Responding to the Manifesto & Presence of Your Resurrected King
Dear Congregation, image of church from the OT is that ark of salvation - see the earthly ministry climaxing n Cross and Resurrection -a s the material out of which ark of salvation is constructed, but now accomplished and built - ship has to sail into the ports of every nation and each individual - certainly the calling which Jesus gave to these 11, and indirectly to all of us on the ship. BUT I really want you to feel this these confused, doubting, yet worshipping, transformed, risen-with-Christ, disciples, both the 11 and the people in the gospel fellowship Matthew was writing too, they wouldn’t have received this as many today use it - Here is your duty - Jesus commands you to go - everyone sell house, get on a plane do missions, or even , do evangelism where ever you are and that is the only thing challenge people to make commitments to Jesus.
Listen carefully the two realities that would have riveted those 11 disciples attention and which should rivet our attention are the Captain’s Manifest and the Person & Presence of the Captain - the Resurrected King!
Helpful to think of this Manifest - like ships a document giving comprehensive details of a ship and its cargo and other contents, passengers, and crew for the use of customs officers.From word manifesto - when something becomes clear to your eye or mind! ie. The Crown, Prince David Marburg Papers - get whole picture of treason, damage, pictures of him with Hitler - complete aha -that is who He really is and what He is really about. Christian authors have done this with Satan, his plans and strategies… Screw Tape Letters, or Grave Digger files: Papers on th Subversion of the Church in the Modern World - that’s what the plan is I see it unveiled now! negative sense. But now at the end of the gospel - Manifest shows what Jesus really about, who he really is!
Key Truth: The Easter Reality is Joy & Purpose when You Receive Jesus’ Manifesto & Presence!
Jesus Part I is over, but Part II is just beginning and you need the manifesto if you are going to be a participant with Jesus in Part II Kingdom of God in this broken world, salvation to the nations, re-birth, and Part III Return in Glory. But even more it would be the person and Presence of who this Resurrected King is that would comfort, enlist, and empower each disciple to live with the Risen Christ in a new way ,for Part II of His mission!
A. Don’t Ignore God’s Sign from Heaven about Jesus in Your Life
Matthew teaches by contrast again. V.11 women have gone and proclaimed, go tell - disciples - Resurrection is the key to everything. - crucified one forever - accomplished something, but now Risen to give that salvation to individuals but whole people groups. Remember what they had to tell the disciples - 28:7 I will go before you to Galilee = Davdic King , shepherd of people, not from Jerusalem and the temple, will be destroyed, but from Galilee of the Gentiles, from a temple constructed out of people , people forgiven, purified made Holy empowered, not stones!…Yes the women were faithful in being harbingers of the GREAT REVERSAL/RESURRECTION that changes everything
But! Look at the guards. Where do they run? What do they proclaim? 11b Remember didn’t see resurrection, already happened, but they saw God from heaven - give the significance with powerful signs - Angel, earthquake , tomb stone rolled away, no body! Now remember who these Roman guards serving Jewish Supreme council, high priests , Caiaphas,and the Pharisee elders, - dispatched with Pilate’s blessing, why? Because the Jewish authorities, remember on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath - Jesus had spoken of rising again, they don’t want disciples to steal body - so go to Pilate even on Sabbath unheard of, unbelievable. But God’s sent them a sign from heaven, even as they asked, Jesus has given them the Sign of Jonah in coming back from death - after being in it F,S,S. But look what they do instead of marvelling and repenting, and changing their life to have a Resurrection and Miracle Working, Salvation Bringing, Truth Teaching Messiah fit into it!!
Almost as unbelievable as them going to Pilate on a Sabbath - they are going to tell the very lie and deception that they wanted to prevent. His disciples took body - even though bigger problems for them. And look what they do:
Matthew 28:12 And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers
And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers
Sound familiar at all? Same word for Judas being paid off to turn in Jesus. And that didn’t end well for Judas did it. And it comes with those same words of elders and priests taking counsel together. Just like Matthew records when they plotted to get rid of Jesus. Here is there next official act. Not just get rid of Jesus by crucifixion, but by deception get rid of the reality of His resurrection! DOn’t you think Satan would like to get you living without the Resurrected Jesus? Just like those words that introduce the Messiah in the Psalter -
Psalm 2:1-2 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed
Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
Think of the absurdity of it - those soldiers would be liable to death from their superior for sleeping on duty. Yet they get paid enough, and think of how illogical there plan is. Who is going to believe witness that are asleep? Disciples stole the body; Oh, how do you know? Oh yeah just half a sleep. But for money they do it. And the council seems to think manipulate weak-willed Pilate just as easily.
