Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
*You can never come to know God **deeply* *with **CASUAL CONVERSATION* or even by your prayer requests.
*Intimacy* with Him *requires* much *time* *spent alone* with Him.
*The deepest working of the Holy Spirit* *comes* *during* the *time spent alone* *in His presence*.
*When we set time aside* *for fellowship with God* *we’re entering into the richest experience* of the *Christian* *life*.
*You were created for fellowship*, fellowship with God.
This is the *only thing* that will *satisfy* the *desires of man*.
*I) *Let’s pick up were we left off last.
*EXO 34:29–30*.
*A) **Moses was in the presence of God for 40 days.*
*There was a dramatic outward effect* – an *unconscious effect*.
*1) **.* *Moses* was *not* even *aware of* the *shine of God’s glory* on his face.
*2) *(*This will also happen to you*.) [New birth people change on the outside.]
*a) **You may not shine as Moses did*, *but through your communion and fellowship* *with God* *YOUR LIFE AND ATTITUDES will be greatly affected*.
*b) **The change in your life* *will be just as impressive* *as the shine of God’s glory upon Moses*.
(Joy, peace, your attitudes, God’s power, and victory.)
*3) **As you enter into God’s presence* *in worship* *and* *shut out the distractions* of your mind, *you step into the Holy of Holies*.
*a) **That is the sanctuary of the Lord*, *and* *you enter* *in spirit* *to the place of nearness to God*.
*B) *In the *book of Ezekiel* *we find some priests* *who were faithful to minister unto God*, so let’s turn there.
*Ezekiel 44:15-16.*
*1) *The *sons of Zadok* *continued* *to enter the sanctuary* *even when others* had *abandoned God*.
(“*Zadok*” means “*RIGHTEOUS*” in the Hebrew).
*2) **In the following Vs*.
*they were told* *not to where anything into the inner court* *that may cause them to PERSPIRE*.
*a) **Then*, *when they went to the outer court* *to minister to the people*, the *CLOTHES *they wore while ministering to God were *LEFT BEHIND* so they would *not become contaminated*.
*3) **When you come into His presents* *you know* that *Jesus has already gone before you* *to prepare the way*.
*a) **You can enter* *with* complete *confidence* *because* *He has GIVEN you His ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS through* your simple *faith* in Him.
*b) **It’s NOT BY YOUR OWN PERSPIRATION*, *not even* *your work for God*, *that brings you near to Him*, *but only* *by your confidence in Jesus’ sacrifice* *and* a *willingness to enter*.
*4) **He said*, *“They shall come near to me to minister to me.”* *This is service to God that can be done no other way*.
*a) **You must come before Him*.
*You cannot serve Him from a distance*.
*b) **The OUTER COURT is where YOU APPROACH PEOPLE*, (where you *minister to people* *and* *do things* for God in service) *but* *the INNER COURT is where you APPROACH GOD.*
*c) **Many* times we *feel* that *all we do in the outer court* (*ministering* *and* *serving* people) *gives us a good excuse for not drawing near to God* *in the inner court*.
*(i) *But *WITHOUT CLOSENESS TO GOD through fellowship and through ministry to Him* *in your inner chamber*, you’ll find that *your WORK *for God *is* simply *DONE IN THE FLESH*.
*5) **It seems* that there is *a lot of sweat in today’s ministries* *and* *little waiting quietly in the presence of God* *to* *obtain* *His* *counsel and wisdom*.
*a) **I want God to look at me* *and my service to Him* *and say* *as He did about the sons of Zadok*, *“He shall be my minister and shall stand before me.”*
*b) **Your input will determine your output*.
*As you draw close to Him*, *His very presence will saturate you* *with His influence*.
*c) **He will put in you* the *things* that *He wants to flow through you.*
*C) *Let’s *begin to have* that *time alone with the Lord*.
*1) **God wants to USE YOU.
**He wants to FLOW THROUGH YOU*.
And *He wants to BLESS YOU* and *MOVE IN YOUR LIVES*, *but* *it’s going to take* that *commitment on our part **to press in to know Him*.
*That’s when WE’LL BEGIN TO TRUST HIM AND RELY ON HIM like never before*.
*And that’s when we’re to see the power of God moving in our lives*. .
*As we press on to know Him in a greater way*, *His ways will become our ways*.
We should be *taking on His character*, and *become more and more in His likeness*.
*II) **HOSEA 10:12*.
*A) *There are *2 kinds of Christian lives*: the *FOLLOW*, *and* the *PLOWED*.
