Response to God's Greatness, Philippians 2:12-18

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Response to God’s Greatness, Philippians 2:12-18

Turn in your bibles to Philippians 2, We will begin in verse 9.
Before we start our message I want to share with you all how proud and thankful I am of our Finance Team. They have really worked together and worked hard to make the numbers work. They have put in a lot of time, served our church and been very active. I’m very thankful for how they are handling the tithes and offerings.
Illustration - When you were dating your spouse and you kissed for the first time for many of you it was magical. You had been crushing on this girl or guy for a long time. You hoped a relationship with the person would happen. You prayed that this person would feel the same way about you as you did him or her.
You finally kissed and you knew it was going in the right direction.
You went home. Your heart was so full and so excited. You had to do something.
You couldn’t just sit there. You had to take some kind of action.
Guys - Some of you wrote a hand written note, sent flowers, immediately asked her out again on another date,
Girls - super flirty to give very clear signals. Or you told your friend to tell his friend that you really liked him.
-Some of you had to make sure you didn’t do too much and creep the person out.
Here is the point - You had to respond.
Great News - Important News demands a response.
Today’s passage is the RESPONSE to great news. Last week, we covered the Important News
In our passage today Paul gives direction to the powerful news and wonderful news he has given the Philippians.
Although our passage starts in verse 12, I’m going to start in verse 9 to cover this great news that Paul gives.
Speaking of Jesus
Philippians 2:9–13 ESV
9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
The good news - this powerful news is that… Jesus was exulted to Lord over all.
He was lifted up to the highest place of any being ever to live in the Universe or outside the Universe.
Jesus was given authority over everything. He is the King of King and Lords of Lords.
After Jesus returns for His Church, every knee will bow-both the unsaved and saved.
Timing is everything.
Some will bow a second time because they first bowed to Jesus for salvation while on earth.
Others will bow for the 1st time after, Jesus has returned. They will bow and recognize that Jesus is Savior and Lord, but it will be too late.
At that point He will n not be their Savior, but He will be their judge.
This powerful truth that Paul shares demands a response.
You see this in the word “Therefore” the word is an important word when you read your Bible?
It means, because of what I just said, there is a result.
When you believe that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords there is a result.
Paul gives us 3 acts of obedience.
All 3 actions are birthed out of bowing to Him as Lord.
Jesus bowed to His Father’s command to die on a cross.
Now we are called to bow to the exulted Jesus.
The first act of obedience is
I. I will Bow by examining my salvation.
Philippians 2:12–13 ESV
12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Illustration - If I am the last one to leave the church office I lock the door. I don’t just lock the door. I lock then tug on the door.
Locking the door is so important, that I want to make sure it is locked.
Some of you do the same thing with your oven and stove. After you clean up in the kitchen you have a ritual of checking the oven and stove to make sure the burners are off.
Before you leave the house you check to make sure the iron has been unplugged or straight iron is off. You fear fire.
It is something so important that it’s worth checking.
Your salvation is the same way. Paul says, this is of eternal value. This is a heaven or hell issue. Double check, EXAMINE and make sure that you have bowed your knee to Christ.
Paul says, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
Why is this important? We have a lot of people in the United States who say they are a Christ follower and are not.
They have trusted Jesus as Savior, but not Lord.
(Slow) -You are not saved if Jesus is just savior and not Lord.
How do I examine my salvation?
Write this question down, “If I were being placed on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?”
I am going to start by giving you what are not evidences of salvation.
These are things actions that all people can do. These are good things, but not evidence of salvation.
-Going to church. (if you are not attending church, and are able, you are disobedient) anyone can get in the habit of going to church and not be saved.
-Go on a mission trip.
-Have a lot of Bible knowledge.
-Having a date in the back of your Bible telling you when you were saved.
Anyone can have an emotional experience and have a date in their Bible.
These things I mentioned as not evidence of salvation- are good things. Some are very good things that you should do.
Evidences (or demonstrations) of salvation :
Notice how these are demonstrations of a transformed heart.
A desire and love for God,
Obeying God even when it is hard.
Forgiving those who wrong you and don’t deserve forgiveness.
Loving those who can’t give anything back or do anything for you.
Grow in hating sin, growing in your confession of sin,
Taking actions in growing in your relationship with Jesus,
Desire to share spiritual things with other believers and share your faith with unbelievers.
Let me ask you this question. Do you have some of these evidences in your life?
A transformed soul gives evidence in life change.
How do we respond to Jesus’ Lordship and bow our knee to Him?
Paul says, We examine our salvation. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Paul is helping us answering this question, How do I respond to the fact that Jesus is King of King and Lord of Lords?
How do I follow and obey Jesus as Lord?
First we looked at bowing by examining our salvation.
