Passion Week 4
Passion Week Daily Devo • Sermon • Submitted
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Foot Washing, Passover, Gethsemane
Foot Washing, Passover, Gethsemane
Good Morning to you all.
Today is maundy Thursday.
If you do not know what that is, Maundy is derived from the Latin word for "command," and refers to Jesus' commandment to the disciples to "Love one another as I have loved you."
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
While Maundy is derived from the latin, Maundy also in reference to the command to wash feet.
This is our first stop on the passover journey today.
is where you can find this story, we are just going to hit a couple of verses here but you can, and I would encourage you to read .
Durning the passover meal, Jesus is with the disciples the main 12.
That is right Judas with there present durning this time.
As they were all talking, maybe just speaking about the Isrealites and their journey out of Egypt.
Jesus gets up, and he
They were eating and as they were eating, Jesus gets up, and he take a towel that is meant for a servant and wraps it around his waist.
Then he take pours water into a basin, and he goes to each disciple and he begins to wash their feet.
You see washing feet for us may not mean as much as it did here, because he have shoes and socks, and typically our feet are not covered in dirt, mud, and animal poo.
But back then that is exactly why they washed their feet.
Never would a rabbi, which is what Jesus was, would never wash people’s feet.
Others were to wash his feet.
Yet in the moment, he gets up from his spot at the table and he begins to wash his disciples feet.
Some put up a bit of a fight, but Jesus, tells them, no I have to do this.
Here is what Jesus was doing.
He was humbling himself.
As if coming to the world in a form of a helpless baby, was not enough, Jesus again shows us that no one is better than another.
Even the Son of God got onto his knees in a lowly position and washed the feet of the disciples.
Don’t miss that Jesus laid down his outer garment.
Which is the same wordage that is used in:
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Or how about:
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Laying down his outer garment— laying down his life, we cannot miss this— This is Jesus who in just a few hours is going to be literally laying down his life for us on the cross.
Then after he laid down his outer garment, he took this towel and he fashioned it like a slave.
This is humbling- as he then used the towel to wipe the feet dry.
Servanthood was not the natural response of a Rabbi or his followers.
What I find interesting about this scene is the fact that Judas- the one who will betray Jesus, got his feet washed by Jesus.
The man who will betray him and lead the men who will eventually kill him to him.
Jesus cleaned the feet of Judas- The one man who was stabbing him in the back.
How would you respond?
Knowing full well that Judas was going to betray you, would you wash his feet or would you skip over his?
Would maybe not do a great job, I don’t know, But I for sure would not have responded the way Jesus did.
I would have been mad— Yet Jesus took it in stride to show what we need to be cleaned outwardly of course and that we are going to need to humble ourselves.
As Judas leaves the room of his friends as he will return an enemy.
As Jesus sit back down and he draws to the end of all this as Maundy Thursday- He gives a command.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
Love one another- Jesus if you recall also told them to wash each others feet.
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
John 13:
Jesus loved us, he humbled himself for us, showing us that nothing is below us.
Jesus led by being a servant.
Whose feet do you need to wash?
Maybe there is someone that you need to forgive?
Maybe you need to humble yourself before someone?
On the day of my wedding: I wanted to wash Brittni’s feet:
She had no idea.
As she got down the isle.
I took her hand and led her to sit and as I took of her shoe I washed her feet.
I was a symbol— that I would lead her by being a servant first and for most.
Husbands are compared to Jesus and The church is compared to wives.
Jesus served his church.
I want to serve my wife.
This is how we started our marriage by humbling myself and becoming a servant for my wife— not so she can order me around, but to show her my love for her.
This new command I give love one another, just as Christ has loved you.
Who do you need to show love to today?
We will see you in a bit as we talk about the passover meal.
Hey guys we are back for our second Daily Devo today:
We talked about Jesus washing the disciples feet this morning.
But now we are going to turn our attention to the passover meal.
A couple of years ago we did a seater meal— which is known as the passover meal.
We walked though all the steps of this meal.
If you recall, there were four cups that were drank through out this meal and it was durning the cup of redemption— that Jesus got up and changed everything.
He stood up and he began to speak:
He took the bread and gave thanks and then he broke it: Yet instead of say what they always said after they took this bread durning this part of the dinner,
Jesus said this is my body- which is given for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
AS in eat it.
