Staying Healthy During Times of Chaos & Crisis: Part 1

Staying Healthy During Times of Chaos & Crisis  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Staying Healthy During Times of Chaos & Crisis: Part 1

Being Psychologically Healthy During Times of Crisis.
IMPERATIVES: #1 Determine Your Goal;#2 Pick A Point (It’s important to have a one point message. That way you only have one thing to remember.);#3 Create A Map (Me-We-God-You-We);#4 Internalize The Message (Tell a story that takes them on a journey) (Whether it’s a journey to your childhood home or a journey to a life-changing truth, it’s a story that will take you there.) (People make it difficult when they try to communicate points instead of telling a story.) (When you stand up and speak without notes and without having to read your sermon, you’re saying, “This is so important that it’s a part of me — and I think you should make it a part of you, too!”);#5 Engage The Audience;#6 Find Your Voice;#7 Find Some TractionPrayer, Checklist Questions: What do they need to know?Why do they need to know it?What do they need to do?Why do they need to do it?MAP:ME - Explain who you are and what you’re all about. Pastor in his church uses as introduction of idea or topic.WE - It takes me from what I’m thinking or feeling to what WE are thinking and feeling. I have to find an emotional common ground with them around the topic or idea of the message. My goal is to raise a felt need with as many people in the audience as I canGOD - where I take this emotional common ground I’ve established and introduce biblical truth into the discussion. Now I’m providing a solution to the need I just raised. Remember, we are not teaching the Bible to people; we’re teaching people the Bible. First, we connect with the people; then we move to the Bible.YOU - Once I’ve introduced God’s view on the subject as the answer to the need, it makes it easy for me to then ask, ‘What are you going to do about it? This becomes the application segment, and if I’ve followed my map well, instead of having to stir up interest in making the application, the application comes as a relief or it’s always the answer to a question they’re already asking. Communicate the challenge at a personal level because life-change is going to come when people apply the truth to their lives. You just go back, and everywhere you raised a need, now you make an application and make sure you don’t raise a felt need that you aren’t going to cover from God’s Word and answer with an application. The worst thing a communicator can do is overpromise and under-deliver. You’re building trust with your listeners. Not just trust in the information, but trust in the relationship.WE - the place to cast a common vision. A vision of what our lives, our church, and even our world would look like if only we would apply the truth of God’s Word. It’s the inspirational part of the message. My goal at this point is to inspire people to make a change. Sometimes being faced with God’s Word can leave the listener feeling defeated, if all they think about is how far they have to go. But, if I can give them a picture of what life will be like once they apply the truth, then they have a little hope.

GOAL: To give people focus points through crisis that will help them to stay healthy!



Greetings to each of you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord! I hope you are all having an incredible day . . . and I want to thank you for joining us in worship today! I want to cut right to the chase today because I have some really good stuff I want to give you that will help you through this chaos & crisis, and I still don’t want to go to long and lose some of you. So, I’m going to cut short on some things today and get right to it.


What I want to share with you are things that I’ve been practicing, so this is not 2nd hand, although I’ve picked up a lot of these truths from books and podcasts I’ve read and listened to. Henry Cloud, a Christian counselor, and others, have some great information out there if you have time. I need this “stuff” . . .


