We've been teaching on t subject of t H.S. & His ministry. We've gotten to t Gifts of t Spirit.
I. 1COR 12:4‑7, 11
A. V 4 says that "there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit."
1. There are 9 gifts of t Spirit, but it is t same H.S. that
is in charge of those gifts.
B. V 5 says "There are differences of administrations, but the same Lord."
1. That means that there are different ministries & Ministers, But it is still t same Lord that is in charge of all ministers.
C. V 6 says, "There are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
1. T NIV says, (1CO 12:6) "There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." (NIV)
D. V 7 says, "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal."
1. This is very simply saying that t Gifts of t Spirit are
given to every man, woman, & child to profit t body of Christ.
E. V 11 says, "All these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."
1. T H.S. is t one in charge of all of t gifts of t Spirit &
as we said, He gives them to every man, But only as He wills.
II. 1COR 12:31
A. 1st of all he says, "to COVET earnestly t best gifts."
1. T only way that you're going to get t gifts of t spirit in
operation in our life is to covet them.
a. T word "COVET" means "covet, have desire, be jealous
over, be zealous over."
b. We need to greatly desire t gifts. To be zealous in doing what is needed to have them in operation in our lives.
B. In t last 1/2 of V 31 it says, "Yet shew I unto you a more excellent way."
1. What is that more excellent way?
a. Last weak we said that t gifts of t Spirit all hinge
on 2 important foundations; unity & love.
b. We already covered UNITY last weak.
2. In t very next V He goes right into 1COR 13 which is t "love chapter."
a. Any type of power w/out love can be disastrous.
b. 1COR 13:1‑2
i. Gifts w/out love are simply noise.
ii. All of t gifts of t spirit have to be active by faith.
iii. (GAL 5:6) says, "Faith which worketh by love."
a. Gifts w/out love are nothing.
3. Let's go on reading t love chapter.
a. In this chapter we might find some things that will cause you to judge yourself.
i. (1CO 11:31) says, "For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged."
ii. Or this chapter may cause you to change your way of thinking.
b. 1COR 13:3‑13 This gives us a very good description of love.
i. It tells us that love Suffers long, it Edifies, it is not Ego‑centered, it Loves truth, it is Enduring, it Does not fail, It will Matures, & it is greater than faith & hope.
III. 1COR 12:8‑10
A. Here we have t 9 gifts of t Spirit. Each one fits into 1 of 3 categories. 3 gifts in each of t 3 categories.
1. 3 is God's perfect #. 3 times 3 is perfection times perfection. This is God's completeness.
2. All of t gifts are supernatural.
a. Solomon had wisdom that was given to him by God, but it was not t Gift of a Word of Wisdom.
B. As I mentioned there are 3 categories that t gifts fit into.
1. 1st there are t GIFTS of REVELATION.
a. These gifts are: t Word of Wisdom, t Word of Knowledge, & Discerning of Spirits.
b. They are given by God to reveal something to man, something that man could not know any other way.
c. MAT 16:17
i. T Revelation gifts reveal something to man that they had no way of knowing.
2. T 2nd category is t GIFTS of POWER.
a. These gifts are: T special type of FAITH, T gifts of HEALING, & T Working of MIRACLES.
b. These Gifts are something that God does for man. You could call it a sovereign act.
c. God imparts His own Divine Energy, Power, & Ability thru these Gifts.
3. T 3rd category is t Gifts of INSPIRATION.
b. These Gifts bring blessing to t church thru EDIFICATION, EXHORTATION, & COMFORT.
C. 1COR 14:3
IV. Now I'm going to give you a 1 line definition to each of t 9 gifts.
A. The WORD OF WISDOM is t revealing of t prophetic future under t anointing of God, or to show how t change a situation.
B. T WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is t revealing of a fact in existence which cannot be seen, heard, or revealed naturally. It is supernaturally revealed by God.
C. T DISCERNING OF SPIRITS has to do w/ God opening t eyes of someone to see in t spirit realm. It's seeing other spirits weather evil spirits or Godly angels.
D. T GIFT OF FAITH is when w/out human effort, God brings to pass a supernatural thing.
E. T Gift of t WORKING OF MIRACLES is when t person supernaturally does something by divine strength, energy, or power from t H.S. This is something that is done thru t human instrument of hands, eyes, mouth, feet, etc.
1. An example would be Samson when he killed a lion w/ his bear hands. (JUDGES 14:6)
F. T GIFTS OF HEALING This is t only gift in t plural. It is when God supernatural heals someone thru t use of another person.
G. T GIFT OF TONGUES as t KJV puts it {divers} kinds of tongues. This is for a public meeting which is a message from God but in not understood by natural means. This Gift always goes w/ T GIFT OF INTERPRETATION of TONGUES.
H. T GIFT OF INTERPRETATION of TONGUES is when t message that has been given in tongues is interpreted supernaturally by t Spirit thru someone.
I. T GIFT OF PROPHECY is t anointed speaking forth of words of edification, exhortation, and comfort to t church, supernaturally given from God w/out human thinking.
SUN AM 8/26/90
For the next sermon in the series see HSGIFTS.