Knowing God Intimately # 5a
You can never come to know God deeply with shallow conversation. Knowing Him personally and deeply requires much time spent alone with Him. The deepest working of the Holy Spirit comes during the time spent alone in His presence. When we set time aside for fellowship with God we're entering into the richest experience of the Christian life. This is the only thing that will satisfy the desires of man.
I. Every person has a void on the inside of them, an emptiness, It’s only with a close relationship with Him can that void be filled.
A. For the non-believer, they are always searching to find this fulfillment.
1. Many turn to drinking to satisfy this void, some turn to drugs, some turn to a wild life style, some gambling, others in money or power.
2. The only way for the unbeliever to find this fulfillment is in God.
a. Some even try to find fulfillment in other religions.
b. The only way for them to find that fulfillment is in God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
B. Many times, Christians have a void.
1. They may know who God is. They know Jesus as Lord and Savior
2. But they still feel a void on the inside of them.
a. During those times that you’re feeling that void, you might be thinking is this all there is to life, is this all there is to the Christian life. You’re feeling an emptiness on in inside.
b. That emptiness and void is only going to be filled by an intimate close relationship with God.
c. We were created to fellowship with God. (1COR. 1:9) Says, “God {is} faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”
i. (1JO 1:3) Says, “Truly our fellowship {is} with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”
3. That fellowship with God is going to be much better and much deeper when you are set apart from all the things that clutter your mind.
a. MATT 6:6
b. When you set time aside to be alone with the Lord, it's easy to waste that time with God by letting your mind wander.
i. Jesus said to enter your closet (or chamber) and shut the door.
ii. We need to shut the door of our mind to all the distractions that would draw our attention.
C. Worship is one of the greatest ways of being receptive to God.
1. It seems sometimes that we have to drag ourselves into His presence.
a. We have to bring our mind under control.
b. Just begin to worship Him.
i. Sing a worshipful song, speak out to Him your love and adoration.
ii. Soon you'll find all those things that were cluttering your mind taking their rightful place -- outside the door of your inner chamber.
2. This is not the time for requests, but rather to simply enter into His presence, enjoying His fellowship, and to listen for His leadings.
a. During these times you will have a knowing of God's willingness to be involved in your life.
i. You'll find that you can trust Him like never before, because you'll know Him like never before.
II. JER 17:7–8 This is a great description of one who has learned to put His trust in God. (True trust only comes from fellowship)
A. Your time in your inner chamber causes your roots to reach deep into God.
1. Deep roots make strong, healthy trees.
a. Most trees have as much under the ground in root systems as they do above the ground in branches and leaves.
b. The root represents your private life with God.
i. The leaves are the public life that others see.
ii. When a life of private fellowship is developed it will be evident as you minister and deal with people publicly.
c. For many, they spend the majority of their time with God in public settings -- either church, Bible studies, Prayer meetings
i. You need at least as much beneath the surface as you have above the surface.
2. Deep roots create stability and confidence when the storms come. (In Michigan)
a. When you have that stability there is a peace that goes along with it because you tapped into the source of strength.
i. When everything in the Christian experience is above ground, there is very little stability.
3. Look at EPH 4:14
a. Children usually don’t have much root to them.
i. At least not in the Lord.
ii. That’s why we are to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
b. Without the deep roots we can be carried about with every wind of doctrine.
i. Those deep roots that were talking about are deep roots in God, and they only come by your fellowship with Him and time spent in the Word.
ii. You can’t know someone without knowing what they have said and you can’t know them without spending time with them.
iii. When there’s very little stability in the things of God, the person will lack confidence in God and they're so easily tossed back and forth.
4. It's in the quiet times in His presence, worshipping, waiting, praising, listening to Him, and reading His Word is what is going to cause you’re roots and stability to grow.
a. These times that you spend in His presence are the times that God will speak to you where you can hear Him, and He will show you His wisdom and His will.
b. Turn to PSA 81:13-16
i. Listen to it from the NIV (PSA 81:13–16), “If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”
c. God clearly states what will happen If we listen to Him. (Listening comes from fellowship)
i. Our enemies would be subdued, and God would supply us with the finest in life.
ii. God offers His wisdom and His direction in our lives, but it only comes by listening. And we hear the best when we're in His presence.
B. In the N. T. we find many references where Jesus spent time alone to hear from His Father.
1. Jesus was always looking to His father for guidance, direction, and fellowship.
a. Jesus said in (JOHN 5:19) “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
b. The night before Jesus picked the 12 disciples, He went to the mountains to pray.
c. Look at LUK 6:12–13
i. Why did Jesus go to the mountains to pray?
ii. So He could have that close fellowship with the Father.
iii. So He could get the Father direction and guidance.
2. It's the deep roots which is produced in private fellowship that brings power for public benefit.
III. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. When He returned, He came in the power of the Spirit.
A. He was led into a time of fasting and prayer before beginning His public ministry.
1. He was there so He could complete His preparation for ministry.
a. Mainly to spend time in God’s presence and to continue to walk with Him, always. Then He returned in the power of the Spirit.
2. Only if all of us could learn this one truth. If Jesus needed to go into the presence of His Father to be renewed, find direction and to be empowered, how much more do we need to do this.
B. Lets turn over to EXO 34. In this chapter Moses had been fasting 40 days. He was given the 10 commandments and was on his way down from mountain Sinai.
1. Look at EXO 34:29–30
a. Moses was in the presence of God for 40 days, there was a dramatic outward effect – an unconscious effect.
b. (This will also happen to you.) [new birth people change on the outside.]
2. Let's begin to have that time alone with the Lord.
a. God wants to use you. He wants to flow through you. And He wants to bless you, but it's going to take that commitment on our part to press in to know Him. That's when we'll begin to trust Him and rely on Him like never before.
WOLCC SUN AM. 3/22/92 and WOLCC SUN AM 11/12/95 This is taken from a message preached a few years ago called Knowing God Intimately # 2. Also this is from the book by Dennis Burke called Knowing God Intimately pg. 23-36