All t way back in (GEN 1:1) we see t H.S. Lets turn there GEN 1:1 T word "God" in that V. is t Hebrew word "elohiym {el‑o‑heem'}" which means t plural of God. In other words, God t Father, God t Son, & God t H.S. were all involved in t creation of t earth.
I. T 1st time that we see Him (t H.S.) mentioned by name is in GEN 1:2 (Spirit of God)
A. Thru t work of t H.S. in t creation of t earth we see Him as All Powerful.
1. Many times t Word of God calls God, "Almighty." T H.S. is just as much God as t Father & t Son.
2. If we can call them Almighty than we can surly call t H.S. Almighty.
a. He is Omnipotent.
B. Psa 139:7
1. We see T H.S. omnipresent.
a. No matter where you go God's H.S. will be there.
b. He's everywhere at t same time.
2. JOH 14:16‑17
a. Once you are saved you have t H.S. & He will never leave you, He will be w/ you forever. (V 16) says, "for ever."
C. We see t H.S. bring conviction of SIN.
1. JOHN 16:8
2. JOHN 8:7‑9
a. T Bible says in (ACT 23:1), And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men {and} brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day. (KJV)
b. Paul said that he lived in all good conscience.
i. If someone could live in a good conscience, then it's also possible for someone to have a conscience that is defiled.
ii. 1TI 4:2
iii. T phrase "seared with a hot iron;" means "to render insensitive."
a. Who are they going to be insensitive to?
b. To leading & even t conviction of t H.S.
D. JOEL 2:28
1. Here we see t H.S. speaking thru men prophetically.
2. We're probably going to spend a whole service talking on t subject of prophesy, tongues, & interpretation of tongues. So I'm not going to spent much time on that today.
a. All I wanted to point out today is that all of t gifts are from t H.S.
E. We also see t H.S. thru t revelation that He gives His people.
1. JOHN 16:13
a. Here t H.S. is t guide into all truth.
b. T H.S. is t revealer of things to come.
c. This is t Dispensation of t H.S.
2. In times past we have had t dispensation of Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, & Law.
a. Now we are in t Dispensation of Grace or H.S.
b. After t Dispensation of Grace or H.S. will come t Dispensation of Millennium.
II. W/ t rest of this message I want to look at t H.S. w/ relationship to t GIFTS of t SPIRIT & His MINISTRY to t Church.
A. They are special & supernatural Gifts from t H.S., t 3rd person of t Trinity.
1. MAT 16:16‑18
a. These are t special weapons of warfare against t Devil, t world, & t flesh.
2. We must learn of their existence.
3. We must learn of their availability to us.
4. We must learn of their proper usage.
5. We must understand their limitations & their potential.
III. 1PET 4:10_
A. T word "gift" in this V is t Greek word "CHARISMA"
1. T Greek word for spiritual gifts is charisma.
a. T definition of charisma is "a gift of grace, a gift involving grace on t part of God as t donor, t endowments upon believers by t operation of t H.S. in t churches, extraordinary ability from t H.S. for special purposes.
2. T charisma or spiritual gifts are found in (1COR 12).
a. T spiritual gifts are operations of supernatural revelation, power, & inspiration.
b. They are to keep t church protected, whole, & sound; against t Devil, t world, & t flesh.
i. T gifts are either for t church as a whole or on an individual level.
B. One of t greatest dangers facing t modern Church is that it will become a great REFERRAL STATION.
1. It will refer those w/ emotional problems to t PSYCHIATRISTS.
2. It will refer t alcoholic to ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.
3. It will refer domestic problems between husbands & wives to psychologists, consulting clinics & attorneys.
4. It will refer t mentally disturbed to t ASYLUM.
5. BUT t H.S. teaches that Christ is t answer right now.
a. There's nothing wrong w/ going to those places if there is a need especially if there not going to receive from God.
b. Eph 6:11‑12
i. We have to realize that t problems that we're going thru are not natural. They're taking place in t spirit realm.
ii. 2COR 10:4
iii. Are weapons of our warfare are spiritual weapons.
a. Intercession is one of our weapons.
1. w/ intercession our spirit hook up w/
t H.S. in prayer.
b. What are some of t other weapons that we've
been given by t H.S.?
1. Word of wisdom; word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, the working of miracles; prophecy; discerning of spirits; {divers} kinds of tongues; interpretation of tongues:
2. These are all weapons that t H.S. has given to t Church to defeat t enemy.
8/5/90 SUN AM