GOD's Grace Through Love
Although I didn’t fully explain this last week, we should understand that the grace of GOD is Peter’s real purpose of writing. More specifically it is standing in GOD’s grace in the midst of suffering, see 1 Peter 5:12. Remember Paul pleaded with GOD to remove the thorn in his flesh 3 times, and all 3 times GOD responded that “My Grace is Sufficient”. Last week we learned how this grace gives us hope in trying circumstances. Specifically that GOD has blessed us with such hope on the basis of his abundant mercy through the resurrection of his son Jesus. We also learned that we are heirs, GOD has blessed us with an inheritance to receive in heaven at the end of our faith, which brings us joy even in the midst of painful trials. With all this, we then learned that we need to clear our minds so we can completely fix our minds on the grace bringing salvation to us in the end. Today we’re going to learn more about how GOD’s grace sustains us through “Love” while we’re going through this trying time of COVID-19.
First we should know this next part of the context begins with Peter’s admonition how to conduct ourselves as children of GOD. Particularly whoever truly calls GOD their father, should recognize that GOD who is just and isn’t impartial toward anyone. Thus as his children, we should live out the time on earth in absolute reverence or respect toward him. We fear him and no man or object. Understanding that we have been freed from our former purposeless lives at a high price, and the only payment worthy enough was the blood of his only son!! We’re not heirs without being children. We’re heirs because we are his children. And knowing the price Jesus paid, and the power of his resurrection, which has brought us redemption, faith, and hope, all of us as children should behave like we have home training!! That’s what the manifestation of his Grace has taught us, Titus 2:10-15.
But then also tied to how we conduct ourselves amidst these trying times, Peter calls their attention to another blessing, purification. Remember he’s speaking to children of GOD, and he’s saying they have gone through a purification and it presently had them in the state of being pure, which means clean and fresh from sin and guilt. What was purified? It’s not our bodies, but the soul that has been cleaned. The soul is the inner person that actuates the cause of life in all of us. How were we purified? It was by submitting in obedience to the truth of GOD’s revelation or testimony about his Son Jesus the Christ. What is the outcome of our purification? The intended outcome is brotherly love. Brotherly love is the natural affection people have with their brothers and sisters by blood. Well what kind of brotherly love? Sincere and authentic, not pretending or faking!
Application: Think of this: you live in a house and your bills are paid. You reach to turn on any faucet. The intended outcome of turning the knob or lifting handle is that water will flow from the spout. Likewise, flipping the light switch, turning on the stove, etc. In these times, we need to remember that our souls have been cleaned. And the intended outcome or natural flow from that purification is authentic feelings of brotherhood. That means if there’s any amount of faking between us, we’ve allowed something GOD didn’t intend to mix and contaminate our minds.
Well since we’re in a present condition of purification and the natural outflow is authentic brotherly love, Peter what is your instruction? Peter says from your heart! Why from your heart Peter? He’s using a term to describe the actual or a feature of the inner person, and that’s the one that’s been purified. From there, love one another fervently! Up until this point, Peter has been encouraging and admonishing them as a whole with respect to GOD, Jesus, the hope, inheritance, salvation to be received, and to each individual concerning their overall behavior in GOD’s sight. This is the first time he makes reference to how they should be with one another! And that instruction is to love on another. Two types of love mentioned, the first is sibling or friendship type love. The next love being the action governed by and sourced in the love of GOD and what he prefers! Now what degree should this love be? Peter says “fervently”. Historically, this word had two meanings, both of which are in this context. First it meant with great intensity, second without negligence or failing.
Application: Why would Peter bring up love and why is it important during tough times? Well remember love is the principle instruction and example from Jesus and when followed, demonstrates we are his disciples! Then, hard times challenge our love for one another!! Mainly we can get selfish and only think about ourselves. But this grace of GOD isn’t only about what I’m going to receive and my joy and my, my, my. It’s about OUR!!! Why because we are all GOD’s children! But although it can challenge some of our love, it also presents us grand opportunities to demonstrate a love while suffering!!! Think of tug of war. When we’re both pulling with all of our strength, the intensity is at its max. But sometimes one gets weak, they lose hope, they’re lacking, and falling down. It’s not the time for the others hands to weaken as well. That’s the time for the other to increase their intensity, reaching out, helping, giving, encouraging, staying connected, lifting up, laughing, and showing them grace. Fervent love, is a love that will suffer with!! That’s the true idea of brotherhood. When something hits the house, 1 in the attic isn’t the only one impacted, but it’s everybody. Even while we are social distancing, or should be, it is an opportunity to intensify love. Call, text, zoom, duo, mail a card, or write a letter as Peter and the apostles did!!!
Well Peter, what’s the reason you’re giving this command? Because you have been born again or renewed. You’ve been blessed with a second birth for eternal life. It wasn’t a physical seed, which is a seed in our mother’s womb that brought about our physical birth. That brings decay. But spiritually, the seed, being the word of GOD that is living and abides forever!! That seed planted in us and received caused us to be born again.
Application: Now if that’s the nature of GOD’s word, living with vitality and great power and continuing to live (unlike the nature of our flesh) and can’t nothing cause GOD’s word to die or be destroyed. Then our love should reflect the eternality of the word that’s created life in us!!! It should be intense and unfailing. COVID-19 may shut down businesses, arenas, governments, country and state activities of revenue, but it can’t shut down the love of GOD in us!!! Why? Because it can’t stop the life and existence of GOD’s Word!!!
That’s how GOD’s grace sustains us through love. We’re in a purified condition based on our obedience to the truth of GOD’s word. And that condition is intended to bring about an outpouring of brotherhood love and affection. Therefore love each other with GOD’s love accordingly. Reach out. Call. Text. Let someone know your needs!! What are your struggles in this isolation? Do you feel lonely, angry, an emotional wreck, scared, etc.? Let your brothers and sisters in Christ know so we can love your in and through this trying time!!!