Unafraid: Motivated by love
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So I grew up in the 1990’s when there was a popular line of clothing called No Fear
How they came up with the name I have no idea
But this would be a great tag line to the Christian life
Or to not be cheesy we could also sum it up in one word
As we progress through life and grow in our faith this is a word that should start to become a prominent descriptor of us.
All through the bible we read the words “fear not”
We often use the analogy of our emotions being like the warning lights on the dash of our car
If a light comes on there is a potential problem
With fear I believe it boils down to this
Either there is a very real threat we need to respond to (like stumbling upon a bear during a hike) and fears that are based on a lack of understanding (the fear of spiders) and those fears that are a lack of faith (not responding to God due to fear)
Sometimes it could be a combination of two or all three
I believe that more often than not it is a combanation of the last two.
How often are we really facing life-threatening fears
COVID-19 can be life threatening but there are wise responses to make and a level of faith in God that can allow us to respond to even a dangerous pandemic unafraid.
I think back to the days in the 90’s when life seemed slower
Life seemed simpler
Quite honestly life seemed a lot less scary
We are living thorough a cycle of history where there is much fear
We live in a time where news perpetuates those fears
A time where social media amplifies the issues and gives us multiple opinions to the point I think we are at time afraid that we are afraid of the wrong thing.
Will the pandemic end by social distancing or by coming into contact with it and building up an immunity
Is it better to stay isolated and let the economy suffer or open things up for the good of the economy
And this is just a couple of the bigger issues
The list goes on and on
But at its most basic we are facing nothing new.
THe Bible gives us answers for fear because the writers of the Bible lived through fearful times
I want to walk us through several passages on fear over the next few weeks to help us face our lives and our circumstance and be unafraid.
God is the God of peace and can empower us to live life unafraid.
This week we will look at what was written by the Apostle John.
John is writing to the church in Ephesus
The church started by the apostle Paul.
The church beloved by Paul for their maturity and unity
John pastored this church for a time
To have had the apostle Paul and apostle John as pastors one would think that the church would be problem free..or at least be mature and unified for a generation or two.
This is not the case.
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
John could be referring to the end times as we understand it but I think he is referring to it being the end of this local body of believers
There arose severe social conflict. 1 John 2:19-26
There were deceivers and liars who twisted the person and work of Jesus Christ
The emphasis on love, in my opinion tells us how severe the division was.
There seems to be some hinting by the need to instruct them on the incarnation that this truth was being twisted.
They would deny that Jesus is the son of God
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
They would deny that Jesus came in the flesh 1 John 4:2
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
THey would have denied that Jesus is the Christ or the Messiah 1 John 2:22
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
John counters these false beliefs and makes the essential message of the letter about love.
I have seen some individuals in our Christian culture that could do well to read this letter from the perspective of love.
It is one thing to correct false teaching but it ought not to be done in an unloving way
So this is John’s context as far as the church goes.
Culturally the church in the broader sense is still growing and facing persecution.
It is still in the process of merging together into one body the Jews and Gentiles
I look at John’s circumstances and thank the Lord I am not pastoring in that context.
But then I look around at our nation and our world and I may not be dealing with these exact issues I am still pastoring in that broader context.
What is that broader context that I am pastoring in and that our churches are striving to exist in?
-Theological error was prevalent within the church and outside the church
We as believers are facing the same context. Even some of the exact same theological errors
-Relational issues within the church
-Let’s be honest…if the human beings within your local church are breathing there is the possibility and often the reality of relational issues
-External pressures from the culture around it
Do we face external pressures?
So as we look at what John is writing and the context that he is writing we honestly have a very strong connection to what he is dealing with and therefore ought to pay attention to the solution he offers.
In light of the current situation I have come across quite a few resources that offer peace as a replacement for fear.
I believe that in this passage John is getting at an even more foundational aspect of our response to fear
What does John propose as the answer for what the church faces?
Love is what compelled the apostle as he wrote to instruct, encourage, and correct these believers.
The love of God towords us is the supreme example for how we are to treta others.
Like them or not we are to be earthly manifestations of God’s grace, love, and mercy.
John doesn’t judge them, he loves them
He share God’s truth with them but does so in love.
Chapter 4:7…Because God is the origin of Christian love
Verses 11-16…God and His working in His creation is the inspiration of Christian love
And here in 17-19 we see the results of Christian love
Love when it is understood, accepted, and manifested in our live brings about what fruit in our lives?
John, by way of the Holy Spirit has the insight that what the people are responding to at some level is fear.
We won’t get into all of the facets of how the theological error arises out of fear but I believe that it should be easy for us if we are honest to see how their behaviour is driven by fear.
I think these days in our country are driven by fear more than anything else.
Fear manifests itself in so many ways
Fear tend to self preservation whereas Christian love looks to others
This response is a cancer to relationships.
Fear tends toward isolation instead of reaching out to the Christian community
Fear responds in immaturity not in wisdom
Take a look around and understand that we are in this position because of a virus that caused fear and people are giving into their fears
Should we be cautious about our health…ABSOLUTELY
Should we practice social distancing and wash our hands…WITHOUT QUESTION
But should we fear?
I believe that in these verses that John is sharing some encouraging words...”perfect love casts out fear”
Are you afraid? Do you want to free yourself from the fear and anxiety?