We need this “stuff” . . . I know that our present day “stuff” can either help build us up or it can help tear us down . . . and I want to make sure that I’m doing everything I can to help you be built up in these days . . .
In “Short” intro, what has happened to our culture in the last 4-5 weeks with COVID-19 has taken everything that was “normal” to us, and turned it upside down; and that effects all of our lives. We as humans are not meant to have drastic change like this and it can effect our total being. But, what we do know too is that we as humans are pretty resilient. If you take look at history, at different crisis people have been through, there is evidence that proves that we can actually come out stronger on the other side of this.
As Henry Cloud puts it a “crisis” is something that “uproots the infrastructure of life itself.” His example is that we went from “standing on concrete to standing in quicksand.” That’s a great picture of what I think a lot of us are feeling. Another picture I think that is good is the picture of a map. You see, we all have maps laid out in our life that concern the way we have done things, our structure, our behaviors, our habits that we do every morning, every day. Now, all of a sudden, in just a short amount of time . . . all of that has had to change! None of the same things exist anymore . . . and none of us really saw this coming did we?
And what has this done to us? It has really stirred many of us up hasn’t it? Most of us when we get stirred up don’t do our best work, our most creative work! When we get worked up it’s like the fight or flight takes over! The emotional brain goes into overdrive and we start thinking of all kinds of things that can be unhealthy to us. So, what can we do? Let’s break it down:
We need to admit that it is effecting us. It has effected our connections, our structure and routines, our feelings of competency, and it is important not to deny that. There are things that we can do practically to reestablish these things in our lives. So, over the next few days I want to share some practical steps to get and stay healthy in our lives. So, here’s the breakdown of the next three days in getting practical with this:
Sunday (Today):
(1) Follow the Guidelines
(2) Rebuilding Personal Connectedness
(3) Structure & Routines
(4) Our Sense of Control
(5) Mental Side
(6) Spiritual Side
As we are going through these topics each day, we want you to respond on Facebook with any questions you may have. Submit those questions through Facebook . . . and then in our Zoom (Facebook Live) meeting we will be addressing questions that are submitted and also those that are presented live.
So, our first part:
Let’s pray before we get into the Word . . .
Listening to God’s Word
Listening to the Principals and applying them to our lives
Applying them like our lives depend upon it


Sunday 4/19/20

-Get Practical

(1)-Follow the Guidelines for staying healthy (Follow our authorities)(these are wise things to do)

Take care of yourself! I know these are things that you probably already know, but I’d be remiss to not cover them for those who may not for whatever reason. So, what are we being told by the authorities above us . . . basic common sense things!
Now, I know that some listening may be turned off by this . . . but that is a chance I have to take . . . because of the world view a Christian takes . . . and we need to respect each others point of view whether we agree with them or not . . . as a Christian the Word of God should always be the starting point no matter what! So, when I think about following the guidelines I always am comparing them to what God’s Word says.
Now, here we have no problem whatsoever because the guidelines do not contradict the Word of God. God’s Word clearly tells me that I should obey the civil government, (Scriptures on download) the authorities above me as long as they don’t contradict the Word of God . . . and the directives and guidelines they are giving me do not.
We are being told to do something that actually is very much what the Word of God teaches us and that is to care about, love, and honor not only ourselves, but others in this world! Just think about it . . . what have we heard over and over as we were growing up . . . well probably most of us anyway . . . treat others how you want to be treated . . . LOL now maybe there are some out there that don’t want to be treated well LOL . . . but I think most do! And that is with respect, with care, with Love, with honor! And we should do that . . . whether we all agree to this fact or not . . . we are all created by God and should do these basic things!
Guidelines are simple and are as follows:
(1) Stay Informed of what is going on. (We will talk more on this later but it doesn’t mean that you are supposed to watch the news 24 hours a day . . . in fact I will tell you this now . . . don’t do that! Until later, just watch enough to keep up to date with is changing on a day by day basis . . . maybe 10-15 minutes a day)
(2) Social Distancing (6’ apart)
(3) Washing Your Hands
(4) Don’t touch your face
(5) Disinfect surfaces
(6) Cover your mouth/nose when coughing/sneezing
(7) Wearing gloves and a cloth mask when you are in public (especially if you are feeling under the weather)
(8) If you are showing symptoms make a phone call to City/County Health or the health facilities closest to you . . . and see if you need to be tested.
Nelson’s Topical Bible Index Obedience to Civil Government

Obedience to civil government

Meet obligation

Mark 12:13–17

Of God

Rom. 13:1–7


Titus 3:1

For Lord’s sake

1 Pet. 2:13–17

Mark 12:13–17 NIV84
Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we?” But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him.
Romans 13:1–7 NIV84
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Titus 3:1 NIV84
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,
1 Peter 2:13–17 NIV84
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

Submission—humble obedience to another’s will

Each other

Eph. 5:21


Eph. 5:22


1 Pet. 2:13


1 Pet. 5:5

Christian leaders

Heb. 13:17


James 4:7

Ephesians 5:21–22 NIV84
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
1 Peter 2:13 NIV84
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority,
1 Peter 5:5 NIV84
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
Hebrews 13:17 NIV84
Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.
James 4:7 NIV84
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
These 8 basic guidelines will help you and others to stay safe and healthy. As I mentioned several weeks back in one of my messages . . . we’ve done all of these things as we got back from the trip we took to CA . . . for the safety of ourselves, those living with us, and for our community. It’s a heart issue of care, love, and respect.
What’s the 2nd thing for today?
(2) Rebuilding Personal Connectedness
How Do We Rebuild?
First of all realizing that we weren’t made to do life alone. From the very beginning God said in Gen 2:18 that we weren’t meant to be alone.
And now, each of us our responsible for own personal connectedness. We are the boss!