Transtion - Our second point Paul makes is this,
II. Bow by examining my attitude
Philippians 2:14–15 ESV
14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
Paul is talking about 2 kinds of people
There is the person who grumbles. Regular complaining is part of their life.
Here is what we see spiritually happening with the grumbler.
-Life is all about them.
We hear from them the word “I” and “me” used a lot.
They tend to tear down what others do.
The 2nd person is the arguer or disputer. This person likes to argue about small, insignificant, and petty things.
They like to debate anything. They also tend to be negative.
Both of these kinds of people are not people of peace.
The grumbler or complainer and the arguer is an emotional, relational, spiritual anchor of the the people who are around them.
The grumbler and complainer ruins families and they hurt churches.
-Can I tell you. If you are an arguer or complainer, when people see you coming up, they don’t get excited.
They start praying, The first thing they say is, “Lawd help me.”
Illustration - I was told as a middle schooler about “Chinese Water Torture” where someone is held down and water is slowly dripped on to someone’s forehead for days, causing them to eventually go insane.
This is the effect of the complainer or arguer. Regular complaining or regular negative comments steals joy from those around you.
Our focus should not be on self. It needs to be on the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
We live life, not for your pleasure, but for the pleasure of the King. For His glory, for His honor.
However, When your attitude is on God and you transform from a complainer or arguer to someone who is grateful and encouraging, you have done a 180 degree turn around.
When your attitude becomes that of an encourager and you choose to use your voice to give grace and speak truth into people’s lives you become unique.
Instead of dropping torturous water on the head, your words become a refreshing drink to the mouth.
Instead of pulling down, you lift up.
You point people to Christ. You point them to hope in God.
Look how verse 15 explains it.
Philippians 2:15 ESV
15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
When you bow to Jesus by examining your attitude, you become a Shining light in a dark culture.
Your words point people to Jesus.
Will you respond by examining your attitude and point people to a God who is Lord over all things?
Transition - What does it mean to obey and follow Jesus as King and Lord. So far in our passage today Paul has shown us that we are to bow to Jesus by examining our salvation.
2nd by examining our attitude. Finally we bow to Christ’s Lordship by
III. Examining our grip on Christ
Paul says this in Phil 2:16-18
Philippians 2:16–18 ESV
16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. 17 Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. 18 Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.
Illustration - Roller coaster, IDK if in the past 10 years your have ridden some of the new extreme roller coasters?
Six flags and Carowins both have them.
-One of many ways they enhance your experience is by removing the shoulder harness & by lifting the seat so your feet are not on the floor of the coaster. They have a very strong pad of plate that goes over your lap that has a place for you to hold on to.
-When you go into a turn or do a free fall - you feel like you are going to fly out. All that is holding you in is this strong plate over your lap.
-Can I tell you. You really do feel like you are going to fly out of your seat. When I ride those coasters - the hand grips have never been gripped so hard. I hold on with all my might. There are no hands in the air. I feel like I am holding on for dear life.
Vs. 16 says, “Holding fast (or firmly) to the Word of Life”
We are to hold on to Christ and the teachings about Christ.
Christ Himself gives life and the teachings or words about Christ give life.
How do I do this? Every single day spend time feeding yourself spiritually.
-During this Pandemic - getting out, working, ball, school all has been limited. We have more time than ever in our lives.
Many of you are taking advantage of this. Your times with the Lord in His Word are more regular.
Your times with the Lord are deeper and longer.
You are holding fast to the Word of Life.
Illustration - I was talking with one of our widows recently. In the conversation I asked her. How are things going for your spiritually. She said, Well let me tell you. She began to share so much of how God had been encouraging her in her daily time in the scriptures.
While her body is getting old and is not working. Her soul is more alive than ever.
One of the things I love about spending time regularly in God’s Word is this.
-Every time I open God’s Word there is part of me that is confronted with the question. Will I listen and bow to Christs authority and Lordship?
-If you are not spending regular time in God’s Word it is most likely because you are resisting bowing to his Lordship over you life.
You are resisting the Bowing to Jesus Lordship by holding fast to the Word of Life.
Will you hold fast to the Word of Life?
Will you examine your grip on Christ?
If you already are, don’t give that up.
Closing -
Today we have looked at our response to the exultation to Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords by:
Examining our salvation
Examining our attitude
Examining our grip on Christ
For you as an individual, As Jesus is calling you to following Him deeper into Lordship, What would you say is the area that God is calling you to?
Is it examining your salvation, or your attitude, or how you are holding on to Christ?
Illustration -One of my regular prayers is this. Lord I don’t want to hang on to the hem of your garment, I want to grab you by the waste, wrap my arms around you and never let you go.
My challenge to a believer is this. Be active in following Jesus as Lord.
For some listening today, you need to grab ahold of Jesus for the first time.
-You need to trust in Him as your savior, Lord and king.
-You need to say Yes to Jesus is faith and have your sins forgiven.
-Will you trust Him right now?
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