Outpouring of His Glory
Last week we ministered on the Glory of God and on the Spirit of revival. This is something that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs. We need to have the Glory of God in the churches, and when the Glory is there, there will also be the Spirit of revival. People are going to get saved and come back to the Lord when God manifests Himself.
I) It’s great to come to church and experience the very Glory of God.
A) And the Glory of God has begun to be poured out on the churches and the lost are coming to Jesus.
1) Even more of the miraculous is beginning to happen.
(a) Just a few weeks ago (Anna’s mom was healed).
(b) We are seeing more and more things taking place, the very presence of God is manifesting in this place.
(i) In just the last few weeks there has been such an anointing on Worship, people have been coming forward to the alter getting on their knees and Crying before the Lord.
(ii) Not crying because of pain or sorrow, but crying because the Glory of the Lord is here.
(iii) Sometimes you can’t help but to weep when you’re in God’s presence.
2) As God manifests His Glory in this place, we are going to see more and more of the miraculous taking place.
B) There’s going to come a time when the Glory of the Lord is in this place, to such a degree, that people will not be able to stand to worship God.
1) The Glory of God will move in and we’ll be slain in the spirit while worshipping the Lord.
(a) Look at 1KINGS 8:10-11.
(b) Not only are you going to see the miraculous, not only are we going to know that the Glory of God is in this place, but we are going to see God’s Glory.
2) Look at Leviticus 9:23-24.
(a) There’s coming a time when we’re going to even see the Glory of God, and miracles are going to take place.
(b) It’s not that uncommon to see the Glory of God.
(i) In the OT it was seen in Cloud by day and in the pillar of fire by night.
(ii) The Bible says in (Acts 7:55) “But he (Stephen), being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”
(iii) We have reference, in the book of Revelations, to the Apostle John seeing the Glory of God.
(c) Paul had an experience with the Glory of the Lord.
(i) In (ACTS 9) Paul was on his way to persecute more Christians when the Glory of the Lord appeared to him, and the Lord spoke to him.
(ii) This is where Paul was converted.
(iii) When we come to church, we should expect the glory of the Lord to be here.
C) Back about 6½ years ago when I was still Pastoring in Michigan the Lord was dealing with me about coming to the Burbank area to start a church.
1) I didn’t want to give up a successful church and start 1, not knowing who was going to come.
(a) The Lord had to convince me that it was Him leading me to CA.
(i) Part of that came when He spoke to me and gave me (ISA 35) all of it.
(b) (Isaiah 35:1) Says, “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.”
(i) The L. A. is very close to being a desert, but the Lord said that because of the Word of God going forth in this area and people getting behind this work, L. A. will begin to Blossom as a Rose.
2) The rest of (ISA 35) talks about how those that are hurting (going through hurts) will be strengthened; Those that are sick will be healed, the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped, and there shall be great JOY.
(a) But why will these things happen? Turn to ISA 35 with me.
(b) ISA 35:1-10.
II) God is going to pour out His Glory, but if we want to be part of this great move of God there are some things that we need to do.
A) Turn with me to 2 CHRON 7:14.
1) The main thing that I want to look at here is, “PRAY and seeking God’s face” (That’s really worship) that is what’s going to heal our land.
(a) The only thing that is going to heal our land or any land is for God to come on the seen. The Glory of God to be poured out on the land.
(b) It’s PRAYER and WORSHIP that is going to bring in God’s Glory.
(i) What is it that we are to prayer for?
(ii) Pray for His glory to be poured out.
(iii) Someone might say, “Is it scriptural to pray for the Glory of God?”
2) Let me answer that question with the Word of God. MATT 6:9-10.
(a) Heaven is FILLED with the Glory of God.
(i) The Glory of God is the will of God.
(ii) Jesus said that we should PRAY that God’s will in heaven would also be done on Earth.
(b) It is the WILL of GOD for the Earth be filled with the Glory of God.
(i) Jesus said that we are to pray that God’s will would be done on this Earth, Pray for the Glory to come down.
B) God is intently looking for places where He can pour out His Glory.
1) Last week we looked at (2 Chronicles 16:9) which says, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.”
(a) The NIV translation says, “Whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
(b) God is going to pour out His glory to those who are fully committed to Him.
(i) Fully Committed to do what?
(ii) Fully committed to PRAYER and WORSHIP.
(iii) If we want the Glory of God to come down, we have to be fully committed to pray for it.
2) Now we don’t want to just HOPE and PRAY, but we need to PRAY and BELIEVE.
(a) Faith is still an essential part in us receiving.
(b) Look at MARK 11:24.
(i) You can only pray and believe God for things that are the will of God.
(ii) For God’s Glory to be poured out is the will of God.
(iii) You’ve got to pray and believe God for His Glory.
3) Turn with me to JOHN 11.
(a) This is the story about Lazarus’ death, and how Jesus raised him from the dead.
(b) But look at something Jesus said to MARTHA in JOHN 11:40
4) If you will fully commit yourself to prayer and believe God to pour out His Glory, you’re going to see His Glory. But it takes prayer..
WOLCC Sun AM 2/2/97 Part 2 to the message called “Giving Birth to a Miracle.” & Sunday 3/19/2000.