Are You A Part Of The Cross Power Generation?
Many people think of the cross as a symbol of shame, horror, defeat, foolishness and absurdity. Though Jesus is sinless, He was made a curse for us. He took our place and bore our punishment on Calvary's cross. Yes, it is the preaching of the gospel and the cross that souls can call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. There is power in the gospel message, the logos Word of the mighty cross, where Jesus paid the price for our redemption and salvation. That He saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again!
There are those who profess to be Christians, having the trappings of Christianity, who are outwardly godly and religious but in reality are apostate, denying and ignoring the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit. False preachers are leading many astray with a different gospel, following after seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Wake up, Church! Many are claiming to follow the Lord when the truth is, are chasing a counterfeit and corrupted gospel. Yet, there is a remnant in the Church, who knows the voice of the Shepherd, who walks the narrow way, which leads to life. Our victory is standing in the finished work of Christ, what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary and the power of His resurrection! Not in our flesh, not under the law, but by the grace of God that we are justified and sanctified. It is surrendering and yielding to the Holy Spirit that we overcome sin and death. The Holy Spirit is more than a force, more than power, more than energy, more than dynamite. He is a Person, a member of the Godhead. Just as the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is a real Person. He dwells within the hearts and lives of those who walk after Him.
The cross of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone and foundation of our faith. Any message that does not have the cross and the blood of Jesus is perverted. There is a true gospel, and a false gospel. A false gospel is full of pride and self-righteousness, full of law, religion and good works. Such a gospel cannot save. Such a gospel is accursed. What then, is the true gospel? It is the power of the cross, the gospel of grace, the good news of the new covenant - that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again! It is the revelation of Jesus Christ, of Him crucified and resurrected. It is the gospel that breaks bondages, heals the broken in heart, spirit, soul and body.
Are you a part of the cross power generation? Tell others who Jesus is, and what He has done for you. We want to bring our loved ones and friends, as many people as possible, to experience the good news and know the Lord too. Let's reach out to others in our generation and from all backgrounds.