What Time Is It?
What Time Is It?
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Bishop Bryan N. Walker Sr.
▪︎Lord, what time is it? (We may be asking this question while experiencing this new normal). It is important to know what time it is.
To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Fear not and be of good courage for the Lord our God is with you.
It is not the end of the world!
COVID-19 may be a wakeup call, but it is not the rapture.
We have to know what time it is!
Coronavirus is not a sign of the demise of the world
Revelation 1:7 ...and every eye shall see him...
▪︎For some, this has been a time to identify our true purpose
▪︎Some are taking care of what we didn't have time for (having been too busy before having to stay home)
This season has shown us creative ways to "get together"
▪︎What time is it?
Time to reflect on the love of God
Time to pull maintenance on relationships (spouse, children, friends, etc)
Work on keeping self safe
Be thankful for the ability to breathe!!!
We should come out of this able to
▪︎Remember (what's truly important)
Double our efforts to be kinder
Exercise patience
Become a new you on the other side
▪︎When this is over, it will be time to embrace (Ecclesiastes 3:5)