And this is the context in which Matthew is going to call for our response. Make sure you see what unbelief does - irrationally push out all the evidence of the supernatural, all the witness of God - no matter how absurd -in order to rule out God interfering in our neat tidy, yet broken lives - push Him out, and especially push His Son the Christ out.
And this kind of unbelief in God’s revelation, his most important miracle - they would cover it up in gold, and pedal the lie; while simple fact-check would reveal the folly - they didn’t steal Christ’s body - they would have the night before when as yet not sealed and a Roman guard under Jewish command not there. But where were they - scattered and scared. No, but they couldn’t steal the truth or the Risen Christ. They are scrambling and paying hush money and spinning unbelievable tales. As one early church father put it: “You purchased treachery, but you did not steal the truth. Christ rose from the dead. You lost your money.
Do you see what I was saying on Easter, its not just the bare event of the resurrection that Matthew wants you to believe in, he wants you to see its significance, its meaning and embrace and respond to it. To receive this Risen Christ as your a Saviour & King! And that takes us to how disciples respond to this Risen One, who appears to want to keep going on not as a ship builder, of the ark of salvation, now but as the Captain sailing it through this world!
Imagine you live in Shelton's England, out of work , read a classified add in the paper - wanted - now you are walking for the interview and you want to meet this extraordinary man - Well do you with captain of salvation, of this ark - stars from heaven, yet right here in your life and in our world today? Do you want to meet ht captain? That’s what Matthew describes as the climax of His gospel. In meeting him you will also get to read the manifesto. But Matthew embeds it in language developing the whole gospel.!
B. Worship the Risen One in order to truly Meet Your Captain
So we read that these disciples went where Jesus had instructed, directed like a general, -appointed rendezvous! them, not only by the women on Easter, but before the Cross, died and rise, and meet at this mountain, or hill country of Galilee. Matthew 28:16 Maybe Tabor …
Jesus had directed them, like in sending of 70, empowered and directed the, Now new stage, and he is directing as King - remember genealogy Matthew 1 Jesus the Christ the Son of David. He didn't just rise, and say Death is no longer victor, you can all get to heaven now through death. No , he conquers death, he rises, and he says - we’ve got work to do. In Part I of his ministry, started with going to lost sheep of Israel. But Mission began where?- Galilee of the Gentiles. And now it really begins in earnest but to the Peoples of the earth. Jerusalem rejected me, the temple will be torn down, and I have raised up the new temple, where God’s Word is mediated, where received bread of heaven and water of life -
And the Risen Lord says, This manifesto I am giving go the mountain - place of God revealing. But even more 1st mountain in the gospel of Matthew - is the one Satan took Jesus in his temptation. And do you remember what Satan promised Jesus there - kingdom and glory, the power of this world, without the Cross. But Jesus said : for the joy set before me, I’ll endure the Cross. And now with the Cross accomplished, guess what - Satan could only offer this world in a way that would enslave Jesus to it, but God now rewards His Son in his human nature and whole person - with all the power and glory - made king of heaven & earth. And just like the 2nd mountain in Matthew - Sermon on the Mount, now like the OT mediator, now the new covenant Mediator -is son the Mountain and going to give the marching order for the crew again. NOw like the mount of Transfiguration - Jesus is going to show Himself in glory and fill us with a vision of our Captain, - that will galvanize us.
What is the disciples response? What is yours? This is so critical in receiving the Risen Lord and His manifesto. There are some ways of receiving a gift that rob you of the gift. Imagine a wedding ring - snatched and then doesn’t even look up but immediately - bridezilla - kind of miss that I saved three months wages - went to get this symbol of how I will cherish, and give myself for you. May have the ring so to speak but not what it represents. So to with Jesus’ manifest here - if we just focus on what he tells us to do - go make disciples, missing out on who He is to us which has to be primary!
Do you see Jesus? in Word, in your heart by the Holy Spirit, do you see Him in glory by faith? Do you feel Him in effects, experience the love and work of His people on earth? How do you respond? It’s just like the first two that saw him, Mary and Mary - they went with fear rejoicing!
Matthew 28:17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.
And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.
Perhaps they didn’t seem well, perhaps wondering what he will say to me, of my failures, they probably don’t know how to approach someone risen from the dead, and now shown Himself to be very God from very God Himself - you can understand their confusion - you probably have some of that too. The word is probably more like hesitate. This isn’t unbelief but because of doubts hesitation, working through. None of us have a perfect faith, all of us have a faith need to mature. So what do all of them do, even those who doubted, which was probably all of them
Just like one receiving a an engagement ring, diamond, look into the lovers eyes. They and we have the word worship - literally they fall down in obeisance, they pay Him homage. When else has this happened in Matthew gospel? It is how the gospel begins: The magi come - prostrate themselves before the infant Christ - and they worship him. Even more interesting remember when Peter walked on the water out to the Lord. Peter takes his eyes off and what happens sinks. Then Jesus reach out and saves, Get int he boat altogether - Jesus say - you are doubting, oh you of little faith - do be doubting but believing. But guess what they did when they see His power power wind and waves - they bowed and worshiped, they gave King of Creation int he boat with them - honour, homage.