(2)-Rebuild Personal Connectedness (CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT)

when God created humans, he put them into relationship, first with him and then with each other. God made people for himself and also for one another. We have already seen that Adam depended on a relationship with God for life. But even with that relationship, he needed human connection as well. As God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). Man was incomplete with God alone. So we see at the outset that relationship was at the core of the way things were created. Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 29). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
Genesis 2:18 NIV84
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
First of all, are you talking to God about this? I have daily conversations with God about this because it has thrown all of us in a way . . . we are all having to do things differently . . . almost like learning how to do everything we’ve done differently. I’m asking God to help me be teachable and flexible through this so I can learn what He wants me to learn . . . He doesn’t waste anything; and He is not going to waste this either! Now, I just need to make sure I don’t waste it! So, I’m talking to Him about it on a daily, and at times a moment by moment, situation by situation basis.
Secondly, if you are like most . . . you are locked up with somebody . . . so how is everyone doing? Are you asking . . . “How are you doing with all of this?” “Are you afraid, fearful?” “What are you feeling with all of this?”
Spiritual growth should affect relationship problems, emotional problems, and all other problems of life. There is no such thing as our “spiritual life” and then our “real life.” It is all one. Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 21). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
Especially if it is your spouse . . .we are meant to be vulnerable with each other . . . to know each other at deep levels . . . that is true intimacy!
As a parent, depending on where they are at in age . . . but to the level of their understanding . . . “How are they doing?” “How are they doing with all of the changes . . . routines, structures . . . all possibly being disrupted?” Having those conversations with them manifests your care and love for them . . . and deepens your understanding of them.
I pretty much have daily conversations concerning this stuff with my wife, my dad who lives with us, and with my daughter. She has been sent home from college and is doing online stuff like everyone else . . . and that’s a whole different animal than sitting in class . . . and navigating all of the new ways everyone is doing life!
I’ve had conversations with my other children also . . . just keeping tabs on how they are doing where they are at. Some of them are outside of ND (in CA & MN) and are dealing with things we are not. Some have children . . . some don’t . . . different aspects to navigate also.