Then he took the cup and he said this cup- Was drank to the promises of God.
This cup was the promise that said: I will redeem with a stretched out arm.
Say therefore to the people of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment.
It is not a coincidence that Jesus stood up durning the cup or redemption and sit a new precedent.
As this passover meal was sit up for the old covenant:
The old covenant was based on the sacrificial system.
But the new covenant listen to this.
And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.
Jesus was setting up something new.
Yet somethings still remained.
You see blood was still the only acceptable payment.
Only blood can redeem and cover sin.
So it would be the body of Jesus— NOT broken, never broken, but given freely.
So that his blood could cover every sin.
This cup of redemption is here- Jesus came to redeem his people.
This is why we celebrate Passover because Jesus commands us to eat and drink and by doing so we remember his sacrifice.
For Jesus has not partaken in the drink until the Kingdom of God is established.
That is why we continue to do communion.
It is done to remember the sacrifice that was made but yet look forward to the day where we will be at the table with Christ and we will partake in this meal again yet it will be 100% celebration how Christ came/lived/died/rose again/ and returned to get his People!
Maybe you just need to pause again right now.
I am not going to ask you to go get juice and bread, but I would ask you to remember what this meant for Jesus and his disciples.
This changed everything.
It is easy for us to look back and think no big deal, but this was a huge deal.
Remember the body that was given and the blood that was poured out.
Is their anything you need to repent of?
Do it right now, ask God to search you, repent and embrace the freedom that Jesus gave you has his blood became the new covenant.
As they left this moment for to head to garden— that is where I leave you until we meet again.
Know that you are loved.
The last leg of our journey day, is the garden of Gethsemane.
For those who have watched all the devos today, thank you, if you missed the other two you can still check them out.
But as Thursday was winding down.
We see Jesus walking as was usual.
How did Judas know where to find Jesus, in the same place Jesus always went too the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane.
Yet this not was not a night of going to sleep or camp fire stories.
No this night Jesus had a request for his disciples.
To pray that they would not fall into temptation.
Then Jesus went ahead, a bit and fell down in the dirt.
Jerusalem we dirt— not much grass, and when we say garden we are not referring to pretty green garden— this garden was dirt filled with olive trees.
This night we see Jesus become humanized.
He says what many of us have said durning hard times- GOD SPEAR US from this.
Take this away from me.
Jesus was praying Lord take this cup— maybe he was referring back to that that redemption cup that he just told the disciples that he would be the new covenant for.
No matter: Jesus was praying for this cup to move past him.
I think we would do the same.
Yet in the moment Jesus contuined with the prayer.
This part we fail to do often.
saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Luke 22:
The weight of what was about to take place was becoming unbearable.
The agony of what was coming caused Jesus to sweat great drops of blood.
Jesus was suffering from Hema ti Drosis.
Hematidrosis is a condition in which capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood, occurring under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress.
Under extreme physical and emotional stress.
Yep I think that is the only way we can really describe what Jesus was going through at this moment.
Do you know how you get olive oil?
Olive oil is pressed- You see an olive has to endure a great amount to pressure to get the oil out of it.
Do you know what Gethsemane means?
It means oil-Press.
In this garden— known for for oil pressing olives— Jesus is here in this moment being greatly pressured to the point where he is literally sweating blood:
The shadow of the cross was in front of him.
He was burden— and his disciples could not stay awake to pray.
In other accounts of this night, it actually tells of Jesus coming to the disciples and pleading with them to stay awake and pray.
The last time they would be together— Jesus just wanted them to pray.
How often did Jesus ask them to do anything for him, I wonder.
The garden of Gethsemane is really the only place that shows how vulnerable Jesus as a man.
Yet Jesus being perfect in his life— would ask for the cup to pass but clearly left it up to the Lord’s will.
The Lord’s will came through torches, armed guards, and kiss.
Jesus would be taken away in the dead of night— This is how Thursday would end.
So tonight pray— pray that you would not fall into temptation.
Pray for those who are going to hear of the death of Jesus tomorrow and wonder why?
Pray that they being to understand why.
Friday is coming—
Join us tomorrow as we talk about why we call good friday- good.
You are loved.