Romans # 23 Rom 12-13 thru 13-7
We’re going to continue on the Book of Romans.
I. ROM 12:9-12
A. Paul continues with his exhortation.
1. The main clause here is found at the end of (V 11), “Serving the Lord.”
a. We will serve the Lord better if we are “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.”
b. When Paul says “Fervent in Spirit.”
i. The word “Fervent” means “To boil with heat, be hot, (metaphor) zeal.”
ii. He’s saying “Have a zeal for God, be on fire for the Lord.”
c. He also tells us to “be patient in tribulation.”
i. There are going to be those storms in life, but be Patient in them.
ii. Through faith and patience we’ll inherit the promises.
d. He adds to that thought by saying, “Continuing instant in prayer.”
i. Prayer, along with faith is going to get you out of those storms.
ii. Now prayer should not be just for yourselves.
iii. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Says, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
II. ROM 12:13
A. In this V Paul makes mention of Christians helping out those in the body that are in need. That’s part of giving alms.
1. But I must say that you need to be led of the Lord when doing this.
a. There are many that go from church to church looking for someone to give them something. (Stories)
2. Paul goes on in this same V to say that Christians should be “given to hospitality.”
a. That literally means, “pursuing friendliness to strangers.”
i. I’m not saying that you should make them your best friend or invite them into your house to live with you.
ii. But you should show the love of Jesus to those that you don’t even know.
iii. Sometimes people walk into the church, not knowing anyone. We need to reach out to them, showing yourself friendly.
b. Paul under the inspiration of the HS said we need to do this.
i. We’re going to win many to Christ by showing Hospitality.
B. ROM 12:14-16
1. Paul exhorts the believers how to act when other persecute you.
a. He tells us to “Bless and do not curse.”
2. Then he goes on to say that we should rejoice with those that rejoice.
a. Share in their joy and don’t try to bring them down.
3. Paul also adds, “Weep with those that weep.
a. In other words have some compassion for those that are hurting.
b. Don’t tell them to shape up and do this or that. Use some compassion.
4. Then in (V 16) he tells the believers, “Be this way with the unbelievers as well as the believers.”
a. The NIV translation says, “Live in harmony with one another.”
5. In the last ½ of (V 16) in the KJV says, “Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.”
a. Again the NIV says, “Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.”
C. ROM 12:17-18
1. Paul is telling us that we should not repay anyone evil for evil.
a. In (EXO 21:24) Moses said, “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”
b. But Paul is telling us that we should bless those that curse us.
i. Do not repay evil for evil, but do what is right.
2. In (V 18) he says “To make every attempt to live at peace with all men.”
D. ROM 12:19-21
1. In (V 19) Paul begins to tell us the reason why we should not repay evil for evil or take revenge.
a. God will repay. It’s not our place to play God.
2. He goes on to say in (V 20) “When we do good to those that persecute you heap coals of fire on his head.
a. This is a quote from (PRO 25:21-22).
b. The meaning of this could possibly be taken from the Egyptians, in which a person showed his repentance by carrying a pan of burning charcoal on his head.
i. Blessing an enemy may cause him to be ashamed and repent.
c. Paul then in (V 21) gives a summary of his thought by saying “Do not be overcome by evil,” by giving in to the temptation with retaliation, “but overcome evil with good.”
III. ROM 13:1-3
A. In these Vs Paul is telling us that we should not rebel against leaders.
1. God has ordained leaders, and if we rebel against them we are rebelling against God.
2. If we, as Christians, do what is right, letting our light shine, we’ll have the support of the leaders.
a. I’m not saying that we should lie down and play dead when the government tries to take away some of our rights, but there is a right way to do things and a wrong way.
B. ROM 13:4-5
1. Paul continues talking about the leaders in government.
a. It’s their job to execute justice to wrong doers. If we are 1 of the ones that are rebelling against the government, then we are the wrong doers and face possible judgment.
C. ROM 13:6-7
1. There is more involved than just not rebelling against authorities.
a. Authorities are set up by God, and they spend their time governing, in which they take care of us.
b. It take money for their salaries and for things to get done, so Paul says, “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”
WOLCC Thurs. 12/28/95