-talk to each other about this crisis

An important aspect of this relationship is that there was no “brokenness” in either Adam and Eve’s relationship with God or in their relationship with each other. As the Bible says, “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame” (v. 25). They were laid bare before one another, and there was neither shame nor hiding. There was no fighting or bickering. There was harmony and vulnerability between the man and the woman. Relationship experts speak of this state as “intimacy,” where people are “known” at deep levels. We will talk more about covering and shame later, but one of the aspects of genuine, healthy relatedness is that people don’t hide their vulnerability from one another and are not ashamed of who they are before each other. But for now, the important thing to see is that relationship as it was created to be was vulnerable and open, without duplicity and without brokenness or breach. Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (pp. 29-30). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
-talk to God about this
-secondly, talk to your family that you are quarantined with
-thirdly, others through media (face-to-face, phone)
Thirdly, talk to others however you can . . whether through media . . . face to face conversations are the best . . . but if all you can do is phone . . . then do that! Connecting with the elderly is very important also. As a family we’ve gone as far to make a schedule amongst all of us to make contact with Kaylene’s mom & dad! There are some other things that are going on there with physical health, but it is primarily for mental/psychological health. Staying connected is so important during times like these . . . so do whatever it takes to stay CONNECTED, CONNECTED, CONNECTED!
Stay connected with the people that you work with . . . like your teams! There are a whole lot of people that are using platforms like Zoom to do things like this, and use your creativity to keep things fun too! We are using it a lot; and not only with teams, but around the world communication. I was on a Zoom webinar the other day with over 900 people from around the world. It is amazing what can be done!
Backtracking a little, but with family also; and it can be a lot of fun . . . believe me . . . when we get our entire family (our 6 children, their spouses, and our grandchildren, and their dogs!) on Zoom it is crazy! It can be a lot of fun . . . refreshing in these times when you can’t get together!
-take walks, get outside, keep your distance from people, talk with people from a distance.
Last but not least . . . we are to practice all of the guidelines . . . but we can still be outside . . . taking walks . . . talking with people on our walks . . . while keeping our social distance! There are still a lot of things we can do! I love what our community Valley City & Barnes County is doing! We’ve got a lot of creative people in our community that are coming up with things that we can do and still practice all of the guidelines . . . Friday night we had a Cruizin Main night . . . and I couldn’t believe the amount of people that were out that night with their nice cars and having a great time . . . in the time I’ve lived here I’ve never seen that much traffic . . . we actually had somewhat of a traffic jam (at least VC standards anyway) . . . and if you know Valley City . . . that just doesn’t happen! The picture here was taken by Casey Engelhard. Great Shot Casey! Great times! You see, good things can happen, good things can be realized through times that don’t seem so good! I’ve mentioned some of the things that VC has been doing through these times . . . creative people using the gifts that God has given them . . . another important aspect that we will talk about in the next few days!
With that . . . I want to conclude . . . we’ve addressed two things today . . . (1) following the guidelines and (2) rebuilding personal connectedness.
These with the others that we will address in the next two days will help us to rebuild what we might have lost and help us to continue to be healthy. Hopefully, you have been asking questions through our live feed and we will look at those and address them today from 1-2pm on our zoom/fb live time together. If you are interested please check out our facebook page for the link to join us today live. It should be a great time of conversation.
I will be joined with a couple of good friends of mine (that are Christian Counselors) that I’ve asked to join me for this time . . . so I know it will be a healthy and productive time for us all.
Let us pray in closing!
Don’t forget, if you need prayer, join us for our prayer time from 11:30am-12:30pm today. Information following.
God Bless!