John has a solution.
His name is Jesus
Now, before we dig in, I do understand that John is referencing the fear of the final judgment…I do however think that when he says ALL fear that tends towards this being a general principal that he is sharing by way of specific example.
What the does John tell us about our response to fear.
verse 1...
the word he uses for fear is where we get the word phobia
In the NT the word is used one of two ways...
-Fear as in scared, in terror…with the idea of being at the point of fight or flight
-Fear as awe, reverence, and honor
Here we have the first usage.
John is referring to circumstances that cause us to be scared and either want to run or fight.
John goes on to say that in love…agape…this response is not there.
There is nor fight or flight response to our circumstances if our life is regulated by agape love.
If you are not familiar with agape love it is a love that places others before yourself.
This kind of love is pictured on the cross of Calvary…a love that sacrifices itself for the good of others.
The only way to describe the relationship between fear and love is incongruity.
They are incompatible with one another.
Fear is frivolous and reactive whereas agape love is thoughtful and purposeful.
As we look further…what is the nature of this agape love…it is “perfect”
We understand this to not mean without error but that it is a mature love.
A love that is growing and being refined.
Mature, or responsible and reliable love that is focused on others casts out fear.
My opinion that fear and anger are the two most intense emotions.
Love is a strong emotion but under certain circumstances fear or anger rival the power of love.
Before studying this verse I would have said that fear may have been stronger than love.
That can only happen if we allow it...
John tells us here in this verse that if we purposefully work towards maturing our love for others with no expectations in return we have a weapon that will defeat fear every time.
Because fear keeps us in the moment...
The word torment actually could be translated judgment but literally means to strike with the fist or to beat
When you are facing a beating what is in the forefront of your mind?
When tornados come through your mind is not wandering off to how to improve your golf game or what pattern to use for your next sewing project.
You mind goes to fight or flight mode
It compulsively looks for ways to strike out at what you fear
Thats why elementary aged boys strike out or talking about hitting the things they fear.
Thats our human impulse
It is actually the same idea used of the beating of Jesus as he face the cross
As we look back on the passion week of Jesus we see this concept played out
What was Jesus motivated by?
Love and obedience to the Father and love and mercy for the creation
Jesus was motivated by love but what did he face?
Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemany is a picture of love casting out fear
Jesus hanging on the cross knowing He could come down at any moment is love casting out fear
Jesus is the perfect picture of love casting out fear.
John concludes the verse with the challenge that if you do fear what should you do?
You should purposefully work on maturing your love for others
You watch first responders and police officers and wonder how they can go into the situations they do?
Part of it is their training
But I would suggest a stronger reason
Their desire to protect others is so strong that for that moment of danger when fear starts to creep in their desire to protect and save leaves no room for fear
I have heard that the opposite of fear is peace…that may be true but I believe that the antidote to fear is love.
How do we take what John has written here and translate it to our current day?
How do we take what John has written here and translate it to our current day?
Before we get to that we need to understand these basic principles that come from this text
*Fear and love are mutually exclusive
They cannot exist together
*Love is the one emotion that can overcome the powerful emotions like fear and anger.
*Fear is tempting because it lives in the fleeting moments of the now
*Love is powerful because it true love comes from God
God is love 1 john 4:7
*If we are overcome by fear we can shift our focus from the now to the Lord and live in love.
So what steps then can we take to mature our love?
-I think first we need to in times of fear realize that those emotions could be coming from a very dangerous threat but at the same time may not be as honest as one first thinks.
Take the COVID situation today or any other cataclysmic event in history
How could one survive with little to no fear?
Be wise about you own health and safety and then absorb yourself with the needs and welfare of others.
This is the example we get from Jesus
He, in his humanity, could have focused on the fears of the cross but chose to think of others and allow that love to cast out the fears.
If you are alive today you are better off than the thousands that have died
So think about your family and friends
Your neighbors and coworkers
You fellow church members and the missionaries we support
How can you demonstrate your love to them
-Reach out to them by the safest means possible and give them the gospel if they need it
-Reach out and ask if others need help
-Ask how you can pray
-Just talk to them and spend more time listening…listen with a desire to manifest the love of God in their lives by way of your speech and actions.
This all feels so simple
Yet as we read through Scripture…as we read through history…as we read reports of the heroics in our culture
They are often heroic acts because someone was able to allow the benefit of another drive out the fear they were feeling and respond in love.
This could manifest itself in countless ways in our lives because there are countless needs and countless ways that we can meet the needs of others.
But it starts first of all with a mind trained to focus on others
It continues with an ear ready to hear how we can be the love of God in the lives of others.
And it culminates when we do respond in love
Who are you focusing on during this time in your life?
Are you consumed with thoughts of your safety
Or how the loss of another might effect you
Ask the Lord to help you to move your thought to others.
What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, body, and mind....and love your neighbor
Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church
Wives love your husbands
Do not provoke you children to wrath
And there is verse after verse after verse about how to love one another and put others first
Read you Bible with an eye for love and service to others
How you can meet their physical needs
How you can meet their spiritual needs
How you can pray for them
Right now the world has enough fear...
as ambassadors of Jesus Christ lets face our days and our circumstances with love.