And now Christ comes to them, and us, from death - we don’t have to have it all figured out, ye o little faith. I don’t doubt that worship wells up into you towards the Creator, to holy God as Judge and source of Justice you call out to him in just word. Even mercy before Creator. This is all good. But it is not worship of God comes as Mediator - this Easter have you fallen at his feet, do you grasp by faith the Person of the one who has defeated death - and standing awe in his presence?
it says in v18a he comes to us and this is the high point on which the gospel ends and disciples like you and me are to be launched from Easter to the End of our lives, to the end of the age - its the moment we meet our captain and receive His manifesto.
C. Receive the Treasures of Jesus’ Manifesto & Spiritual Presence
So come with me now to meet with him. The other resurrection appearances, seem brief and preparatory always on Lord’s days. but now this is the predicted and planned out one. And after being worshiped as the Risen One who is God Himself, Jesus clears his voice and speaks to them prophetic words. First for the basis of manifesto he says:
i. Authority Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
fulflled in thieir midst - Words from
Daniel 7:14 And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.
And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.
Of course as the early church taught, in His divine nature, Son of God enjoyed all authority with F and Spirit fro all eternity. But now in his human nature, now as the God-man, now as the Son of David, a human Messiah sent not only to save you and me, but to reign by His grace in and through you and me, - Christ receives this power personally now from the Heavenly Father, and guess what.
It’s kind of like the question: What would you do if you won the lottery? Dream of all these great things you could now do. Or if I ruled the world and was king of the throne - II’d stop all this and start all this. But listen to how our Mediator uses His new power and authority after earthly life of service, how -
Ephesians 1:22 NIV And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,
And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,
Do you believe this about Jesus right now? He does not bring His consummation of His kingdom with this authority at the end of the world, but he has taken up his power now, and what is life about, what is the church in the world - where Jesus arranges all things in history and in this broken word - that this reign of grace grow and be established in our lives!That’s what Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 11:27 already, but now in fuller way:
All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
Are you standing before Jesus now as Your King, and end-times King what does He want us to do. What will he do as He captains this ship His church?
ii. Strategy: Here are our marching orders that come the lips of not only the King of the Universe, but from the King of this Church that you are a member of: Matthew 28:19-20a With the declaration of his basis - 40 words that sums up his gospel!
Matthew 28:19-20a Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Some have put an emphasis on the first word - Go and while its the helping verb and not the main verb Make Disciples, it would be wrong to down play it all together. These disciples where not to stay in Galilee - but go to all peoples - nation Gentiles, but Jew & Gentile - one God One kingdom - and in the same way we are called to be outgoing disciples who mix with unbelievers in our live, go from walls of churches and homes; , and we are to support those who are going out and doing that specific work of evangelism and of church planting among unreached peoples. But we do this as part of an even broader thrust of what Christ’s church in the world is all about: making disciples. Merely getting people to make a profession of faith, to join the church is not the goal. Calling unbelievers to make a commitment to Christ isn’t the goal.
The goal is this word of Matthew's gospel - discipling. This is an evangelism - whether with unchurched person or with a covenant child growing up i the church - that doesn’t stop with a decision for Jesus and joining the church. This main task , while including preaching and worship is more broadly about you and me in community of faith - in an ongoing, life-task kind of way living our lives in every aspect as Christ’s apprentices,
How do we go about it? Our King says to tools, to means gong to have to use well: baptism is how all are to have entrance into the church community - its a declaration of allegiance, or in the case of beliver’s household - becoming associated with the power and authority of Jesus. And take note how that’s done - there is only one Name, like the high priest in Numbers - proclaim the Name of the Lord in threefold blessing - we are baptized into the One Name - symbolic no longer of John the Baptist baptism of repentance which was about the person’s repentance and faith in God. No, John said that he would come baptizing with water, but after Him would come one who baptized in the Spirit and fire. Understand Jesus didn’t baptize at all in his earthly ministry, but when He was crufted and died risen, now as Royal King, and - says not circumcise like the OT, - But Now Jesus has become the Baptizer - water baptism as symbol of His saving grace, of the Romans 4 sign and seal of righteousness that is by faith - righteousness not of me - but of Christ’s righteousness taken hold of by faith alone. Initiate them with this sign, of the inner cleansing they must live in Christ. Neighbour asked an interesting question this Easter - does your church renew your baptism vows - yes we do - membership vows New Years Day and every baptism, remember you r baptism travels with you
Water baptism is no sign for adult or covenant child of their salvation, Simon Magnus . But what it represents is the Triune God, F,So, HS, in all divine might offering themselves, giving themselves to us.