Monday 4/20/20

-Getting Practical

(3)-Structure & Routines


Greetings Everyone! Thanks for taking the time to join me again for the 2nd part of “Staying Healthy During Times of Chaos & Crisis”. I’ve enjoyed the conversations that I’ve had with several people as we have talked through these principals of GETTING PRACTICAL . . . and today is no different. As we dive into this lesson on these two items (1) STRUCTURE & ROUTINES and (2) OUR SENSE OF CONTROL it gets more real with me every day . . . and I’m sure it is with all of you too!
I know personally I’ve tried hard to not let this change my STRUCTURE & ROUTINES because I’m a Type A person any way. So, not much has changed for me there (except I’m working more hours trying to learn new ways to do things), but other than that, it’s just some of the locations in which I do the things that I do. On the other side, speaking about OUR SENSE OF CONTROL, I’m not sure how any of us can have things not change there. So many things have drastically changed that we don’t have control over! So, along those lines I want to take us into the dynamics of getting practical with these two items in what we can/can’t do.
So, let’s pray and jump in head first!
I want you to think about a couple of things as we get started . . .
-What has changed concerning your daily structure & routines?
-What has not changed concerning your daily structure & routines?
Why do I ask? It is because we all need a sense of structure, routine, or sameness in our lives. This in itself will bring a measure of calmness into our lives because we are not really made for a lot of change all at one time . . . especially when we didn’t see it coming at all and had not way to adjust or prepare for it.
It can be things such as your morning schedule . . . I get out of bed at a certain time, I take a shower, I get dressed, I make a cup of coffee, I grab a bite too eat, I’m in the office (or at this point my makeshift home office) by a certain time . . . and so forth. Everyday doesn’t have to look exactly the same . . . but What kinds of things are still pretty much the same structure & routine in your life?
Whatever we can do to maintain some of those things is good for us . . . our work hours, exercise time, family dinners, helping kids with school, reading/studying time, bed time.
And this really applies to all areas of our life. Personal, work and so forth.
One thing that probably is different is the time we are watching and updating ourselves on the information concerning the Corona Virus (which could be considered news time). But, as I mentioned yesterday in my message . . . limit that time because it is not good for us to hear lots and lots of negative and doomsday type stuff. That will effect our mental state and therefore our productivity and creativity. Take 10-15 minutes a day to listen to those voices that can be trusted, get informed then move on with life.
Now, for some of us, this is going to be a simple thing to do . . . and others, not so simple! Some of us are just made that way! What I mean is that some of us grew up really learning how to be disciplined because others taught us how to do that. That kind of discipline has been internalized into our lives from earlier on in life. Still others may not have had that in their life so they struggle with this. We grow in what we receive from others! Another good point of why we need to be connected . . . because we receive some great things from each other!
The Second item today . . . dealing with OUR SENSE OF CONTROL!
I want you to do a similar exercise to what we did just a minute ago by answering two questions.
-Make a list of what you have lost control over in your life?
-Make a list of what you can control in your life?
It is important to understand what we can/can’t control in our lives . . . and to work appropriately with both of those. We as humans were not made to not have control of things in our life.
Now, some are going to say that we are to give control over to God in all things in our lives . . . but that’s not true. When we look at the roles that God created in our lives we are meant to have a certain amount of control. Let me clarify for understanding . . . Henry Cloud breaks this down in his book “How People Grow” which by the way is a very good book. He says . . .
“Here are the roles as God created them:
God - Humans
God is the Source - We depend on God (life, provider, etc)
God is the Creator - We are the creation and cannot exist unto ourselves (Christian view, we are created)
God has control of the world - We have control of ourselves (Col 1:15-17)
God was the judge of life - We are to experience life
God designed life and its rules - We obey the rules and live the life God designed
Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 35). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
So, we see clearly that we were created to have a certain amount of control in our lives . . . and that is primarily over ourselves . . . self-control!
God meant for us to be able to get up each morning and make decision for ourselves . . . this is a basic part of life. When that is taken away from us it can create an angst!
There are other things in our lives that we have to look outside of ourselves for to get what we need . . . and this is where the depending on God comes in, or the depending upon others for what we can’t do or give ourselves.
We can find in scripture examples of people when they are in their right mind or not. Luke 8:35 is a good example of this.
The point here is, when we have a sense of control it helps to keep us in our right mind; and when we lose that sense of control it can effect us in a negative way.
So, what do we do with those things that we don’t have control over . . . or we have lost control over? This is why we are making a list also.
We make a list and we surrender them. The Serenity Prayer says that. “God grant me the serenity (Peace) to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference . . .”
So, right now what are some examples of things that we have lost control over because of this situation.
-how we work, when we work, how we connect with people (both personal and job), where we go to get things that we need, how we get things that we need, how do we exercise, how do I continue to do my hobbies and use my gifts doing the things that I enjoy (that you use to be creative or even relax), how do I continue to fulfill my goals and dreams?
The other list that we are making . . . the things that we can control in our life . . .
-our own character/person, our health, hygiene, what we are doing as a family, our social distancing and following the guidelines we laid out yesterday.
How about things around the house that we can do, honey do lists, catching up on some stuff we’ve been putting off, looking over our finances, cleaning, organizing, doing something we’ve wanted to do for a while . . . a hobby, a craft, reading/writing a book, taking a class online, learning some new task, craft, or developing a talent, using your gifts to create some confidence and competency in our lives.
These are all ways that we can take a sense of control in our lives.
Big Idea Number Four: Roles of God, Roles of People God is the Boss, and we are to obey. But there is more to this structure than just “who’s on top.” We were to have distinctly different roles in this order of creation. Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 31). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
we were created finite, not self-sustaining. Therefore we have to look outside of ourselves to get the things we need. This includes depending on God for everything and depending on others for what we cannot give ourselves. Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 48). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
-Sense of Structure (not every day has to be exactly the same, but must have routines) we are wired for that and it brings a calmness.
After that, the law of God guides us, empowered by grace, to structure life as it was created to be. His principles are a “lamp unto our feet.” Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 78). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
-family dinners, reading time, work hours, exercise, helping kids with school
-with teams also
-Cordon off times for information concerning updates with the virus
-don’t sit and listen to it all day, pounding your brain with “the world is falling apart.” PTSD
-take 15 minutes a day and go to those trusted voices that are saying the same thing. Find out about updates and those things that might have changed. — stop the ongoing watching - you still have a life to live and things to do.
-for those looking for discipline/structure/routine
Self-discipline is always a fruit of ’other-discipline.’ Some people get disciplined by other people early in life and then internalize it into their character; then they possess it themselves. Other people don’t get disciplined early in life, and they don’t ever have self-discipline until they get it from others and internalize it for themselves. It’s not rocket science; it’s the way God designed us to grow. Others discipline us, and then we can do it for ourselves. Kind of like everything else in life—we get it by receiving it from others (as it says in 1 Corinthians 4:7).” Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 125). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

