I like that question. The writer says, “Who are you going to compare God with?” “What can you compare God to?”
I. I want to ask you this question. How big is your God? How good is your God? What is He doing in your life?
A. Can you give us a description of what God is doing? What can you compare Him to?
1. ISAIAH said in V 18 (again)
a. It's almost impossible to give a description of the greatness of our God.
i. How can you describe Him?
2. ISAIAH had some insight into that question. He tries to describe the magnitude of God in (ISA 40:12).
a. ISA 40:12
i. It says that He measured the waters in the hollow of His hand.
ii. You know that there is twice as much water as there is land, yet God was able to measure that in the hollow of His hand.
b. How magnificent & how great our God is.
i. He's the creator of heaven & Earth.
ii. In (GEN 14) it says that God is the possessor of Heaven & Earth.
c. In (ISA 40:12) it says that God weighed the mountains in His scales, as a drop in His scales.
i. How big is our God?
3. Let's go on reading ISA 40:13-18
a. We can hardly even conceive the majesty of God. It beyond our comprehension.
i. He is Omniscience, all knowing
ii. He is Omnipotent, all powerful
iii. & He is Omnipresence, everywhere at once.
b. But I'll also add this, He is all sufficient. He's Jehovahjireh - our provider.
i. The word Jehovahjireh means more than just provider.
ii. It means He sees & provides. He's not blind to our problems. He knows what we are going through.
iii. (Matthew 6:8) “Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”
iv. But He also says in the book of James, “You have not because you ask not.”
B. When you read about our God who is so great and so mighty, it might make you feel a little insignificant.
1. But this God who is so great & so magnificent chose to dwell in you.
a. He chose to make His home in you.
b. (2 Corinthians 6:16) Says, “Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
i. We have the creator of all things dwelling in us.
2. ROM 8:31
a. If God is for us who can be against us?
b. Devil...
3. Let's go on reading V 32.
a. This God who is for us, also gave up His Son for us.
i. If we ever think of ourselves as small or unimportant, you have a wrong idea of the how God sees us.
ii. God doesn't see us small especially when He gives up His Son to be crucified for us.
b. Then at the end of (Romans 8:32) He says, “How shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
II. Is this how you see our God, of great majesty & power, an awesome God, but yet lives in us, who gave up His Son for us, & who freely gives us all things.
A. Or do you see God in a more limited way?
1. ROM 8:37
a. The God that is in you, made you & me more than a Conqueror.
i. The word “Conquerors” here in the original Greek is in the ACTIVE VOICE.
ii. Meaning you have to perform the action of a conqueror.
iii. Yes, it is through the Lord Jesus Christ, but in order for you to be a conquer, you have to be a doer of the Word.
2. EPH 3:20
a. Do you still believe that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
b. Do you think that God WILL do those things for you?
B. PSA 78:40-42
1. In (V 42) it says, “They limited the Holy One of Israel.”
a. There's been times in my life where I've forgotten to seek God for a certain situation & try to do it on my own.
b. What I was really doing is limiting the Holy One of Israel.
i. What's really sad is that most Christians don't know that they are limiting God.
2. When you have your eyes on the natural & you mind is focused on the natural, & NOT LOOKING TO GOD, you're limiting Him.
a. Peter walking on the water......
b. If we wont move with God & flow with Him we're limiting Him.
i. We have to obey the Lord & Fully put our faith in His Word so we don't limit Him.
III. Turn back to PSA 78:41-42a.
A. 1 way that people limit God in their lives is by “Forgetting what the Lord has done.”
1. Many times people will sit in their circumstance; moan, complain & even murmur, but they have forgotten what the Lord has done.
2. That's what the children of Israel did.
a. Look at V 42 (PSA 78:42)
b. When the Bible talks about “the hand of the Lord,” whether in the NT or in the OT, it's a sign of God's power & authority. (use concordance to study “Hand of the Lord.”)
c. Israel limited God by not remembering what He did for them in the past.
i. If you forget what God has done for you in the past, you might have a tough future.
B. ACTS 16:16-25
1. In (V25) where it says that Paul & Silas prayed & sang praises unto God, What do you think they were doing in their praises?
a. They were remembering the hand of the Lord, remembering what the Lord has done.
2. Paul remembered what happened to him on the road to Damascus.
a. (ACTS 9:3) Says, “And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:”
i. Suddenly the Glory of God was upon him.
b. Paul was not worried that they were in prison.
3. Read ACTS 16:25 (again)
a. It pays to be bold for Jesus.
4. Let's go on to V 26a.
a. Suddenly, I like that word, because that's all you need is a suddenly.
i. You might be in a situation that looks bad. You might be at the end of your rope.
ii. But all you need is a suddenly.
iii. Don't give up, don't lose hope, keep walking in faith, because suddenly the hand of God will begin to move.
b. Look at ACTS 16:26
i. Suddenly they were all set free by the hand of the Lord.
IV. 2CHRON 20:1-6
A. Here we have Jehoshaphat which was about to go into battle, but 1st he went to the Lord & reminded Him of the power of His hand.
B. V 7 In this V he's remembering what the Lord has done in the past. He's also reminding the Lord what He did. (not respecter of persons)
C. V 12 That's not a bad place to be at, when you don't know what to do in the natural.
1. Then you have to look to God.
a. Say to the Lord, “I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you.”
2. V 13 Everyone had their eyes on the Lord.
3. 2CHRON 20:14-15; 17
a. They got theirs eyes off themselves & on God, they remembered what God has done, they even reminded God what He had done, they gave Him praise & Look what happened.
b. V 22
4. 1 time Israel limited God because they forgot what He had done.
a. This time they remembered the hand of the Lord & they had victory.
b. Remember what the Lord has done.
i. PSA 126:3