Romans # 11
We’re still on the book of Romans, we’ve been on it for a number of weeks now and we still have a ways to go.
I. ROM 6:14-18
A. If you continue to sin you are a servant to sin and the penalty for those who are the servant of sin is death.
1. But praise God we have been freed from sin and we now, as Paul said it, “obey from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.”
2. What from of doctrine was it, that we obeyed, that set us free.
a. Of course it was the Word of Truth, the Word of God.
B. ROM 6:19-23
1. In all of these Vs Paul isn’t wavering from the point that he’s been on, The contrast between sin and holiness.
2. In (V 21) he says, “What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things {is} death.”
a. That’s talking about sin.
b. One thing that he says in this V is that sin will make you feel ASHAMED.
i. You feel ashamed before God and man.
ii. You feel condemned. You fell that everyone knows what you’ve done, and that they’re thinking evil of you. And 95% of that is the shame that you’re feeling.
c. But praise God, there is a way out of the guilt and shame.
i. (1JOHN 1:9) says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us {our} sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
ii. ROM 8:1
iii. We know that the penalty of sin is death, but for those that are following after the Spirit of God and obedient to Him receive the free gift of eternal life.
II. ROM 7:1
A. 1st of all in (V 1) Paul says, “Know ye not,” both the Wuest translation and the Worrell translation says, “Or, are you ignorant,” (shows importance)
1. To understand everything that he’s saying in this V and in the Vs to follow, you have to know who he’s talking to.
2. We know that he’s speaking to Christians, and this is for us, but he’s also talking to people that understand the law.
a. Right in the middle of this V he says, “I speak to them that know the law.”
b. He’s talking to them that understand the Law.
B. Vs. 2-3
1. This is in reference to the O.T. law. A woman was bound to her husband as long as he’s alive, if she remarries she is an adulteress.
a. But this is an O.T. scripture, this V should be excluded when were teaching on the subject of divorce and remarriage. WHY?
b. Because Paul is giving this as an example of what happens in the Old Covenant.
c. He’s not teaching on divorce and remarriage.
d. Many times people use these Vs to come up with a doctrine of divorce and remarriage and say this is what the N.T. teaches.
i. And of course, God is not condoning divorce.
ii. The bible teaches that God hates divorce.
iii. I feel that divorce can be a sin, but it’s NEVER the unpardonable sin; Even if the person remarries he’s not living in adultery and going to hell.
iv. God forgives sin; You need to repent for the ignorance of getting divorced, but sometimes it’s not your fault, even if you’re the 1 that filed for the divorce.
a. If that’s the case, repent from the stupidity of marrying that the old dog to begin with.
C. If you really want to study the subject of divorce and remarriage, read (1COR 7)
1. Go ahead and turn with me to 1COR 7:27-28
2. I studied this out for a number of hours. One of the best translation that I found on this V is The New American Standard Version.
a. The NASV says, (1 Corinthians 7:27-28) “Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you released from a wife? Do not seek a wife. (28) But if you should marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin should marry, she has not sinned. Yet such will have trouble in this life, and I am trying to spare you.” NASB
b. Listen to the BARCLAY Translation, (1COR 7:27-28a) “Are you bound to a wife? Then do not seek any loosening of the marriage bond. Has your marriage been dissolved? Then do not seek a wife. (28) But, if you do marry, you have committed no sin...”
i. The Phillips translation was also good, it said about the same thing. Same for the BECK Translation.
D. Go back with me to ROM 6:3
1. But Paul’s not teaching on divorce and remarriage. So what’s he teaching on?
2. V 4
a. Paul is saying that once you received Christ you are dead to the law, so that you can be joined to Christ.
i. Just like what was true under the Old Covenant, when the husband died, the wife was free to remarry.
b. How did we become dead to the law? Through the Lord Jesus Christ.
i. He died for us taking all of our sins upon Himself.
ii. In other words it was the law that killed the Lord Jesus.
c. The law says that all who sin must die.
i. The judgment was already passed, but Jesus chose to be our substitution.
ii. Just like the law in the United States, once you are tried for a crime and pay the penalty, the law has no more authority over you concerning that crime.
d. Jesus paid the penalty for all of our sin past, present, and future.
i. As long as we’re in Christ and walking with him the law of the Old Covenant, and the Law of Sin and Death has no authority over us.
4. (Galatians 3:13) Says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:” KJV
a. The Lord Jesus redeemed us from poverty, sickness, all the curses that could come upon a person, and spiritual death.
b. (Galatians 3:14) Says, “That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” KJV
c. What are the blessings of Abraham?
i. GEN 24:1 (Do you have your shouting shoes on)
ii. How many things are all things?
iii. The NIV says, “The Lord blessed Him in every way.”
iv. Those are our blessings.
III. ROM 7:5-6
A. We don’t serve God by the letter of the law through traditions and rituals, but now we serve Him in the power that the new life gives us, through the Spirit.
1. Jesus said in (JOHN 4:23) that, “The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
2. V 7
a. Paul asks “Is the law sin,” well the answer is, no.
b. The law is a revealer of sin.
3. V 8
a. In the phrase, “For without the law sin {was} dead” means that in the absence of the law it was not recognized. There is no sin consciousness.
4. V 9
a. When Paul said that, he was “alive without the law,” must have been when he was a child.
b. Then he says that the commandment and sin came, and he died.
i. At an age of accountability, the commandment came. That’s a knowing of right and wrong.
ii. The commandment came and I died. He was aware of right and wrong and chose to do wrong.
B. V 10
1. The law which was ordained to life would have produced life if we would have fully kept it, But we couldn’t.
2. Because we couldn’t keep it, it revealed to us that we have died and are in need of a savior.
a. Well, the law did produce life in 1 person and that was the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. In (MATT 5:17) Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law and the prophets.
i. By doing so He became our Savior.
3. V 11
a. In this V the main point that I want to make is that sin is a lethal weapon.
b. If we, just for explanation purposes, take out the center part of that V which is used to clarify things; it would say, “Sin deceived me, and by it slew me.”
i. Deception comes 1st then the sin.
ii. If you remember Adam and Eve, they were deceived 1st, then they sinned, then they died spiritually.
C. (2COR 2:11) Says that, “We are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.”
a. As we’re studying a lot on the subject of sin we’re seeing how Satan will try to deceive us and entrap us through sin.
b. We’re not ignorant of his devices.
WED 2/6/91 and WOLCC Thurs.. 8/24/95