Romans # 20 Rom 11-28 thru 12-2
We’re going to continue on the book of Romans this week. 2 weeks ago, we left off at (ROM 11:27). In that message, from (ROM 10:19-11:27) Paul covers mostly the nation of Israel. He talks about the state that they are in now, the reason for their unbelief, and what’s going to happen to them in the future.
I. Paul makes the statement in (ROM 11:26) “And so all Israel shall be saved.”
A. We can see that Paul firmly believes that Israel will be saved.
1. Paul knows that salvation only comes through the Lord Jesus Christ, so the Jews would have to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
a. When is this all going to happen?
2. In (V 25) Paul is talking about the Jew’s eyes being opened won’t happen until the fullness of the Gentiles.
a. The word “Fullness” in (V25) means “Completeness, fulfilling, or fullness of time.”
b. When is that going to take place?
i. Well, when is the time going to end for the Gentiles?
ii. I can only see that happening at the time of the rapture.
3. In (REV 7) we see the 144,000 who were saved.
a. The Bible clearly tells us that these were Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.
b. During the time that this 144,000 were on earth there was a great multitude (which must be the saints) already before the throne of God.
c. When will the Jews, on a large scale, be saved?
i. Probably after the rapture of the Church.
B. ROM 11:28-29
1. In (V 28) Paul says that Israel is an enemy concerning the Gospel.
a. But let they are the elect and loved by the Father.
b. God chose the nation of Israel and He loves them.
i. He also has a covenant with them and they will be saved. There rejection of Jesus is only temporary.
2. That’s why Paul said in (ROM 11:29) “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”
a. He does not go back on what He has given or whom He has chosen.
b. We can also look at this V in another light.
i. If God has called you to the ministry or if He has called you to do something other than pulpit ministry, that calling is still on you and God will not change His mind.
ii. If you think that you just can’t do it, when God calls He also equips. The main part of that equipment is the anointing.
iii. If God has called you to music, He will anoint you. If He’s called you to children’s church, He will anoint you.
C. ROM 11:30-32
1. Paul writing to the Gentiles, said that there was a time that we were in unbelief (not accepting God or the Lord Jesus Christ), but because of the Jews unbelief God has shown mercy on us.
a. But there is going to be that time when the Gentiles reach it’s fullness. (Rom 11:25) when that happens God will again have mercy on the Jews.
2. ROM 11:33-36
a. Paul speaks of the Knowledge and Wisdom of God.
i. God who has all knowledge, applies it in the wisest manner.
ii. All we can do is marvel at the Knowledge and Wisdom of God.
iii. His Plans, His Judgments, and His Ways are beyond our own natural thinking.
iv. His thoughts are far above our thoughts.
b. In the last portion of these Vs Paul brakes forth in praise to God.
II. ROM 12:1-2
A. Paul now changes his teaching to more of a practical manner, teaching on what we should do.
1. When Paul says, “I beseech you” in (V 1) it would be better translated, “I urge you.”
a. What is he urging us to do? To present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.
b. We are to yield ourselves over to the Lord Jesus Christ, to sacrifice our will to His will, our plans to His plans, our desires to His desires.
i. He also goes on to use the word “Holy.”
ii. Part of what is being acceptable unto Him is living a holy life.
2. In (V 2) where Paul says, “And be not conformed to this world,” he means “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world.”
a. But even the word “world” means “This present age.”
b. In other words Paul is saying, “Not Living according to the lifestyle of the present evil Age.”
3. In the middle of (Romans 12:2) says, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
a. In the Greek tense this V is a continuous action, meaning “Keep on being transformed.”
b. The word “Transformed” means “A total change.”
i. Paul is telling the believers that there needs to be a total continuous transformation in our minds.
ii. This is only going to happen by the Word of God, time we spend with the Lord (Prayer, worship, praise and listening to Him) and our fellowship has an important part to play.
iii. If our fellowship is with unbelievers, this can hinder the renewing process of our minds.
iv. But on the other hand, if our fellowship is with those who truly walk with the Lord, that will help us in renewing our minds.
4. In the last part of (V 2) Paul says, “That ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
a. By us getting our minds renewed to the things of God, we will know what God wants us to do.
i. What the perfect will of God is for us.
ii. The Word teaches us that the HS will lead us and guide us.
b. But the last ½ of (ROM 12:2) can also mean that as we get our minds renewed to the things of God, we will know that God’s will for us is acceptable, good and perfect.
i. In other words, as we get our minds renewed, we’ll accept God’s will for us as perfect.
WOLCC Thurs. 11/16/95