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Exorcism (commanding demons to leave other people) was practiced by various people in the Gospels and the Book of Acts—
· the disciples as part of Christ’s instructions (Matthew 10);
· others using Christ’s name (Mark 9:38);
· the children of the Pharisees (Luke 11:18-19);
· Paul (Acts 16); and
· certain exorcists (Acts 19:11-16).
It appears that the purpose of Jesus’ disciples performing exorcisms
· was to show Christ’s dominion over the demons (Luke 10:17) and
· to verify that the disciples were acting in His name and by His authority.
· It also revealed their faith or lack of faith (Matthew 17:14-21).
It was obvious that this act of casting out demons was important to the ministry of the disciples. However, it is unclear what part casting out demons actually played in the discipleship process. Interestingly, there seems to be a shift in the latter part of the New Testament regarding demonic warfare. The teaching portions of the New Testament (Romans through Jude) refer to demonic activity, yet do not discuss the actions of casting them out, nor are believers exhorted to do so.
· We are told to put on the armor to stand against them (Ephesians 6:10-18).
· We are told to resist the devil (James 4:7),
· be careful of him (1 Peter 5:8), and
· not give him room in our lives (Ephesians 4:27).
However, we are not told how to cast him or his demons out of others, or that we should even consider doing so. The book of Ephesians gives clear instructions on how we are to have victory in our lives in the battle against the forces of evil.
· The first step is placing our faith in Christ (2:8-9), which breaks the rule of “the prince of the power of the air” (2:2).
· We are then to choose, again by God’s grace, to put off ungodly habits and to put on godly habits (4:17-24).
· This does not involve casting out demons, but rather renewing our minds (4:23).
· After several practical instructions on how to obey God as His children, we are reminded that there is a spiritual battle.
· It is fought with certain armor that allows us to stand against—not cast out—the trickery of the demonic world (6:10). We stand with truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer (6:10-18).
It appears that as the Word of God was completed, the Christians had more weapons with which to battle the spirit world than the early Christians did. The role of casting out demons was replaced, for the most part, with evangelism and discipleship through the Word of God.
Since the methods of spiritual warfare in the New Testament do not involve casting out demons, it is difficult to determine instructions on how to do such a thing. If necessary at all, it seems that it is through exposing the individual to the truth of the Word of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
Just to be clear,
Ephesians 2:8–9
Titus 3:5
But what about…
1 Peter 3:19–22
Acts 2:38 (LBLA)
Now the word for is the Greek word eis which would better be translated as a result, on the basis of, because of. So perhaps a better translation would be:
Arrepentios y sed bautizados cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesucristo como resultado del perdon de vuestros pecados…. Por razon del perodn de vuestros pecados…. En el basis del perdon de vuestros pecados….
The error many make is to think the word for means to obtain. But if I were to say, take an aspirin for you headache, do I mean take an aspirin to get a headache or because you have a headache?
Acts 2:38 is actually teaching the oppostie, that baptism is something you do as a restult of your slavation, not to receive slavation. Salvation is by grace thorugh faith, period.
§ If baptism was an element of the Gospel for salvation, we would see it emphasized every time the Gospel was preached. Pero eso no es el caso. Pedro menciona el bautsimo en su sermón en el día de Pentecostes (Hechos 2:38). Pero, en su sermón en el portico de Salomón en el Templo (Hechos 3:12-26), Pedro no hace ninguna mención del bautismo.
§ Paul never include the command to be baptized in any of his gospel presentations. En 1 Corintios 15:1-4, Pablo nos da un resumen claro del mensaje del evangelio que el predicaba. No hay ningún mención de bautismo. En 1 Corintios 1:17, cuando Pablo dice: Pues Cristo no me envió a bautizar, sino a predicar el evangelio…”, claramente el hace una diferencia entre el evangelio y el bautismo. Esto sería difícil entender si el bautismo es necesario para la salvación. Si el bautismo fuera parte del Evangelio, necesario para la salvación, ¿que provecho hubiera habido si Pablo predicara el evangelio pero no bautizaba? Nadie se hubiera salvado bajo su ministerio. Pero Pablo claramente entendía que el bautismo era un acto separado del evangelio y que de ninguna manera afectaba la salvación.
§ And what of those who were saved apart from baptism? No hay mención del bautismo de los apóstoles, pero aún así Jesús lo pronuncio limpio de sus pecados (Juan 15:3). La mujer penitente (Lucas 7:37-50), el hombre paralítico (Mateo 9:2), el publicano (Lucas 18:13-14) también experimento el perdón aparte de ser bautizado.
§ And the bible speaks of many who were declared saved before they were baptized in water. En Hechos 10:44-48, Cornelio y aquellos que estaban con el, fueron convertidos a través del mensaje de Pedro. El hecho que fueron salvos antes de ser bautizados es evidente en que recibieron al Espíritu Santo (v 44) y entonces bautizados en el v48. Por cierto, es el hecho que habían recibido el Espíritu (salvados) que llevó a Pedro a bautizarlos (v 47).
Peter even makes this clear in our text:
1 Peter 3:19–22
Why baptism?
· It is a demonstration of your obedience
· It is a dramatization of what happened to you spiritually
· It is a declaration.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus was baptized?
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