Declaration of Dependence-notes

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Declaration of Dependence

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears however measured or far away.



1.       Our ability to help people is related to our relationship with God.

2.       Our relationship with God means more to Him than anything that we can do for Him.  He has established the desire to know us and for us to know Him as the #1 priority to be demonstrated in our lives.

q      Jesus is our pattern.  He was the one and only - even the apostles were not on a par with him.  There is deliverance in no other name and if that is the only name that you have then that name alone is enough.  And why do we need a pattern?  First of all we need positive direction as we try to determine how we should live in this world.  Secondly we need a reference point against which to measure our lives.  One of the greatest arguments for fellowship with the family of God.  We cannot grow on our own apart from the body.  We all need the accountability that this provides.  Sometimes other things can be a substitute for that – denominations good or bad?

q      When it comes to copies, the farther away from the original you get the greater the difference.  No copies of copies please.


He that hath a gospel,

To loose upon mankind,

Though he serve it utterly---

Body, soul and mind---

Though he go to Calvary

Daily for it's gain---

It is his disciple

Shall make his labor vain.

He that hath a Gospel,

For all earth to own---

Though he etch it on the steel,

Or carve it on the stone---

Not to be misdoubted

Through the after-days---

It is His Disciple

Shall read it many ways.

It is His Disciple

(Ere those bones are dust)

Who shall change the Charter

Who split the trust---

Amplify distinctions,

 Rationalise the Claim,

Preaching that the Master

Would have done the same.

It is His Disciple

Who shall tell us how

Much the Master would have scrapped

Had he lived till now---

What he would have modified

Of what he said before---

It is His Disciple

Shall do this and more ......

He that hath a Gospel

Whereby heaven is won

(Carpenter or Cameleer,

Or Maya's dreaming son),

Many swords shall pierce Him,

Mingling blood with gall;

But His Own Disciple

Shall wound Him worst of all!



3.       The spirit with which we serve makes all the difference in the world with regard to then outcome. Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe – Do everything without complaining and arguing . . . .

4.       If we are to honor God’s priorities then there will be times when we will disappoint people.  There will be times when we will have to turn our backs on the legitimate needs of others and ultimately that will be misunderstood.

5.       It is our own ego that often flatters us to respond to people’s needs and leads us to wear ourselves out in the process.

Misbelief in being Indispensable

 1.  I am the Called One and the anointing to help and direct others is upon me alone.

 2.  I've got something special and unique from the Lord that nobody else has.  It's up to me to              deliver my revelation to the world.

 3.  Nobody else can do the job I do as well as I. 

 4.  No matter what time of day or night it may be, I must always make myself available to meet            all the needs of all others.

 5.   Jesus expects me to give up all my rights to privacy, rest and recreation if I am to serve Him           fully.

  6.  In order to serve God with my whole heart, I must put my family second to my ministry.

  7.  I've given my children to the Lord so that the Holy Spirit can teach and guide them because I          have no time to do this in my life as a Christian worker.

  8.  God has called me to help certain people.  If it weren't for me they would be in pitiful shape.

  9.  It's my Christian duty to provide all the answers and solutions to the people God has called me to help.  If I don't, consequences are on my head.

10.  Others should recognise my calling and be of help and support me in the work God has called me to do.

11.  If someone is less spiritual than I, they have NO right being in the ministry; furthermore they           have no right to be more successful than I


6.       I believe that God has called us to a relationship with him that would define life here in this world as something to be sought after – not to be shunned.  Christians who personally experience the fullness of God’s presence awaken a hunger in others to know Him as well. 

7.       Jesus often withdrew.  It means that he took his name out of the running.   Pace of life is something that many times goes unconsidered.  It is crucial to our finishing strong.  Our priorities are clearly stated in the manner in which we live each day.  This fact often shames me.  Because I realize that there are many days that pass when my life has stated that I was more important in this world than Gods himself was – in my own eyes. 

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.  Aristotle

Every prayerless day that passes, that finds me running and scrambling around to accomplish “good” is a loud declaration of my independence from God.  Every time my head and heart is bowed before Him and I can manage to remain quiet and know that He is God, then I make my declaration of dependence on God.

It is not what we eat

but what we digest

that makes us strong;

not what we gain

but what we save

that make us rich;

not what we read

but what we remember

that makes us learned;

and not what we profess

but what we practice

that makes us Christians  (Author unknown)

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