
If you are not a believer, but you are watching today. Thank you for watching and for your attention. If you want to know more about the hope that comes through a relationship with Christ please contact us through the email address or website link located at the bottom of your screen.
Easter Sunday is a day of celebration for all those who have recognized Jesus as their Lord and Savior… and who share in the blessings of forgiveness as part of God’s family.
Praise the Lord if you are able to whole heartedly able to celebrate Christ’s resurrection today.
If you have not yet recognized Jesus… please talk with someone today. We would love to talk with you and pray for you.
Let’s Pray: