5 views from the Cross

The Gospel according to Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The only way to save man was through the Cross

Thank you all for tuning in on this rainy Easter Morning
It seems like every Easter it rains and then the Son begins to shine
It is today we celebrate the Son shining forth as He walked out of that grave
Everyone please grab a Bible
Get comfortable
Put this video on TV is you know how to do that
And most of all praise God for the Cross
This is “Resurrection Sunday”
Jesus died on the cross on Friday
He rose from the grave today
My focus this morning is going to be on the cross and what Jesus saw as He looked down on all those around Him
It is fascinating to me that Jesus says very few words from the crucifixion
But Luke records what everyone else is saying and doing around Jesus
The title of this message is “5 views from the Cross”
I believe Everyone fits into one of these categories
From those who want nothing to do with Jesus
To those who worship Jesus
Luke 23:33

#1 group “Pilates”: Jesus was just a ordinary man

Pilate is clearly in charge of the crucifixion
It was Pilate that had the power
It was Pilate who had to make the decision
And it was Pilate who had him crucified between two thieves
Maybe this was to vindicate Pilates decision
Maybe it was to make him feel better about caving under pressure
So Pilate numbered Him as to be crucified as an ordinary man
Yes Jesus was fully man
But Jesus was numbered as a man to redeem man
Isaiah 53:12 NASB95
Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, And He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.
700 years ago, Isaiah wrote this prophecy about the Messiah
Jesus was numbered as a man because only a man could bear the sins of the world
It is not a coincidence
It is not because of the power of Pilate
Thousands were crucified by the Romans
But only ONE fulfilled the Scriptures
Only ONE fit the mold
Only ONE can take away the sins of the world
Yes believe Jesus was only a man, but was more than a man
He was the God-man
God in human flesh
Philippians 2:7–8 NASB95
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Jesus became a man because it was the only way to save us
Luke 23:34

Group #2: “soldiers” Those who do not recognize their greatest need

We are not sure who “they” are
But I believe it is the Roman guards who are carrying out this task
They were just doing what was ordered
Jesus was not a big deal to them
In fact they found more care in the gambling of His clothes then they did in the significance of the cross
The Romans needed Jesus just as much as the Pharisees, or Pilate
But the last thing they were worried about was life after death
Just imagine being Jesus
Knowing the greatest act in history was taking place
The salvation of all men
Salvation is real
Heaven is real
And Hell is real
And what Jesus was doing was to save men from going to hell and when he looked down they were gambling with the clothes he had on his body
It was a big joke to them!
Who cares if this is Jesus, “King of the Jews”
How many today are gambling with their lives everyday thinking there is always tomorrow
There will always be time to get right with God
I told myself that year after year
Living life like nothing could hurt me, but ONE DAY GOD WOKE ME UP
Thank God He loved me enough
Thank God I saw the light
Thank God I relized my greatest need was Jesus Christ
This group says, There is always tomorrow!
But tomorrow isn’t promised
James 4:14 NASB95
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Jesus must have thought why do they not understand I AM WHAT THEY NEED
There is nothing need in this world than Jesus Christ!
All men needed to be saved
The answer to every problem is Jesus!
The answer to the corona virus is Jesus!
“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be added to you!”
What is our greatest need: TO BE FORGIVEN OF OUR SIN
Jesus prayed for their greatest need: “Father, forgive them”
What we need is not a better life
We need a life in Jesus Christ
Those wonderful words led me to the cross
Those wonderful words led my wife to the cross
Those wonderful words have led many in my family to salvation, “Father, forgive me”
Verse 35

Group # 3: “Pharisees” Those who are blinded by the god of this world

These are those who have a form of religion, but no salvation
They know all the right things, but have nothing in their heart
They know the Scriptures, but do not live them
They have made a covenant with God, but try to fulfill it with works rather than faith
Notice what they say, “He saved others, let Him save Himself”
What they saw in Jesus’ life was supernatural
The blind were given their sight
The paralyzed were healed
The leper was cleansed
The dead was raised
But they still denied who He was
In fact they said what Jesus was doing was the work of Satan not God
They saw Jesus as a threat, rather than a gift from God
What would cause someone to see God’s supernatural work, and not accept it
Because the god of this world had blinded them
2 Corinthians 4:4 NASB95
in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Satan offers a form of religion, and offers security without results
He offers salvation without power
He offers ritual without relationship
He blinds people so they believe the lie and never truly worship Jesus
It is at the cross where the mind is transformed and the eyes are opened
Only when we come to Christ to truly worship Him can we see Him for who He is
1 Corinthians 2:16 NASB95
For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Group #4: “unrepentant thief” These are the doubters or unbelievers

One criminal on each side of Jesus
The first questions Jesus status: If you are the Christ”
In other words, Jesus if you are really God I am going to need to see some proof
Show me your credentials
Then come and assist me
The problem with a doubter is he rejects the supernatural
Anything that cannot be explained through science is a myth
And the more intelligent we become, the more faithless we seem to grow
Science will never disprove faith
The finite will never disprove the infinite
Jesus said this: “However, when the Son of Man comes, will he really find faith on earth?”
In other words as time marches on there is going to be an decrease in faith in general
Our church records show it
Our government leaders show it
And the morality of our country shows it
The Scriptures prove Jesus is the Messiah
No man would write a book that said he is hopeless without God
We write books to elevate ourselves
We write books to prove our intelligence
Not all religions are the same and Christianity is the only religion that proves itself in Scriptures
There is verse after verse that record the exact words in this story 700 years earlier
No other book has the unity like the 66 books of the Bible
No other book written by over 40 authors all come to the same conclusion: THE WORLD NEEDS JESUS
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”
Faith is found in the God’s Word
Verses 40-43

Group #5 are the Believers

The thief on the other side of Jesus makes three important claims that save his soul.
He confessed to his sin “for we receive the due reward of our deeds”
The thief was well aware the judgement on the cross was justly served
And the Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”
Therefore we are all deserving of the cross
This thief declared Jesus as righteous
Jesus truly was the only man to ever walk the earth who was righteous
The cross is so important because on that cross the sins of the world were laid upon the righteous Man
He bore our sins, so that we can obtain His righteousness in faith
He declared him “Lord”
For Jesus to be our Savior, He must be our Lord
Another word for Lord is “Ruler”
At that moment in time, Jesus became His ruler, His authority, His hope
And Jesus said, “Today you will be with Me in paradise”
Salvation is not a process
It is not something that takes place over time
It happens the instant sin is confessed, and faith is placed in the work of Jesus on the cross
You don’t have to be saved in a church
You don’t have to be at an alter
If you are unsure of your salvation, would you make it right today?
The thief was dying on a cross, and Jesus saved him
Pray with me today:
Lord, I believe the cross is my only hope
Lord if I died today I am not sure where I would go
But I want to be with you in Paradise
Please forgive me of my sin
And help me to live for you
Closing Remarks:
If your saved thank God for the price he paid for our sin
Though we are apart, make this day about Jesus
Love you all
See you soon
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