We’re still on the book of Romans. Right now we’re on chapter 4, so let’s get right into it.
I. ROM 4:17-21
A. In (V 17) it says that “God calleth those things which be not as though they were.”
1. This is one of the main scriptures that back up the principal of confessing the Word of God.
a. Confession is part of the Word of God and we should receive the Word as Truth and not try to fight against it.
i. I like this saying, “If the Word of God says it I believe it, and that settles it.”
2. In (V 18) he said, “Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations.”
b. Paul is saying that in the natural there was no hope and when all natural hope was gone he had to come to a place where he put his hope in the Lord.
i. Have you ever wondered why God waited so long to give Abraham the child of promise.
ii. Abraham had to get to a place of trusting the Lord and not the natural.
iii. GEN 16:1-4
1. We can see here that Abraham was trusting in the natural for a son.
2. He kept trusting in the natural until there was no hope left.
c. Look at GEN 17:15-17
i. Finally when all hope in the natural was gone he trusted in the Lord. His hope was in the Lord.
ii. Many times we are the same way. We wait until all hope is gone before we’ll trust in the Lord.
iii. It doesn’t have to be that way, we should be trusting the Lord all the time, for our daily needs.
B. Back in (ROM 4:19) he tells us that Abraham was not weak in faith, then in (V 20) it says that he was strong in faith.
1. It’s strong faith that is going to get the job done.
a. (ROM 10:17) Tells us how to make our faith grow. It says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
b. In the book of Proverbs it shows us weather we have strong faith or not.
i. (PRO 3:5) says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
ii. If you’re at a place that you are truly trusting the Lord to meet your needs or your desires, then you are in faith.
iii. It’s not trusting in self, it’s not trusting in our own ability, but it’s trusting in the Lord with all of your heart.
2. Paul goes on to say in (V 20) that “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God.”
a. If you’re standing in faith you can’t be staggering or wavering at God’s Word. If you are wavering, you're not really in faith.
b. HEB 10:23
i. James says “Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”
3. In (V 21) it says that Abraham was fully persuaded that what God had promised he would being it to pass.
a. We need to be the same way.
b. You need to be so persuaded that no matter what it looks like God will bring it to pass.
i. Be convinced that if God said it, He will do it.
ii. I emphases the word “Convinced.”
iii. Know that if God said it, He will bring it to pass. That’s faith.
II. ROM 4:22
A. In (V 22) he says, “It was imputed to him for righteousness.”
1. What was imputed (or counted) to him for righteousness?
2. His faith.
B. ROM 4:23-25
1. In (Vs 24 and 25) it gives us the basis for salvation.
2. He said this, “But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed.”
a. That’s talking about our righteousness.
b. Then he goes on to say how we’ll receive righteousness.
i. “If we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offenses (sins), and was raised again for our justification.”
a. It is essential that we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that He is raised up from the dead, to deliver us from our offenses and sin, and to provided justification for us.
III. ROM 5:1
A. He says that now we have peace with God because we have put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. ROM 5:10
a. Because He lives, we too shall live.
b. EPH 2:16
i. We are no longer at enmity against God.
ii. Literally that means, “The hostility is gone.”
c. Sometimes people feel that God is just waiting to hit you over the head when you do something wrong.
i. We are God’s children. He’s not going to cause you to lose your job or bring sickness upon you.
ii. He wants the best for you. It’s Satan that will do those things.
d. There are times that we do something that will get us out of God protection and in the enemies territory.
i. When we do blow it, don’t run and hide from God. That’s when the enemy can do more harm to us, but run to God.
ii. Be quick to repent so you can get back into His protection.
2. And now as (ROM 5:1) tells us “we are at peace with God.”
B. ROM 5:2-5
1. In (V 2) he tells us that we have access to the Grace of God by faith.
a. (HEB 4:16) Says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
b. Through faith we can go to God and get the Grace that we need.
2. Then in (Vs 3 and 4) he declares that “They glory in tribulations.”
a. Tribulation rightly endured will bring patience.
b. And when patience comes it then brings God’s approval.
i. In (V 4) it says, “And patience, experience; and experience, hope.”
ii. The word “Experience” means “Approvedness.”
c. Patience brings God’s approval, and with God’s approval you have hope in every situation.
i. (HEB 6:12) Says that through faith and patience we’ll inherit the promises.
d. And because we do have that hope or that assurance of our salvation and God’s promises, then we are not ashamed, as (ROM 5:5) declared.
3. Paul goes on to say in (ROM 5:5), “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”
a. The Wuest Translation says, “The love of God has been poured out in our hearts and still floods them through the H.S. who was given to us.”
i. This is all referring to the great love that God has for us and that our hope and trust are not misplaced when it is in God.
ii. God will not fail us, because we have the assurance of His great love.
TFC WED PM and WOLCC Thurs. 7/27/95