But not only is Jesus the Baptizer, the 2nd tool is sharing in Jesus second great work from now until Kingdom Come.
Matthew 28:20b teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
This was Matthew’s whole point of the contrast with the guards. They go out teaching a lie. That at the end of the day is what all teaching without the reality of Christ, is lie in the sense incomplete the things that ties it all together, gives everything purpose is Redeeming, Risen Christ.
But Christ is Manifest, Risen, not just baptizing now, but a the Teacher of all those who are awaking to new life. I love the way Thessalonians puts it - but you are God-taught. The Messiah was prophesied to come in Isaiah as the one who is instructed every morning, and has a word for the weary. Christ is the light of mean, enlighten logos. On this mountain, coming and says - all I’ve commanded you - yes fulfilled the oT and won’t abolish an iota of moral, ethical teaching. But clarified, intensified, showed how love is fulling - And our King says , just like the OT covenant of grace - response to grace is that you offer yourself to observe - to keep - the word is to guard - And Jesus says, these words of mine - all sufficient for life and faith - the rest of the NT epistles - fulfillment of the cannon - Jesus spoke the explanation of the gospel grace - of how his covenant-community embody the gospel message and do church and faith and grace-filled living. That is pretty amazing isn’t it - this divine, Risen One, God , also a teacher - master apprenticing through his Word and Spirit . Not just signed up for church, but expect Jesus through our fellowship here, -teach his whole counsel for life!
Why even though our corporate worship so important to our task here - though it is paused in so many ways, yet we continue with Christ as our teacher, the One in whom being baptized living in union with - we still keep on learning and growing and serving as disciples, even in time of a pandemic. Ask who is discipling me? Whom am I discipling? Easy read word together, share what God teaching, pray together. Serve together!
But while this is emphasized as the work of the Holy Spirit in the other gospels. Matthew emphasizing Jesus role as the King of Kings for all time who ever goes before His people, concludes his gospel, by ending the story and having Jesus Himself speak the last word. A promise spoken directly to you this morning:
iii. Presence Proimsed
Matthew 28:20c And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
And there is that little word, that means - guess what. The story is told the manifesto of Christ is given to us, the identity of glorious person as Living and Present King of Kings is given. But now the story stops and the main character, not telling the story, comes as it were from behind the curtains to personally address the audience. Hey guess what? Behold I am with you always, to the end of the age! Isn’t a glorious ending? We’d just be sitting back -confused “um-ing & ah-ing”, bored - like waiting for GADOT at a bus stop,. But Jesus has gone ahead to meet us, and He comes to us… and chooses us irrespective of our failings or success - I will be with you! Isn’t that what this gospel has been about, the Son of David, is the Great I am, but I am WITH YOU. Matthew 1:23
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
And now Risen, forever with you and me by His Spirit and Words. In Jesus, God remains with us for now and eternity! What more do we need to persevere in Christian living? And this is his desire not only spiritually until he comes again, and at His table mysteriously strengthened in that union. But listen the end of the age - that is his physical desire too - that where I am there you may also be! And what an ending and really a new beginning that will be:
What does his promises mean? Means pandemic isn’t going to last but you’ll find Christ in it. It means the routines of your life in this world wont last, the riches, the best laid plans of mice and men, all will fade away, even our lives - place will remember us no more. It means this age is the broken age from Gen 3 until Christ’s second return. It means as Jesus said this wicked evil generation. Or as Paul says AGE. But here the good news there is an Age to Come and our lives are to be orientated, to be notched in bow and launched towards that age, and until we hit it - guess what says Jesus - not going to phase the trial temptation, persecution, confusion and doubt, alone. Like he said to the thief of the Cross - Paradise is WITH ME FOREVER - his was only a short time on earth, ours longer - with you in this church in this world.
Always touched when old practice of sending post cards - this is what I’m enjoying - wish you were here - not jealousy but touched that you want me to have and enjoy what you are - Well Christ makes that happen by Spirit and Word already. He is saying, yes follow me trouble in this world this life, but don’t worry - farther along you’ll understand, let me draw you farther along and not only looking at the present dangers and tribulations, but look at he good things that are coming and will last forever! Go out living and working, and longing for that Age to Come! Oh listen to how the story ends when this age is done with:
Embrace this King who died and rose for you. Write each day of your life truly WITH HIM, and it will be that your life with on earth, will be transposed to the glory of the Great Story here to come!