Godly Encouragement
God promises continual support for his people, particularly when they become weary, depressed or disillusioned.
We Are Called to Encourage
A little boy was leading his sister up a mountain path and the way was not too easy. “Why, this isn’t a path at all,” the little girl complained. “It’s all rocky and bumpy.” And her brother replied, “Sure, the bumps are what you climb on.” That’s a remarkable piece of philosophy. What do you do with the bumps on the path of life?
A little boy was leading his sister up a mountain path and the way was not too easy. “Why, this isn’t a path at all,” the little girl complained. “It’s all rocky and bumpy.” And her brother replied, “Sure, the bumps are what you climb on.”
When times get tuff the tuff ignore time!
Ignore negative content, it does nothing to edify or lift up your soul.
A little nine-year-old boy got tired of practicing the piano. His mother heard the great Paderewski was coming into town to do a concert. She bought two tickets, one for herself and one for her boy. And she dragged him along, sat him down by her in his little tuxedo, and she began visiting with her friends. He looked up on the platform and there was this giant, ebony black, Steinway concert grand piano. The lid on the keyboard was lifted and the leather bench was there. He looked at this piano, popped his knuckles, and said to himself, “Oh, man, I’d like to play that.”
So he slipped down the aisle, walked across the front, up the steps, sat down, and started playing “Chopsticks.”
Well, the people down front said, “Who … who is …?” “Quit!” “Hey, kid, stop!” “Where’s his mother?” Of course she was embarrassed beyond words.
The great Paderewski, who was back fixing his tie, heard what was going on. So without the boy seeing him, he slipped out on the stage and came in behind the little boy, reached around him and improvised a beautiful melody to go with “Chopsticks.” Then he said to the boy, “Keep playing. Don’t quit. Don’t stop.”
God Encourages Us
Meditation on his law and word
Experience of the Holy Spirit
I asked Jesus how much he loved me. He stretched out his arms and said, “This much”—and died.
Experience of God’s encouragement
God’s encouragement experienced through the words and actions of others
Commands to be encouraged
Paul to his shipmates:
Effects of being encouraged
Pray for encouragement
Prayer is much like a check to be countersigned by two parties. I sign the check and send it up to heaven. If Jesus Christ also signs it, it does not matter how large it is—it will be honored.