The Thriving Scattered Church

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The church was scattered

Saul had so persecuted the church that people had to leave the church at Jerusalem.
On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison. Acts 8:1-3
The people of the church could no longer meet at the church for fear of their lives. This did not stop the church, but instead expanded the church. They left Jerusalem with the gospel. They took it to where they traveled. The Word of God says they took it to Phonecia, Cyprus, and Antioch. Antioch was 300 miles north of Jerusalem. The Bible says they were speaking the word to Jews and Gentiles.
Just because the church was under persecution didn’t mean the mission of the church ended. The mission of the church was enhanced. The people of the church took the gospel to people that may have not heard it otherwise. Especially in Antioch.
Antioch was the 3rd largest city in the Roman empire. It was notes for its wealth and licentiousness. This is the place where wealthy roman officials would retire and reside. It was a city full of idols. The main goddess was Dana. The temple of Dana was nothing more than a brothel. Immorality and wealth was rampant in Antioch. There was no presence of the gospel there.
God used the scattered church to reach a city that needed salvation. The lostness of this city was excessive. The people of Antioch needed to know Jesus. The only way that could happen would be for people to share the gospel.
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15
It is interesting that God used persecution by a guy that He would transform and begin the first century church.

God is using COVID-19 to strengthen His church

I see the frustration of being scattered and the desire for the church to get back together. We will come back together in God’s time! Could it be that God is using this time of quarantine to rekindle the passion for our relationship with Him. I am afraid the there have been many idols that have creep-ed into many Christian homes. They have robbed us of the vitality and satisfaction of being in relationship with the sovereign God. We have pushed our relationship with Christ to the point that it is not primary in our lives. God has removed many of the idols and left us with a choice. The choice is to return to Him and be satisfied with our relationship with Him or remain frustrated that we don’t have the idols in our lives to satisfy us.
I believe that God’s people are returning to a point of new found excitement in their relationship with Christ. I believe people are spending more time in their Word and rediscovering the living God in a way that is satisfying to our soul. John Piper says, “God is most pleased with us when we are most satisfied in Him!”
My prayer has been that God’s people will return Christ to His rightful place in their lives. My prayer has also been that we would re prioritize what are most important in our lives. I have found this to be true in my own life. I have discovered that the activity of ministry has deterred me from my time with the Lord and my family. I have made some significant changes in my life as a result of this quarantine. I pray that you to see area’s of change in your life that you can make to honor Jesus!

The Hand of the Lord Was With Them

We must never lose site that it is God who brings the increase not us. We have a responsibility to share the gospel and make disciples. It is God’s Job to shape the hearts of the people.
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Cor. 3:6-9
As a result of God being with the scattered church, verse 21 says that “a large number who believed turned to the Lord”
The church took what they knew to be true in Christ and shared it with others that didn’t know Christ. God blessed their obedience and added to their numbers.

The hand of the Lord is with us!

God has provided a unique opportunity for us to thrive and share the gospel. For example, I have had to learn how to preach and teach differently. The first sermon I preached to a camera was very difficult. I was uncomfortable doing it. However, on thing that I found was that people that do not go to our church or even live in our state viewed and heard the gospel. God used a quarantine to reach people I do not know with a message that I could never have conveyed without the technology we have.
How is God with you during this time? Do you feel a closeness with Him that you did not feel before? Are you discovering things about the Lord that you have not seen before? Do you recognize the goodness of the Lord in your life more and have a deeper sense of gratefulness? Are you being still and knowing that He is God? God is with you! I encourage you to pay attention to the closeness of the Lord and His desire to have relationship with you!

The Revival Was So Great That Jerusalem Sent Support!

What was happening in Antioch was so great that it got the attention of the church at Jerusalem. Keep in mind this is 300 miles away and they didn’t have cars. The Apsotles sent Barnabas to check out what was going on. When he got there He was blown away
Look at what the Bible says he did in verse 23, “he rejoiced and encouraged them with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord;” Barnabas saw the tangible hand of the Lord do a miracle in Antioch. This was a city that was known as a “sin city”. It was experiencing revival. This is something only God could do. This caused great rejoicing for Barnabas.
He knew this was bigger than his ability to foster, so he went to Tarsus to get Paul to help him. This is the man that caused the persecution that led to the gospel arriving to Antioch! Isn’t God good!

I believe God is going to use COVID-19 to bring revival!

I am seeing families have family dinners that they used to not have. I truly believe God is restoring the very institution that Satan has been attacking. That is the family unit. Families are getting stronger. They are spending QUALITY time together and growing in love for one another. When the family is strong, the church is strong!
My prayer has been that when we get back together that we will be stronger and more focused as a church. I believe we will have a new found passion for the lost and hurting in our community and spheres of influence. I believe that the lost will be saved and the hurting will be comforted. God is going to use us in miraculous ways. I rejoice in anticipation of what God is doing!

They Were First Called Christians At Antioch.

This is so very important for two reasons. The first is the meaning of the word. ians in the Greek means to be a belong to. So the term christian literally means to belong to Christ. In Antioch this was a derogatory name, but the church embraced it.
The second reason this is important is it removed division. You were no longer a “Jew” or a “Gentile” you were a christian. This brought unity to the church in Antioch that they found their identity, not in their culture or lineage, but in Christ.
Church family we are Christians! Let’s find our identity in that and carry out His mission as a church! We have bright days ahead! What will be your part?
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