Obedience and Service
Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say.
Obedience to God
Obedience to God
Paul states that he is confident of Philemon’s obedience. Yet earlier,
Paul had stated clearly that he was not approaching Philemon as an apostle to be obeyed, but as a fellow worker and brother in Christ.
Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient, yet for love’s sake I rather beseech thee, being such an one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
So why does he state that he is confident of Philemon’s obedience? Is this a subtle way of putting pressure on Philemon?
Instead, let’s look at it from the perspective of Philemon’s faithfulness and obedience to God.
Paul is confident in sending Onesimus back to Philemon - not because he thinks Philemon will obey Paul, but that Philemon will obey the ultimate Lord - our Savior Jesus Christ.
It is interesting in this time period - we are closed up in our homes and nobody really knows what we are doing or how we are using our time. We are not meeting in a church building, so who will know whether we are participating in the service or not. I recognize that you must be listening right now or you would not be hearing this but what about your other spiritual disciplines? Are you spending time w/ God?
Are you obedient to your ultimate Master Jesus Christ?
Are you obedient to the command to forgive?
Paul is confident - not only that Philemon will obey God, but that he will go above and beyond what Paul had asked.
But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.
Service to Other Believers
Service to Other Believers
Paul now asks Philemon to prepare a guest room for him.
In our western mindset, this is a bit shocking and a little bit - okay it is just plain rude!
How would you like if your church was planning a special meeting in a few months and the evangelist wrote a letter to the church confirming the date and then specifying whose home he was planning to sleep and eat at. in fact, he would like you to make sure that you repaint that room in a pale blue prior to his coming and he would like a rocking chair or a recliner with a reading lamp and a queen size bed with a rug.
You would immediately be calling for the church to not only cancel the meeting, but warn every other church in the nation not to book that rude overbearing evangelist.
HOWEVER, in Paul’s time period, this was not out of place and was very acceptable. This was not overbearing or rude and it was not even a way of telling Philemon Paul would be coming to check up on him, so shape up!
Instead, this was a friendly letter and conveyed Paul’s hope that he could come visit soon.
But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.
Prayers for Other Believers
Prayers for Other Believers
Paul makes it clear that this can only happen as a result of their collective prayers being answered.
Yet, he is confident that 1) they are praying for him and 2) their prayers will be answered
Do you pray for others?
Are your prayers for others beyond their physical needs?
How important is intercession in your life?
Work for the Master
Work for the Master
Paul now sends greetings from
Epaphras, who is his fellow prisoner.
Now this may mean that he was in the prison with Paul, but probably simply means that Epaphras is also a prisoner of Jesus Christ - a fellow prisoner in the ministry.
In addition, four others who are working alongside Paul send their greetings:
Each of these men had unique roles to play in Paul’s ministry. They had differing gifts and abilities and backgrounds - yet all of them were fellow workers with Paul.
Are you willing to be used by God?
Are you willing to serve in a service ministry?
What is keeping you from serving Christ wholeheartedly?
Paul ends this personal letter with a salutation of grace
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Here again Paul reminds Philemon that God has shown grace to him and now Philemon has the opportunity to demonstrate that grace in the life of the church and with his now brother in Christ, Onesimus.
Grace be with all of you this week!