Who is in that bush? The LORD
Bethel Baptist Church,
Laramie, WY
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Pastor Nathan Sehi
a) How does the calling communicate mercy in Moses life? How does
show mercy in your life? Name at least 3 ways.
The miracle of the burning bush was meant to be a sign
representing the character of God. It was meant to point Moses to the
true God and to call him to faith and fear in the Lord. Today we get to
learn about the God who changed the life of Moses and has the power
to change our lives. May we consider who is in the bush?
Exodus 3:1-6 - Who is in the burning bush? This text will give show us
3 qualities of God that should teach us to Fear the LORD.
b) How does the bush demonstrate God’s self-sustainment (SelfSufficient)? Why does God’s self-sufficiency matter?
1) The Merciful One - Consider God’s calling Moses to himself. (v. 1-4)
a) The awesome sign of the burning bush.
b) God call’s him by name.
c) How does this story teach the Holiness of God? How should we
respond to God’s Holiness?
2) The Self-Sustaining One –
Consider the Self-Sustaining burning bush. (v. 2)
3) The Holy One - Consider the bush’s holy ground. (v. 5)
a) God is pure.
b) God is separate and distinct.
The Response: Moses Fears the Lord
- the one who is in the Bush. (v. 6)
d) How does 3:6 model for us a proper response to God? What ways
should this shape our daily lives? What are the signs of failing to do