(4)-Control (Sense of Choice, sense of power/control)

“Here are the roles as God created them:
God - Humans
God is the Source - We depend on God
God is the Creator - We are the creation and cannot exist unto ourselves
God has control of the world - We have control of ourselves
God was the judge of life - We are to experience life
God designed life and its rules - We obey the rules and live the life God designed” Cloud, Henry. How People Grow (p. 35). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
-when we don’t have sense of choice, power, or control we literally will go crazy and we can get depressed. Humans are not meant to not have a sense of control. You should be able to get up in the morning and make choices. That’s what prison is about . . . it takes away your choices . . . and right now we could be feeling this sense of imprisonment.
-God in control of all things (in Him all things hold together)
Colossians 1:15–17 NIV84
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
-We are meant to have self-control (when in our right mind)
Luke 8:35 NIV84
and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.
2 Peter 1:6 NIV84
and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
Proverbs 16:32 NIV84
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.
1 Corinthians 9:27 NIV84
No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
-make a list of the things that you have lost control over in your life
-how you work, how you connect with people, when and where you can go to get things you need, lost control of how you can even find some of those things, being able to exercise, even using your gifts to express yourself, being able to move forward in your goals, and the list goes on and on.
-that will mess with your head
-surrender them
-Serenity Prayer
-make a list of the things that you can control in your life.
-your own health, hygiene, family practices, social distancing, washing your hands, not touching your face, clean (directly related to not getting sick and keeping yourself healthy)
-catch up work
-to do lists (honey do lists)
-sit down and look over your finances
-write a book, take an online class, research something you want to learn to do
-clean and organize, projects you’ve been putting off, use your gifts and be creative, do things you are good at (to help express competency)

Tuesday 4/21/20

-Getting Practical

(5)-Mental Area (come inside your head)

-be mindful of your thoughts and feelings
-the ones that aren’t helpful let them go
-differentiate between imagination and reality
-deal with realities
-health stuff, finances (use useful predictions instead of anxious fictions
-stay in the now, stay in the present
-don’t live out there somewhere worrying about the future
-Matthew 6, Jesus said today’s got enough worries of its own (stay in the now)
-exercise (good for the brain)
1 Timothy 4:8 NIV84
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
-relaxation exercises (to calm the body)(to relax or be refreshed)
Romans 15:32 NIV84
so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed.
-put things into a longer narrative (it’s always a longer story, we will resolve and get through it)
-Got to put your life in this big perspective (this is a terrible time, it’s going to have some awful consequences, but we’re going to get through it this could be part of a much bigger story)
-could stir up deeper things that you have went through. Get counseling on the phone or zoom, etc.
-limited time segmentation to worry 10-15 minutes
-practice gratitude and make a gratitude list everyday.

Thankfulness—gratitude for blessings

A. Described as:

Spiritual sacrifice

Ps. 116:17


2 Thess. 2:13


Eph. 1:16


Phil. 1:3

In Christ’s name

Eph. 5:20

God’s will

1 Thess. 5:18

Heaven’s theme

Rev. 7:12

B. Expressed for:


John 6:11, 23


Dan. 2:23


1 Thess. 1:2

Prayer answered

John 11:41


1 Cor. 15:57


2 Cor. 9:15

Lord’s Supper

1 Cor. 11:24

Changed lives

1 Thess. 2:13

C. Expressed by:

Healed Samaritan

Luke 17:12–19


Ps. 140:13

-call someone you appreciate tell them
-remember when you’ve gone through things before, what did you do. Celebrate your resilience from before. Practice those things that you did before. Remember you got through it.

(6)-Spiritual Side

-Life is a gift from God
-Life on earth isn’t normal life without God.
-God is in control
-Pray, read, meditate (Psalm 91)
-use this time to develop your spiritual life
-Do things that make you laugh, watch old movies, watch good comedy
Proverbs 17:22 NIV84
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.





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