Marriage Service Episcopal & Copeland

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Opening: “Who gives this bride in marriage?”

Response: We do.

To Groom: “Please take your bride and step forward.”

(Please remain standing as we go before the Lord in prayer.)

Prayer: “Let's pray. Our most gracious heavenly Father, we thank you for all the privileges of being in the body of Christ. We have come together to watch the miracle of Your love and the power of Your Spirit work in the lives of these two people. We give you the praise, the honor, and the glory for the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to bring us into a place of union with the Father, union with the Son, union with the Holy Spirit, and union with one another. We thank you for it, in Jesus name. Amen.”

(Ye may be seated.)

            “Dearly beloved: We are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy matrimony; which is commended of St. Paul to be honorable among all men: and therefore is not by any means to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined.”

“The world has the idea that marriage is simply a legal contract. It is a legal contract (we don't make light of that); but at the same time, it is a spiritual contract. When the words of faith are spoken according to the word of God between two believers, the power of God goes into operation. An actual miracle takes place that brings these two people into union together.”

          “Gary, wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

            The man shall answer, I will. Then shall the minister say to the woman:

            Charnique, wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”


            The woman shall answer, I will. Then shall the minister say,


Gary, turned to Charnique (and joined right hands) looking into her eyes, say these words after me.”

          “I Gary, - take thee, Charnique, - to my wedded wife, - to have and to hold - from this day forward, - for better for worse, - for richer for poorer, - in sickness and in health, - to love and to cherish, - till death us do part, - according to God’s holy ordinance; - and therefore I pledge - to give my life to thee.”


Charnique, look into Gary’s eyes and say these words unto him.”

          “I Charnique, - take thee, Gary, - to my wedded husband, - to have and to hold - from this day forward, - for better for worse, - for richer for poorer, - in sickness and in health, - to love, and to cherish, - till death us do part, - according to God’s holy ordinance; - and therefore I pledge - to give my life to thee.”

          Presentation of Rings:

            To Groom: “May I have the Bride’s ring, please.”

            “A ring is a very precious thing – a token of your faith and your love. This ring is made out of precious metal. It is a never-ending circle that indicates the continuing love of God-a love that never fails, never presents itself haughty nor puffed up. The love of God and the faith of God is what causes His power to move in your lives.

          I want you to wear these rings as a continual reminder of the confession of faith you have made to each other and to God.

          The Word of God says, “Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” If anyone could break up this union, it would be Satan, so give him no place. Give him no place! This is forever.”

            To Groom: “Gary, take this ring, place it on Charnique’s finger, and say this to her:”

            “With this ring, - I thee wed. - It is a token of my love and my faith. - I believe with all my heart - that this is forever. - In the name of the Father, - and of the Son - and of the Holy Spirit.”

            To Bride: “May I have the Groom’s ring, please.”

            To Groom: “A ring can mean two different things. It can be a never-ending sign of love, or it can be a shackle. I am going to charge you with a memory you should remember always: This woman stands by your side, not under your feet. You have the responsibility of being the head of this union. You have spiritual responsibility. I want you to wear this ring in remembrance that she is your helpmate. It must never be a shackle of dominance, but always a reminder of faith and love.”

            To Bride: Charnique, I want you to place this ring on his finger with these things in mind. There is no place in the Word of God that gives people the right to dominate one another. Your vows have stated that you submit to one another in the responsibilities of this life, expecting God and His power to always make the difference. So place this ring on his finger and, as you do, say this to him:”


            “With this ring, - I thee wed. - It is a token of my love and my faith. - I believe with all my heart - that this is forever. - In the name of the Father, - and of the Son - and of the Holy Spirit.”


To Bride and Groom: “Join right hands please.”

“As a representative of Jesus Christ, before Almighty God and in the name of the Father, of His Son Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You are one together. You may kiss the bride.”



Gary and Charnique have chosen as their first act of marriage to light a unity candle to represent their union together.”

(move to the table)


The apostle Paul said in Eph. 5, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.  29  For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:  30  For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.  31  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.”


The apostle Peter said, “Husbands, dwell with your wife according to knowledge, giving honor to her as being heirs together of the grace of life.”



(Return to the front)

Gary and Charnique please turn and face the congregation.


Ladies and gentlemen I have the great pleasure to present unto you Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hudson Charnique Gary Hudson

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