*1) **Follow** ground **is uncultivated*, *unused**, **idle**, **and dormant*.
*a) **It’s possible* that *it was plowed* at *one time*, *but* *because* it *remained untended*, *it hardened** **and** **became crusted* until *finally* *it needed to be broken up again* in order *to receive seed*.
*2) *In the *same way*, *the follow life Christian* is *content with* whatever *fruit he may have produced* in the *past*.
*a) *He is *tolerant of those* that are *seeking God 1st*.
*But* he is *unmotivated*.
*(i) *He *always complains* *about how things are* *and* *how things should be*, *BUT DOES NOTHING TO MAKE THING BETTER*.
*b) **This is the person* that has *lost his passion for the presence of God* in his life.
*(i) *He *looks back with satisfaction** **at* the *glory* that *once was*.
*(ii) **Yet*, *he lost* that *something** **on the inside* of him *that causes him* *to go on and press on** **with* the *things of God*.
*B) *The *PLOWED LIFE *is the *life* *that has remained prepared for* the *fresh activity of the Holy Spirit*.
*1) **They are not content with INACTIVITY*; they *want to continue going on** **in the things of God*.
*a) *The plowed life Christian is the Christian that yearns to be cultivated and developed in order to receive seed again and again.
*b) **He sees* that *he is to be* *A HABITATION OF SEEDS*.
*(i) *Without the proper environment, seed cannot grow.
The miracle of growth can only happen in cultivated ground.
*2) **God’s Word is seed*.
And *with the Holy Spirit cultivating our lives*, *that cultivation** **produces* the *proper environment* *for* that *seed to grow*.
*a) *All of *God’s Words** **contain* the *power** **necessary to cause them to bear fruit* in your life.
*b) **But they need the proper environment* *and** **cultivation* to grow, *which is brought by the Holy Spirit*.
*3) **When you plant a flower seed* in the ground, *the color of its bloom*, *the size of the pedal*, *everything about that flower* *is contained in that seed*.
*a) **It’s the same** thing **with God’s Word*.
*(i) **The seed might be*, *“By Jesus stripes you are healed.”*
*(ii) **Within that seed** **contains the full manifestation of that seed*.
*III) **The LIVING BIBLE says**, **“**Plow the hard ground of your hearts**.”**
**Only the life that is plowed and cultivated* *with* the *Holy Spirit* *and* the *presence of God* *is eligible to see* *the* *miraculous **groweth of God’s seed*.
(The promises found in God's Word.)
*A) **Diligently seeking Him** **is the open door to breaking up* the *hardened*, *unusable ground*, *and* *unproductive ground* *in your life*.
*1) *Listen to what the *MOFFATT’S TRANSLATION **says* of our text, (*HOSEA 10:12*) *“Break up your fallow ground, by seeking knowledge of the eternal.”*
*a) **The way you break up that fallow*, *uncultivated*, *unproductive* *land* is by *getting to know the Father*.
*2) *The word *“SEEKING”* from the *Moffatt’s** *translation *or* from the *KJV* “*Seek the Lord*.”
The *Strong’s* concordance *says* it *means* *“SPECIFICALLY TO WORSHIP.”*
*a) **If you want to break up* that *unproductive ground* in your life, *spend time in God’s presence*, *especially worshipping Him*.
*3) *The *last phrase* *of* this *verse* *says* *“Till he come and rain righteousness upon you.”*
*b) **Seek the Lord* *and keep seeking Him* *until you receive your* *deliverance*, *victory*, or *prosperity*.
*B) *Turn with me to *PSA 42:1–2**.*
*1) **There is a longing** **and a yearning* *of your inner man** **to know God** **and His ways** **more intimately*.
*2) **(PSA 63:1–2* Says from the *AMP)* *“Oh God, you are my God; earnestly will I seek you, my inner self thirsts for you, my flesh longs and is faint for you, in a dry and weary land, where no water is; (2) So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.”*
*a) *¿*How far are you willing to go** **to quench the thirst that is with in you?*
*(i) *Some people are just not determined enough to seek Him.
*b) **Those who are willing to seek God** **till He comes and rains righteousness upon them** **will experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a new dimension.*
*c) **The more deeply you yearn for God to pour Himself through you*, *the more deeply He will cultivate you*.
*(i) **Fruitfulness is always preceded by cultivation*.
*Seek Him** **until you experience the rain*.
*(ii) **Then you’ll truly be able to give testimony** **to what it says in (MATT 6:33)* *“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”*
WOLCC Sun AM 4~/5~/92 and W. O. L. C. C. Sunday, May 30, 1999
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