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3 Johannes 2–4 (Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling)
2 Geliefde, ek wens dat dit met jou in alles goed mag gaan en dat jy gesond is, soos dit met jou siel goed gaan;
3 want ek was baie bly as daar broeders kom en van jou waarheid getuig, soos jy in die waarheid wandel.
4 Ek het geen groter blydskap as dit nie, dat ek hoor dat my kinders in die waarheid wandel.
Courson, J sê die volgende:
“Name It And Claim It” teachers love to camp on this verse. The prosperity teachers refer to it, saying, “God wants everyone to be healthy and to prosper financially.” But in so doing, they fail to understand that John is not propounding a principle, but offering a prayer.
Because I want my kids to be blessed, because I want you to be blessed, I pray this prayer as well. But I also understand that God’s ways are not my ways, and sometimes it is only through brokenness and pain that blessing and ministry are born.
Some of us preach sermons. Others are sermons as they continually deal with pain and loss. Therefore, it is a damnable heresy for anyone to imply that those who are sick lack faith or that those who are poor are second-rate believers.[1]
Bible Sense Lexicon: soul – the immaterial part of a person which is the actuating cause of an individual life; the site of all the psychological faculties (such as the heart, mind, and conscience).
(soos die hart, verstand en gewete).
2 Korintiërs 4:16 (Die Lewende Bybel)
16 Dit is daarom dat ek nooit moedeloos word nie. My uiterlike lewe mag afgebreek word en tot niet gaan, maar ek het ’n ander lewe binne-in my wat God my gegee het, en Hy maak hierdie lewe elke dag nuut.
Gebed.Here, onse God. Dankie vir hierdie Lewe wat U vir my gegee het en steeds elke dag nut maak. Mag ek met hierdie lewe U vandag net verheerlik.
[1] Courson, J., 2003. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
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